
This module provides an implementation of the pairing heap data structure, a type of self-adjusting heap with efficient insert, find_min, and delete_min, and merge operations.


pub opaque type Heap(a)


pub fn delete_min(heap: Heap(a)) -> Result(#(a, Heap(a)), Nil)

Removes and returns the minimum element from the heap along with the new heap after deletion, if the heap is not empty. Time complexity: O(log n) amortized

pub fn find_min(heap: Heap(a)) -> Result(a, Nil)

Returns the minimum element in the heap, if the heap is not empty. Time complexity: O(1)

pub fn insert(heap: Heap(a), key: a) -> Heap(a)

Inserts a new item into the heap, preserving the heap property. Time complexity: O(1)

pub fn merge(heap1: Heap(a), heap2: Heap(a)) -> Heap(a)

Merges two heaps into a new heap containing all elements from both heaps, preserving the heap property. The given heaps must have the same comparison function. Time complexity: O(1)

pub fn new(compare: fn(a, a) -> Order) -> Heap(a)

Creates a new empty heap with the provided comparison function.

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