View Source Gettext.Backend behaviour (gettext v0.25.0)

Behaviour that defines the macros that a Gettext backend has to implement.



Same as dgettext(domain, msgid, %{}).

Translates the given msgid in the given domain.

Marks the given message for extraction and returns it unchanged.

Same as dngettext(domain, msgid, msgid_plural, n, %{}).

Translates the given plural message (msgid + msgid_plural) in the given domain.

Marks the given message for extraction and returns {msgid, msgid_plural}.

Same as dpgettext(domain, msgctxt, msgid, %{}).

Translates the given msgid with a given context (msgctxt) in the given domain.

Same as dpngettext(domain, msgctxt, msgid, msgid_plural, n, %{}).

Translates the given plural message (msgid + msgid_plural) with the given context (msgctxt) in the given domain.

Same as gettext(msgid, %{}).

Same as dgettext("default", msgid, %{}), but will use a per-backend configured default domain if provided.

Stores an "extracted comment" for the next message.

Same as dgettext_noop("default", msgid).

Default handling for missing bindings.

Default handling for plural messages with a missing message.

Default handling for messages with a missing message.

Same as ngettext(msgid, msgid_plural, n, %{}).

Same as dngettext("default", msgid, msgid_plural, n, bindings), but will use a per-backend configured default domain if provided.

Same as dngettext_noop("default", msgid, mgsid_plural), but will use a per-backend configured default domain if provided.

Same as pgettext(msgctxt, msgid, %{}).

Translates the given msgid with the given context (msgctxt).

Same as pngettext(msgctxt, msgid, msgid_plural, n, %{}).

Translates the given plural message (msgid + msgid_plural) with the given context (msgctxt).


@macrocallback dgettext(domain :: Macro.t(), msgid :: String.t()) :: Macro.t()

Same as dgettext(domain, msgid, %{}).

See also Gettext.dgettext/4.

Link to this macrocallback

dgettext(domain, msgid, bindings)

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@macrocallback dgettext(domain :: Macro.t(), msgid :: String.t(), bindings :: Macro.t()) ::

Translates the given msgid in the given domain.

bindings is a map of bindings to support interpolation.

See also Gettext.dgettext/4.

Link to this macrocallback

dgettext_noop(domain, msgid)

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@macrocallback dgettext_noop(domain :: String.t(), msgid :: String.t()) :: Macro.t()

Marks the given message for extraction and returns it unchanged.

This macro can be used to mark a message for extraction when mix gettext.extract is run. The return value is the given string, so that this macro can be used seamlessly in place of the string to extract.


MyApp.Gettext.dgettext_noop("errors", "Error found!")
#=> "Error found!"
Link to this macrocallback

dngettext(domain, msgid, msgid_plural, n)

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@macrocallback dngettext(
  domain :: Macro.t(),
  msgid :: String.t(),
  msgid_plural :: String.t(),
  n :: Macro.t()
) :: Macro.t()

Same as dngettext(domain, msgid, msgid_plural, n, %{}).

See also Gettext.dngettext/6.

Link to this macrocallback

dngettext(domain, msgid, msgid_plural, n, bindings)

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@macrocallback dngettext(
  domain :: Macro.t(),
  msgid :: String.t(),
  msgid_plural :: String.t(),
  n :: Macro.t(),
  bindings :: Macro.t()
) :: Macro.t()

Translates the given plural message (msgid + msgid_plural) in the given domain.

n is an integer used to determine how to pluralize the message. bindings is a map of bindings to support interpolation.

See also Gettext.dngettext/6.

Link to this macrocallback

dngettext_noop(domain, msgid, msgid_plural)

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@macrocallback dngettext_noop(
  domain :: Macro.t(),
  msgid :: String.t(),
  msgid_plural :: String.t()
) :: Macro.t()

Marks the given message for extraction and returns {msgid, msgid_plural}.

This macro can be used to mark a message for extraction when mix gettext.extract is run. The return value of this macro is {msgid, msgid_plural}.


my_fun = fn {msgid, msgid_plural} ->
  # do something with msgid and msgid_plural

my_fun.(MyApp.Gettext.dngettext_noop("errors", "One error", "%{count} errors"))
Link to this macrocallback

dpgettext(domain, msgctxt, msgid)

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@macrocallback dpgettext(domain :: Macro.t(), msgctxt :: String.t(), msgid :: String.t()) ::

Same as dpgettext(domain, msgctxt, msgid, %{}).

See also Gettext.dpgettext/5.

Link to this macrocallback

dpgettext(domain, msgctxt, msgid, bindings)

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@macrocallback dpgettext(
  domain :: Macro.t(),
  msgctxt :: String.t(),
  msgid :: String.t(),
  bindings :: Macro.t()
) :: Macro.t()

Translates the given msgid with a given context (msgctxt) in the given domain.

bindings is a map of bindings to support interpolation.

See also Gettext.dpgettext/5.

Link to this macrocallback

dpngettext(domain, msgctxt, msgid, msgid_plural, n)

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@macrocallback dpngettext(
  domain :: Macro.t(),
  msgctxt :: String.t(),
  msgid :: String.t(),
  msgid_plural :: String.t(),
  n :: Macro.t()
) :: Macro.t()

Same as dpngettext(domain, msgctxt, msgid, msgid_plural, n, %{}).

See also Gettext.dpngettext/7.

Link to this macrocallback

dpngettext(domain, msgctxt, msgid, msgid_plural, n, bindings)

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@macrocallback dpngettext(
  domain :: Macro.t(),
  msgctxt :: String.t(),
  msgid :: String.t(),
  msgid_plural :: String.t(),
  n :: Macro.t(),
  bindings :: Macro.t()
) :: Macro.t()

Translates the given plural message (msgid + msgid_plural) with the given context (msgctxt) in the given domain.

n is an integer used to determine how to pluralize the message. bindings is a map of bindings to support interpolation.

See also Gettext.dpngettext/7.

@macrocallback gettext(msgid :: String.t()) :: Macro.t()

Same as gettext(msgid, %{}).

See also Gettext.gettext/3.

@macrocallback gettext(msgid :: String.t(), bindings :: Macro.t()) :: Macro.t()

Same as dgettext("default", msgid, %{}), but will use a per-backend configured default domain if provided.

See also Gettext.gettext/3.

@macrocallback gettext_comment(comment :: String.t()) :: :ok

Stores an "extracted comment" for the next message.

This macro can be used to add comments (Gettext refers to such comments as extracted comments) to the next message that will be extracted. Extracted comments will be prefixed with #. in POT files.

Calling this function multiple times will accumulate the comments; when another Gettext macro (such as gettext/2) is called, the comments will be extracted and attached to that message, and they will be flushed so as to start again.

This macro always returns :ok.


MyApp.Gettext.gettext_comment("The next message is awesome")
MyApp.Gettext.gettext_comment("Another comment for the next message")
MyApp.Gettext.gettext("The awesome message")
@macrocallback gettext_noop(msgid :: String.t()) :: Macro.t()

Same as dgettext_noop("default", msgid).

Link to this callback

handle_missing_bindings(t, binary)

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@callback handle_missing_bindings(Gettext.MissingBindingsError.t(), binary()) ::
  binary() | no_return()

Default handling for missing bindings.

This function is called when there are missing bindings in a message. It takes a Gettext.MissingBindingsError struct and the message with the wrong bindings left as is with the %{} syntax.

For example, if something like this is called:

MyApp.Gettext.gettext("Hello %{name}, your favorite color is %{color}", name: "Jane", color: "blue")

and our it/LC_MESSAGES/default.po looks like this:

msgid "Hello %{name}, your favorite color is %{color}"
msgstr "Ciao %{name}, il tuo colore preferito è %{colour}" # (typo)

then Gettext will call:

MyApp.Gettext.handle_missing_bindings(exception, "Ciao Jane, il tuo colore preferito è %{colour}")

where exception is a struct that looks like this:

  backend: MyApp.Gettext,
  domain: "default",
  locale: "it",
  msgid: "Ciao %{name}, il tuo colore preferito è %{colour}",
  bindings: [:colour],

The return value of the handle_missing_bindings/2 callback is used as the translated string that the message macros and functions return.

The default implementation for this function uses Logger.error/1 to warn about the missing binding and returns the translated message with the incomplete bindings.

This function can be overridden. For example, to raise when there are missing bindings:

def handle_missing_bindings(exception, _incomplete) do
  raise exception
Link to this callback

handle_missing_plural_translation(locale, domain, msgctxt, msgid, msgid_plural, n, bindings)

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@callback handle_missing_plural_translation(
  domain :: String.t(),
  msgctxt :: String.t(),
  msgid :: String.t(),
  msgid_plural :: String.t(),
  n :: non_neg_integer(),
  bindings :: map()
) ::
  {:ok, String.t()}
  | {:default, String.t()}
  | {:missing_bindings, String.t(), [atom()]}

Default handling for plural messages with a missing message.

Same as handle_missing_translation/5, but for plural messages. In this case, n is the number used for pluralizing the translated string.

Earlier versions of this library provided a callback without msgctxt. Users implementing that callback will still get the same results, but they are encouraged to switch to the new 7-argument version.

Link to this callback

handle_missing_translation(locale, domain, msgctxt, msgid, bindings)

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@callback handle_missing_translation(
  domain :: String.t(),
  msgctxt :: String.t(),
  msgid :: String.t(),
  bindings :: map()
) ::
  {:ok, String.t()}
  | {:default, String.t()}
  | {:missing_bindings, String.t(), [atom()]}

Default handling for messages with a missing message.

When a Gettext function/macro is called with a string to translate into a locale but that locale doesn't provide a message for that string, this callback is invoked. msgid is the string that Gettext tried to translate.

This function should return {:ok, translated} if a message can be fetched or constructed for the given string. If you cannot find a message, it should return {:default, translated}, where the translated string defaults to the interpolated msgid. You can, however, customize the default to, for example, pick the message from the default locale. The important is to return :default instead of :ok whenever the result does not quite match the requested locale.

Earlier versions of this library provided a callback without msgctxt. Users implementing that callback will still get the same results, but they are encouraged to switch to the new 5-argument version.

Link to this macrocallback

ngettext(msgid, msgid_plural, n)

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@macrocallback ngettext(msgid :: String.t(), msgid_plural :: String.t(), n :: Macro.t()) ::

Same as ngettext(msgid, msgid_plural, n, %{}).

See also Gettext.ngettext/5.

Link to this macrocallback

ngettext(msgid, msgid_plural, n, bindings)

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@macrocallback ngettext(
  msgid :: String.t(),
  msgid_plural :: String.t(),
  n :: Macro.t(),
  bindings :: Macro.t()
) :: Macro.t()

Same as dngettext("default", msgid, msgid_plural, n, bindings), but will use a per-backend configured default domain if provided.

See also Gettext.ngettext/5.

Link to this macrocallback

ngettext_noop(msgid, msgid_plural)

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@macrocallback ngettext_noop(msgid :: String.t(), msgid_plural :: String.t()) :: Macro.t()

Same as dngettext_noop("default", msgid, mgsid_plural), but will use a per-backend configured default domain if provided.

@macrocallback pgettext(msgctxt :: String.t(), msgid :: String.t()) :: Macro.t()

Same as pgettext(msgctxt, msgid, %{}).

See also Gettext.pgettext/4.

Link to this macrocallback

pgettext(msgctxt, msgid, bindings)

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@macrocallback pgettext(msgctxt :: String.t(), msgid :: String.t(), bindings :: Macro.t()) ::

Translates the given msgid with the given context (msgctxt).

bindings is a map of bindings to support interpolation.

See also Gettext.pgettext/4.

Link to this macrocallback

pngettext(msgctxt, msgid, msgid_plural, n)

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@macrocallback pngettext(
  msgctxt :: String.t(),
  msgid :: String.t(),
  msgid_plural :: String.t(),
  n :: Macro.t()
) :: Macro.t()

Same as pngettext(msgctxt, msgid, msgid_plural, n, %{}).

See also Gettext.pngettext/6.

Link to this macrocallback

pngettext(msgctxt, msgid, msgid_plural, n, bindings)

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@macrocallback pngettext(
  msgctxt :: String.t(),
  msgid :: String.t(),
  msgid_plural :: String.t(),
  n :: Macro.t(),
  bindings :: Macro.t()
) :: Macro.t()

Translates the given plural message (msgid + msgid_plural) with the given context (msgctxt).

n is an integer used to determine how to pluralize the message. bindings is a map of bindings to support interpolation.

See also Gettext.pngettext/6.