
Package Version Hex Docs

An HTML entity encoder/decoder for Gleam.

Entities can be encoded using named or hex entity references. Named entity references use the WHATWG “Named character references” list available at

Quick start

import glentities

glentities.encode("</html>", glentities.HTMLBody) // "&lt;/html&gt;"
glentities.encode("</html>", glentities.Named)    // "&lt;&sol;html&gt;"
glentities.encode("</html>", glentities.Hex)      // "&#x3C;&#x2F;html&#x3E;"

glentities.decode("&#x3C;&#x2F;html&#x3E;")       // "</html>"
glentities.decode("&lt;&sol;html&gt;")            // "</html>"

Code size

If you import glentities, it will pull in all the encoders and the entire named decoder. Since there are so many different entity names, this will result in a hefty JS payload. If you need to minimise the payload size, prefer importing glentities/decoder or one of the glentities/*_encoder modules directly.


gleam test  # Run the tests


This package can be added to your Gleam project:

gleam add glentities

and its documentation can be found at

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