View Source API Reference geocoder v2.0.1


Geocoder is a simple, efficient geocoder/reverse geocoder with a built-in cache support

Centralization of configurations and defaults values.

Specifies expected behaviour of an HTTP client.

Hackney client. See Hackney for documentation for options that can be passed in the http_client_opts

HTTPoison client. See HTTPoison for documentation for options that can be passed in the http_client_opts

Defines the specification for a JSON codec.

Implementation of the codec for the JSX library

Specifies expected behaviour for a provider

A fake provider mostly use for testing purpose

Google Map provider logic. Google requires a key

Open Cage Data provider logic. Open Cage Data requires a key

OpenStreetMaps provider logic. Does not requires a key

This is the actual request logic to abstract a client implementation and use supported clients specified for all providers in a uniform way.

Store is used as caching mechanism and is currently implemented as an in memory storage so within an Elixir process basically

Supervisor for the Geocoder Worker pool and Geocoder Store. See Geocoder.Config for details on the configurations and the possible values

Worker the actual process performing the geocoding request to a provider. They are use within a pool (using Poolboy. See Supervisor for details)