get_conf v0.2.0 GetConf

A simple configuration manager for namespaced modules.


Define your configuration in your config/{env}.exs:

use Mix.Config

config :app_name, AppName, key: "value"

And access it in your modules. It will go further up the namespace, to find a matching key in the configuration of each module.

GetConf.get_conf(:app_name, AppName, :key)
# => "value"

GetConf.get_conf(:app_name, AppName.Module, :key)
# => "value"


You can also use the GetConf module inside your module, to implement get_conf/1 and set_conf/2.

defmodule TestModule
  use GetConf, otp_app: :app_name

"bar" = TestModule.get_conf(:foo)

Link to this section Summary


Get a value out of a configured keyword list from the given application/module.

Set a value on the keyword list of the given application/module.

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function

get_conf(otp_app, module, key, default \\ nil)

Get a value out of a configured keyword list from the given application/module.

  • otp_app: The name of the otp application
  • module: The module
  • key: The key from the Keyword list ot fetch

Returns nil or the value from the configuration.


iex> Application.put_env(:get_conf, TestModule, [foo: "bar"])
iex> GetConf.get_conf(:get_conf, TestModule, :foo)
Link to this function

set_conf(otp_app, module, key, value)

Set a value on the keyword list of the given application/module.

  • otp_app: The name of the otp application
  • module: The module
  • key: The key from the Keyword list ot fetch
  • value: The value to set

Raises a RuntimeError if the configuration is not a keyword list.


iex> GetConf.set_conf(:get_conf, TestModule, :foo, "value")
iex> Application.get_env(:get_conf, TestModule)
[foo: "value"]