View Source GitHubActions.Config (GitHubActions v0.2.26)

A simple keyword-based configuration API.


This module is used to define the configuration for GitHubActions.

import GitHubActions.Config

config :linux,
  name: "Ubuntu",
  runs_on: "ubuntu-20.04"

config key: "value"



Returns the configuration.

Adds the given data to the configuration.

Adds the given value to the configuration under the given key.

Returns the value for key or keys in a tuple.

Returns the value for key or keys.

Returns the value for key or keys.

Reads the configuration from the given path.


@type config() :: keyword()
@type key() :: atom()
@type keys() :: [atom()]
@type value() :: any()


@spec config() :: config()

Returns the configuration.

@spec config(config()) :: config() | nil

Adds the given data to the configuration.

Returns the configuration that was previously stored.

@spec config(key(), value()) :: config() | nil

Adds the given value to the configuration under the given key.

Returns the configuration that was previously stored.

@spec fetch(key() | keys()) :: value()

Returns the value for key or keys in a tuple.

If the configuration parameter does not exist, the function returns error.


iex> Config.fetch(:jobs)
{:ok, [:linux]}

iex> Config.fetch(:foo)

iex> Config.fetch([:linux, :name])
{:ok, "Ubuntu"}
@spec fetch!(key() | keys()) :: value()

Returns the value for key or keys.


iex> Config.fetch!(:jobs)

iex> Config.fetch!([:linux, :runs_on])

iex> Config.fetch!([:linux, :foo])
** (KeyError) key :foo not found in: [name: "Ubuntu", runs_on: "ubuntu-20.04"]
Link to this function

get(keys, default \\ nil)

View Source
@spec get(key() | keys(), value()) :: value()

Returns the value for key or keys.

If the configuration parameter does not exist, the function returns the default value.


iex> Config.get(:jobs)

iex> Config.get(:foo, :bar)

iex> Config.get([:linux, :runs_on])

iex> Config.get(:foo)
@spec read(Path.t()) :: :ok | {:error, :enonet}

Reads the configuration from the given path.