🏕️ A peaceful web framework that targets JS.
Other packages you will need:
— everythingRequest
— provides tools for working with JavaScript promises.
A request handler.
fn my_serve(port: Int, handler: glen.Handler) -> Nil {
io.println("Starting server...")
glen.serve(port, handler)
pub type Handler =
fn(Request) -> Promise(Response)
A JavaScript request handler.
pub type JsHandler =
fn(JsRequest) -> Promise(JsResponse)
An incoming request’s body.
pub type RequestBody =
An outgoing response’s body.
pub type ResponseBody {
File(path: String)
A text body.
File(path: String)
A file body. The file will be streamed and not read into memory, so it is okay to send files of any size. If the file cannot be accessed, an empty response with a 500 status code (internal server error) will be returned.
body. -
An empty body, equivalent to
pub const path_segments: fn(Request(RequestBody)) -> List(String) = request.path_segments
Return the non-empty segments of a request path.
ℹ️ This function is re-exported from
case glen.path_segments(req) {
[] -> index_page()
["about"] -> about_page()
["greet", name] -> greet_page(name)
_ -> not_found_page()
pub const set_body: fn(Response(ResponseBody), ResponseBody) ->
Response(ResponseBody) = response.set_body
Set the body of a response.
ℹ️ This function is re-exported from
pub const set_header: fn(Response(ResponseBody), String, String) ->
Response(ResponseBody) = response.set_header
Set the header with the given value under the given header key.
If the response already has that key, it is replaced.
ℹ️ This function is re-exported from
pub fn bit_array_body(
res: Response(ResponseBody),
bits: BitArray,
) -> Response(ResponseBody)
Set the body of a response to a BitArray
pub fn convert_request(req: JsRequest) -> Request(RequestBody)
Convert a JavaScript request into a Glen request.
pub fn convert_response(
res: Response(ResponseBody),
) -> JsResponse
Convert a Glen response into a JavaScript response.
pub fn escape_html(string: String) -> String
Escape a string so it can be included inside of HTML safely. You should run this function on all user input being included in HTML to prevent possible XSS attacks.
pub fn file(path: String, status: Int) -> Response(ResponseBody)
Create a response with a file stream as the body. The content-type
will be automatically set based on the file’s extension.
pub fn file_body(
res: Response(ResponseBody),
path: String,
) -> Response(ResponseBody)
Set the body of a response to a file stream. The content-type
will be automatically set based on the file’s extension.
pub fn get_query(
req: Request(RequestBody),
) -> List(#(String, String))
Get the query parameters from a request. Parameters are not predictably
ordered, so you should not pattern match on them. Instead, use the
function from gleam/list
to access parameters.
pub fn html(html: String, status: Int) -> Response(ResponseBody)
Create a response with an HTML body.
pub fn html_body(
res: Response(ResponseBody),
html: String,
) -> Response(ResponseBody)
Set the body of a response to HTML.
pub fn json(json: String, status: Int) -> Response(ResponseBody)
Create a response with a JSON body.
pub fn json_body(
res: Response(ResponseBody),
json: String,
) -> Response(ResponseBody)
Set the body of a response to JSON.
pub fn log(
req: Request(RequestBody),
next: fn() -> Promise(Response(ResponseBody)),
) -> Promise(Response(ResponseBody))
Middleware function for logging requests and responses.
fn handle_req(req) {
use <- glen.log(req)
// ...requests and responses are now logged...
pub fn method_not_allowed(
allowed: List(Method),
) -> Response(ResponseBody)
Create a response with a status of 405 (method not allowed). The allowed
header will be set to the given allowed methods.
pub fn read_body_bits(
req: Request(RequestBody),
) -> Promise(Result(BitArray, ReadError))
Read a request body as a BitArray
pub fn read_form_body(
req: Request(RequestBody),
) -> Promise(Result(FormData, ReadError))
Read a request body as FormData
pub fn read_json_body(
req: Request(RequestBody),
) -> Promise(Result(Dynamic, ReadError))
Read a request body as JSON.
pub fn read_text_body(
req: Request(RequestBody),
) -> Promise(Result(String, ReadError))
Read a request body as text.
pub fn redirect(
url: String,
status: Int,
) -> Response(ResponseBody)
Redirect the client to a URL with the given status. The status should be
in the 3xx range (such as 303: See Other
or 307: Temporary Redirect
pub fn require_bit_array_body(
req: Request(RequestBody),
next: fn(BitArray) -> Promise(Response(ResponseBody)),
) -> Promise(Response(ResponseBody))
Middleware function that reads a request body as a BitArray
fn handle_req(req) {
use bits <- glen.require_bit_array_body(req)
"Look at all the bits! " <> string.inspect(bits)
|> glen.html(status.ok)
|> promise.resolve
pub fn require_content_type(
req: Request(RequestBody),
required: String,
next: fn() -> Promise(Response(ResponseBody)),
) -> Promise(Response(ResponseBody))
Middleware function for requiring the request to have a content-type
with a specific content type. Returns the same as
if the header is missing
or does not meet the requirement.
fn handle_req(req) {
use <- glen.require_content_type(req, "text/html")
// ...the request's content-type must be text/html...
pub fn require_form(
req: Request(RequestBody),
next: fn(FormData) -> Promise(Response(ResponseBody)),
) -> Promise(Response(ResponseBody))
Middleware for requiring the request body to be a form with a content-type
of either application/x-www-form-urlencoded
or multipart/form-data
Formdata values are sorted alphabetically so they can be pattern matched on.
fn handle_req(req) {
use formdata <- glen.require_form(req)
case formdata.values {
[#("name", name)] -> greet(name)
_ -> glen.response(status.bad_request)
|> promise.resolve
pub fn require_json(
req: Request(RequestBody),
next: fn(Dynamic) -> Promise(Response(ResponseBody)),
) -> Promise(Response(ResponseBody))
Middleware function for requiring the request body to be JSON with a
of application/json
fn handle_req(req) {
use json <- glen.require_json(req)
case my_decoder(json) {
Ok(decoded) -> |> glen.text(status.ok)
Error(_) -> glen.response(status.bad_request)
|> promise.resolve
pub fn require_method(
req: Request(RequestBody),
method: Method,
next: fn() -> Promise(Response(ResponseBody)),
) -> Promise(Response(ResponseBody))
Middleware function for requiring the request to be of a certain HTTP method.
Returns the same as method_not_allowed
if the method
does not meet the requirement.
fn handle_req(req) {
use <- glen.require_method(req, http.Get)
// ...only GET requests are allowed...
pub fn require_string_body(
req: Request(RequestBody),
next: fn(String) -> Promise(Response(ResponseBody)),
) -> Promise(Response(ResponseBody))
Middleware function that reads a request body as a string.
fn handle_req(req) {
use string_body <- glen.require_string_body(req)
"You gave me: " <> glen.escape_html(string_body)
|> glen.html(status.ok)
|> promise.resolve
pub fn rescue_crashes(
handler: fn() -> Promise(Response(ResponseBody)),
) -> Promise(Response(ResponseBody))
Middleware function that rescues any crashes with an empty response and a status of 500 (internal server error).
Gleam code should never crash under normal circumstances, but it’s always good to be prepared.
fn handle_req(req) {
use <- glen.rescue_crashes
// ...crashes are now handled gracefully...
pub fn response(status: Int) -> Response(ResponseBody)
Create a response with the given status code and an empty body.
pub fn serve(
port: Int,
handler: fn(Request(RequestBody)) ->
) -> Nil
Start a server using Deno.serve
ℹ️ Only works when using the
runtime. See the readme for more info.
glen.serve(8000, fn(_req) {
"Hello, world!"
|> glen.text(status.ok)
|> promise.resolve
pub fn static(
req: Request(RequestBody),
prefix: String,
directory: String,
next: fn() -> Promise(Response(ResponseBody)),
) -> Promise(Response(ResponseBody))
Middleware for serving up static files from a directory under a path prefix.
fn handle_req(req) {
use <- glen.static(req, "static", "./somedir/static")
"<img src='/static/image.png'/>" |> glen.html(status.ok) |> promise.resolve
pub fn text(text: String, status: Int) -> Response(ResponseBody)
Create a response with a text body.
pub fn text_body(
res: Response(ResponseBody),
text: String,
) -> Response(ResponseBody)
Set the body of a response to text.
pub fn unsupported_media_type(
supported: List(String),
) -> Response(ResponseBody)
Create a response with a status of 415 (unsupported media type). The accept
header will be set to the given supported content types.