
Strongly-typed access to environment variables.


An error that occurred while reading an environment variable.

pub type Error {
  NotFound(name: String)
  FailedToParse(name: String)


  • NotFound(name: String)

    The environment variable with the given name was not found.

  • FailedToParse(name: String)

    The environment variable with the given name failed to parse.


pub fn get(
  name: String,
  parser parse: fn(String) -> Result(a, Nil),
) -> Result(a, Error)

Returns the value for the environment variable with the given name.

Uses the provided parser to parse the value.

Returns Error(FailedToParse) if the provided parser returns Error(Nil).

pub fn get_all() -> Dict(String, String)

Returns all of the available environment variables for the current process.

pub fn get_bool(name: String) -> Result(Bool, Error)

Returns the value for the environment variable with the given name as a Bool.

The following values are parsed as True:

  • true
  • t
  • yes
  • y
  • 1

The following values are parsed as False:

  • false
  • f
  • no
  • n
  • 0

The parsing is case-insensitive.

Returns Error(FailedToParse) if the environment variable cannot be parsed as a Bool.

Use get if you want to provide your own parser.

pub fn get_float(name: String) -> Result(Float, Error)

Returns the value for the environment variable with the given name as a Float.

Returns Error(FailedToParse) if the environment variable cannot be parsed as a Float.

pub fn get_int(name: String) -> Result(Int, Error)

Returns the value for the environment variable with the given name as an Int.

Returns Error(FailedToParse) if the environment variable cannot be parsed as an Int.

pub fn get_string(name: String) -> Result(String, Error)

Returns the value for the environment variable with the given name as a String.

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