Pretty printing glamorous lists
The goal of this tutorial is to get you started on pretty printing with the Glam package introducing its API a step at a time.
As a running example, we’re going to write a pretty printer for lists of strings. There are three rules we want our pretty printer to follow:
- If a list is shorter than the maximum allowed line width, it is kept on a single line
- If it is longer than the maximum line width, each element is placed on a new line and is indented by two spaces; in addition, the last element has a trailing comma
- All strings are surrounded by double quotes
Since a picture code snippet is worth a thousand words let me show you an
// ----------------- // <- This is to show the 20 chars limit
["Hello", "Gleam"] // <- This can stay on a single line, easy!
[ // <- This wouldn't fit on a single line
"Gleam", // so each element is split on a different
"is", // line and is indented by two spaces
"fun!", // <- Notice the trailing comma!
Now that we have a clear picture of what a pretty printed list should look like we can dive deep into the wonders of pretty printing!
This tutorial is full of code examples so you can follow along with your own Gleam project. If you have a working installation of Gleam, open your terminal and enter the following:
gleam new glam_tutorial # create a new project named `glam_tutorial`
cd glam_tutorial # jump into its directory
gleam add glam # add the `glam` package to the project's dependencies
If you know nothing about Gleam and somehow ended up here, I can recommend you to first check out the Gleam’s Exercism track. It’s a great resource to get started!
First things first, you can import the Glam package in your project’s modules like this:
import glam/doc.{type Document}
Basic building blocks
Let’s start by writing the type of the function that can turn lists into pretty printed lists; after all it is always a good idea to write down the types and let them guide you:
pub fn pretty_list(list: List(String)) -> Document {
todo as "Write an amazing pretty printer"
The first thing you can notice is that the pretty printing function’s return
type is Document
. But wait, weren’t we supposed to pretty print the list?
Why isn’t the function returning a String
Here is a crucial point of how the Glam package handles pretty printing:
you can describe the structure of the text to pretty print with some basic
building blocks, and Glam will do the heavy lifting of trying to find the
best layout for you.
As you may have guessed those building blocks are Document
As long as you can turn something into a Document
, Glam will pretty print it
for you. Quite neat, isn’t it?
A naive approach
First of all, we need a way to create a Document
from a String
luckily Glam has got us covered with the doc.from_string
function which does
exactly that:
doc.from_string("Hello, world!")
|> doc.to_string(80)
// -> Hello, world!
There are a few things to unpack in this example:
takes a string and turns it into aDocument
does the opposite: given a maximum line width and a document, it turns it into a pretty printed string. Later we will discover how the maximum line width can influence the pretty printing process
With doc.from_string
in our toolbox we can now turn each of the items of the
list into documents:
pub fn pretty_list(list: List(String)) -> Document {
let list_item_to_document = fn(item) { doc.from_string("\"" <> item <> "\"") }
let docs =, list_item_to_document)
todo as "Still not enough..."
is a list of documents but in order to be printed with doc.to_string
it needs to be turned into a single Document
To do that we can use the doc.concat
function which takes a list of documents
as input and joins them together into a single document:
pub fn pretty_list(list: List(String)) -> Document {
let list_item_to_document = fn(item) { doc.from_string(item) }
let docs =, list_item_to_document)
docs |> doc.concat
We’re now ready to try pretty_list
["Hello", "world!"]
|> pretty_list
|> doc.to_string(80)
// -> "Hello""world!"
Not quite list-looking but we’re getting there… adding commas and brackets can be done with some standard library functions on lists:
pub fn pretty_list(list: List(String)) -> Document {
let list_item_to_document = fn(item) { doc.from_string("\"" <> item <> "\"") }, list_item_to_document)
|> list.intersperse(doc.from_string(", ")) // put a comma between each doc
|> list.prepend(doc.from_string("[")) // starting open bracket
|> list.append([doc.from_string("]")]) // final closing bracket
|> doc.concat // join everything together
["Hello", "world!"]
|> pretty_list
|> doc.to_string(80)
// -> ["Hello", "world!"]
Awesome, with a couple of lines of code you can now pretty print a list of strings. Let’s play a bit more with the maximum line width and see how the list gets printed:
pub fn main() {
let list = ["Hello", "world!"]
|> doc.to_string(5) // <- this is really small and the list
|> io.println // should be printed on multiple lines
// main()
// -> ["Hello", "world!"]
We would expect the list to be split on multiple lines like in the example I
showed you at the beginning of the tutorial.
It looks like doc.concat
is not enough to create beautiful documents.
In the next section we’ll discover more building blocks that can get us closer
to a pretty printed list.
A less naive approach
To understand the problem here we need to get into a bit more detail on how the pretty printing of documents works:
- When the pretty printer has to display a
it simply outputs the string passed to it as an argument leaving it unchanged - When the pretty printer has to display a list of documents joined with
, it formats each document one and joins them together without adding any whitespace or trying to split them to fit on a line
If you already have some experience in Gleam and functional programming you may have noticed that a pretty printer that only has these two primitives is just a more convoluted way of concatenating strings,
would act as alist.fold(strings, from: "", with: fn(acc, string) { acc <> string })
If this
thing looks like gibberish to you, don’t worry! You can look at the Gleam’s Exercism track, it’s a great way to get started and hone your functional programming skills! (At this point I’m sure you get how much I love Gleam’s Exercism track)
Grouping docs
What we really need is a way to explicitly tell the pretty printer it is allowed to break a document if it does not fit on a single line.
This is the job for
- When the pretty printer runs into a
it first tries to render the document on a single line, just likedoc.concat
. The catch is that if the document would not fit on a single line, the pretty printer will break all the spaces inside it - A
is a special kind of document that gets normally rendered as a single whitespace:" "
. However, the pretty printer can turn these spaces into newlines in order to split
that would not fit on a single line
Let’s look at an example to make things clearer:
let doc =
[doc.from_string("Hello"),, doc.from_string("world!")]
|> doc.concat
doc.to_string(doc, 80)
// -> Hello world!
doc.to_string(doc, 10)
// ->
// Hello
// world!
As you can see, in the second example, where the line width wouldn’t allow
and "world!"
to fit onto a single line, the space is rendered as a
Even more examples
Before going back to our list pretty printer we should experiment a little bit
more with
In particular, there’s a little detail I omitted in my first explanation of how group formatting works. Let’s see how the pretty printer deals with nested groups:
let food =
["lasagna", "ravioli", "pizza"]
|> list.intersperse(with:
|> doc.concat
let food_i_love =
// Sorry for being stereotypically italian
[doc.from_string("Food I love:"),, food]
|> doc.concat
You’ll find out that we frequently need to do something like this to join documents together using a custom separator:
list_of_docs |> list.intersperse(with: some_separator) |> doc.concat
To make things a bit easier to read you can also use the
function which is a shorthand for anintersperse
followed byconcat
:list_of_docs |> doc.join(with: some_separator)
Here we have two groups, one inside the other, let’s play around with the maximum line width and see how this gets printed:
food_i_love |> doc.to_string(80)
// -> Food I love: lasagna ravioli pizza
food_i_love |> doc.to_string(20)
// ->
// Food I love:
// lasagna
// ravioli
// pizza
food_i_love |> doc.to_string(30)
// ->
// Food I love:
// lasagna ravioli pizza
- In the first example we gave the document enough space to fit on a single line, all spaces get rendered as a normal whitespace and everything ends up on a single line
- In the second example the line width is quite small: neither the outer nor the inner document could fit on a single line so all spaces become newlines
- The most interesting example is the third one where the outer group is split while the inner is not. What ends up happening in the pretty process could be described like this:
- The pretty printer first tries to render everything on a single line but the resulting document would exceed the maximum width of 30 chars
- So it decides to split the outer group and its space gets rendered as a newline
- On the new line the pretty printer tries to render the inner document and it fits just right! So its spaces, contrary to what happened to those of the outer group, are not turned into newlines
So when the pretty printer ends up breaking a group it may still not break the inner groups it’s composed of. Each subgroup is considered separately.
It can get some time to wrap your head around how groups can influence the pretty printing process. If you want to test your understanding of
, try to look at this example and guess how it will get printed at different line widths:let abcd = ["a", "b", "c", "d"] |> |> doc.join(with: |> let efgh = ["e", "f", "g", "h"] |> |> doc.join(with: |> let doc = [doc.from_string("some letters:"), abcd, efgh] |> doc.join(with: |> // Try different widths and guess what the document will look like doc |> doc.to_string(...)
Back onto lists
It shouldn’t be too hard to update the previous iteration of pretty_list
take advantage of groups and breakable spaces. Let’s try it out:
pub fn pretty_list(list: List(String)) -> Document {
let list_item_to_document = fn(item) { doc.from_string("\"" <> item <> "\"") }
let comma = doc.concat([doc.from_string(","),])
let open_square = doc.concat([doc.from_string("["),])
let close_square = doc.concat([, doc.from_string("]")]), list_item_to_document)
|> doc.join(with: comma)
|> doc.prepend(open_square)
|> doc.append(close_square)
// ^-- Don't forget the group, otherwise the pretty
// printer won't be able to split on spaces
The main difference is that the comma that we use as a separator is now followed
by a
which the pretty printer can break if the list is too long and
does now fit on a single line. The same goes for square brackets: the open
bracket is followed by a
so that, if the document gets broken, the
list’s first item will end up on a new line. Likewise, the closed bracket is
preceded by a space so that it can end up on its own line:
pretty_list(["Gleam", "is", "fun!"]) |> doc.to_string(80)
// -> [ "Gleam", "is", "fun!" ]
pretty_list(["Gleam", "is", "fun!"]) |> doc.to_string(10)
// ->
// [
// "Gleam",
// "is",
// "fun"
// ]
We’re getting there! There are just a couple of things we need to fix before calling it a day:
- The list items should be indented by two spaces
- When the list is rendered on multiple lines, the last item should have a trailing comma
- When the list is rendered on a single line we do not want the first and last items to be separated with a space from the brackets
Nesting things
To solve the first problem, we need to add some nesting whitespace whenever
a space is turned into a newline. In order to do so we can use the doc.nest
doc.nest(my_document, by: 2)
This tells the pretty printer that, whenever it renders a space as a newline
when formatting my_document
it should also indent it by two spaces.
Let’s get back to the food_i_love
example and see how the rendering changes
by adding a nesting of two spaces:
|> doc.nest(by: 2)
|> doc.to_string(20)
// ->
// Food I love:
// lasagna
// ravioli
// pizza
Now we can add nesting to the pretty_list
pub fn pretty_list(list: List(String)) -> Document {
let list_item_to_document = fn(item) { doc.from_string("\"" <> item <> "\"") }
let comma = doc.concat([doc.from_string(","),])
let open_square = doc.concat([doc.from_string("["),])
let close_square = doc.concat([, doc.from_string("]")]), list_item_to_document)
|> doc.join(with: comma)
|> doc.prepend(open_square)
|> doc.nest(by: 2)
// ^-- every space before the final bracket will get indented
// by two spaces if turned into a new line
|> doc.append(close_square)
Notice how the indentation applies to all the spaces except the one that comes before the closed square bracket. This way, the closed square bracket will not be indented and kept on the same nesting level as the corresponding open bracket:
pretty_list(["Gleam", "is", "fun!"]) |> doc.to_string(10)
// ->
// [
// "Gleam",
// "is",
// "fun"
// ]
Custom breaks
The last piece of work we need to do to get the desired look for a pretty printed list is adding a trailing comma and removing whitespace before and after the square brackets:
// This:
["Gleam", "is", "fun!"]
// not this:
[ "Gleam", "is", "fun!" ]
// This:
// not this:
Both problems can be solved by introducing a new powerful document constructor:
Up until now
was the only document that the pretty printer could
turn into a newline when splitting a group. Turns out that doc.break
is a
more general version of
. Here is how it can be called:
doc.break("unbroken", "broken")
- Its first argument is the string that will be displayed if the pretty printer decides not to break the document
- Its second argument is the string that will be displayed if the pretty printer decides to break the document before inserting a newline
The pretty printing algorithm
This description of doc.break
may sound a bit hand-wavy so, to clear things
up, let’s have a final look at how the formatting of documents actually works:
- The pretty printer always tries to put a group onto a single line by treating
as if it were its first argument - If the group exceeds the maximum line width then all its
s are rendered as their second argument and immediately followed by a newline - If the document is also nested, the pretty printer adds a nesting of the given level after the newline
- After breaking the outermost group, the pretty printer considers every nested group on its own, deciding once again if it can fit on the new line or not
Let’s look at an example:
let visible_space = doc.break("•", "↩")
let doc =
["Gleam", "is", "fun!"]
|> doc.join(with: visible_space)
doc |> doc.to_string(80)
// -> Gleam•is•fun!
doc |> doc.to_string(10)
// ->
// Gleam↩
// is↩
// fun
As you can see, when the pretty printer decides to split the document, all of
its breaks are displayed as "↩"
; if it is not broken they are displayed as
can actually be defined in terms ofdoc.break
(and that’s how it is defined in Glam!) asdoc.break(" ", "")
- If the group is not broken we render a single whitespace
- If the group gets broken we do not render anything and let the pretty printer do its magic and add a newline after each space
Back to lists one last time
Thanks to doc.break
we can solve both our remaining problems: first of all we
want to display a trailing comma after the last element only if the list is
split onto multiple lines:
let trailing_comma = break("", ",")
This comma will only be displayed if the group it belongs to is broken by the pretty printer:
pub fn pretty_list(list: List(String)) -> Document {
let list_item_to_document = fn(item) { doc.from_string("\"" <> item <> "\"") }
let comma = doc.concat([doc.from_string(","),])
let open_square = doc.concat([doc.from_string("["),])
let trailing_comma = break("", ",")
let close_square = doc.concat([trailing_comma, doc.from_string("]")])
// ^-- we add the trailing comma right before the closing bracket, list_item_to_document)
|> doc.join(with: comma)
|> doc.prepend(open_square)
|> doc.nest(by: 2)
|> doc.append(close_square)
As a finishing touch we need to remove the whitespace that gets printed after
the open bracket. The perfect fit for this job is once again doc.break
let soft_break = doc.break("", "")
will never be rendered, its only purpose is to act as a possible
breaking point for the pretty printer to split a group on multiple lines.
Since soft_break
can be useful in a lot of different settings, the Glam
package already exposes it as a constant so that you do not have to redefine it
every time you need it:
pub fn pretty_list(list: List(String)) -> Document {
let list_item_to_document = fn(item) { doc.from_string("\"" <> item <> "\"") }
let comma = doc.concat([doc.from_string(","),])
let open_square = doc.concat([doc.from_string("["), doc.soft_break])
// ^-- so that there won't be a whitespace after the open bracket
// but the pretty printer can still split it
let trailing_comma = doc.break("", ",")
let close_square = doc.concat([trailing_comma, doc.from_string("]")]), list_item_to_document)
|> doc.join(with: comma)
|> doc.prepend(open_square)
|> doc.nest(by: 2)
|> doc.append(close_square)
And that’s it, the pretty printer is complete!
Phew! That was quite a long tutorial so give yourself a pat on the back and enjoy the beautifully pretty printed lists.
We covered most of the Glam API and got an understanding of how each piece can influence the pretty printing process:
to generate documents from stringsdoc.concat
to join together a bunch of
to allow the pretty printer to split documentsdoc.nest
to nest documents when the pretty printer decides to split themdoc.break
to conditionally render strings depending if their group gets split or not
We’ve also used some utility methods like:
which is equivalent to interspersing and then usingdoc.concat
to prepend a document to an existing onedoc.append
to append a document to an existing one
What to do next?
If you still feel hungry for pretty printing content, I’ve got you covered: have a look at Glam’s learning materials page. There you’ll find more step-by-step tutorials that will guide you through the implementation of cool pretty printers.