json 🐑

Work with JSON in Gleam!

Under the hood library uses Thoas, the fastest and most memory efficient pure Erlang JSON encoder/decoder.


Add this package to your Gleam project.

gleam add gleam_json


import myapp.{Cat}
import gleam/json.{object, string, array, int, null}

pub fn cat_to_json(cat: Cat) -> String {
   #("name", string(cat.name)),
   #("lives", int(cat.lives)),
   #("flaws", null()),
   #("nicknames", array(cat.nicknames, of: string)),
 |> json.to_string


JSON is decoded into a Dynamic value which can be decoded using the gleam/dynamic module from the Gleam standard library.

import myapp.{Cat}
import gleam/json
import gleam/dynamic.{field, list, int, string}

pub fn cat_from_json(json_string: String) -> Result(Cat, json.DecodeError) {
 let cat_decoder = dynamic.decode3(
   field("name", of: string),
   field("lives", of: int),
   field("nicknames", of: list(string)),

 json.decode(from: json_string, using: cat_decoder)
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