
Package Version Hex Docs

A wrapper around the functions found in erlexec.

It probably goes without saying, but this functionality is only available when runnning on BEAM.

Quick start

import glexec as exec

pub fn main() {
 let assert Ok(bash) = exec.find_executable("bash")

 let assert Ok(exec.Pids(_pid, ospid)) =
   |> exec.with_stdin(exec.StdinPipe)
   |> exec.with_stdout(exec.StdoutCapture)
   |> exec.with_stderr(exec.StderrStdout)
   |> exec.with_monitor(True)
   |> exec.with_pty(True)
   |> exec.run_async(exec.Execve([bash, "-c", "echo started && cat"]))

 let assert Ok(exec.ObtainStdout(_, "started\r\n")) = exec.obtain(500)
 let assert Ok(Nil) = exec.send(ospid, "test\n")
 let assert Ok(exec.ObtainStdout(_, "test\r\n")) = exec.obtain(500)
 let assert Ok(Nil) = exec.kill_ospid(ospid, 9)


This package can be added to your Gleam project:

gleam add glexec


gleam test  # Run the tests
gleam run   # Run a small example
gleam shell # Run an Erlang shell


The test suite is still fairly incomplete, but without code coverage it is a bit hard to ensure all cases are covered and the main functionality is tested in erlexec itself.

Happy for any PRs though.

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