Geolix.Adapter.Fake (Geolix v2.0.0) View Source

Fake adapter for testing environments.


This adapter is intended to be used only with static data you can provide when the adapter is started, i.e. when performing unit tests.

iex> Geolix.load_database(%{
...>   id: :fake_sample,
...>   adapter: Geolix.Adapter.Fake,
...>   data: %{
...>     {127, 0, 0, 1} => %{"type" => "IPv4"},
...>     {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1} => %{"type" => "IPv6"}
...>   }
...> })
iex> Geolix.lookup("", where: :fake_sample)
%{"type" => "IPv4"}
iex> Geolix.lookup("::1", where: :fake_sample)
%{"type" => "IPv6"}
iex> Geolix.lookup("", where: :fake_sample)

The lookup is done by exactly matching the IP address tuple received and will return the predefined result as is.


The adapter provides access to the time the database was loaded:

metadata = %{load_epoch: System.os_time(:second)}


To facility testing every callback has a hook available called before the callback itself is executed. Every hook can be configured as either {mod, fun} or {mod, fun, extra_args} with the database configuration always being passed as the first argument.

The callback for lookup/3 (:mfargs_lookup) receives the requested ip as the second parameter before the extra_args (if any).

Available Hooks:

  • :mfargs_database_workers
  • :mfargs_load_database
  • :mfargs_lookup
  • :mfargs_metadata
  • :mfargs_unload_database