View Source GitHubActions.Config (GitHubActions v0.3.2)
A simple keyword-based configuration API.
This module is used to define the configuration for GitHubActions
import GitHubActions.Config
config :linux,
name: "Ubuntu",
runs_on: "ubuntu-20.04"
config key: "value"
Returns the configuration.
Adds the given data to the configuration.
Adds the given value
to the configuration under the given key
Returns the value for key
or keys
in a tuple.
Returns the value for key
or keys
Returns the value for key
or keys
Reads the configuration from the given path
@spec config() :: config()
Returns the configuration.
Adds the given data to the configuration.
Returns the configuration that was previously stored.
Adds the given value
to the configuration under the given key
Returns the configuration that was previously stored.
Returns the value for key
or keys
in a tuple.
If the configuration parameter does not exist, the function returns error
iex> Config.fetch(:jobs)
{:ok, [:linux]}
iex> Config.fetch(:foo)
iex> Config.fetch([:linux, :name])
{:ok, "Ubuntu"}
Returns the value for key
or keys
iex> Config.fetch!(:jobs)
iex> Config.fetch!([:linux, :runs_on])
iex> Config.fetch!([:linux, :foo])
** (KeyError) key :foo not found in: [name: "Ubuntu", runs_on: "ubuntu-20.04"]
Returns the value for key
or keys
If the configuration parameter does not exist, the function returns the default value.
iex> Config.get(:jobs)
iex> Config.get(:foo, :bar)
iex> Config.get([:linux, :runs_on])
iex> Config.get(:foo)
@spec read(Path.t()) :: :ok | {:error, :enonet}
Reads the configuration from the given path