
This is a Gleam wrapper around gen_tcp. I got a great amount of inspiration from ThousandIsland.

See the docs here.

It uses the gleam_otp library to handle the supervisor and child processes.

glisten provides a supervisor which manages a pool of acceptors. Each acceptor will block on accept until a connection is opened. The acceptor will then spawn a handler process and then block again on accept.

The most obvious entrypoint is glisten/tcp.{handler, serve} where serve listens for TCP connections on a given port. It also takes a handler function wrapper which you can provide functionality to, and the state which each TCP connection process will hold. This takes the shape of:

type HandlerFunc(data) =
  fn(BitString, LoopState(data)) -> actor.Next(LoopState(data))

glisten doesn’t provide a public API for connected clients. In order to hook into the socket lifecyle, you can establish some functions which are called for the opening and closing of the socket. An example is provided below.


Here is a basic echo server:

pub fn main() {
  tcp.handler(fn(msg, state) {
    assert Ok(_) = tcp.send(state.socket, bit_builder.from_bit_string(msg))
  |> tcp.acceptor_pool
  |> serve(8080, _)
  |> { erlang.sleep_forever() })

Managing connected clients can be handled similarly to this simple example:

pub fn main() {
  // This function is omitted for brevity.  It simply manages a
  // `gleam/set.{Set}` of `Sender(HandlerMessage)`s that "broadcast" the
  // connect/disconnect events to all clients.
  assert Ok(connections) = start_connection_actor()

  tcp.handler(fn(msg, state) {
    assert Ok(_) = tcp.send(state.socket, bit_builder.from_bit_string(msg))
  |> tcp.acceptor_pool
  |> tcp.with_init(fn(sender) {
    process.send(connections, Connected(sender))

  |> tcp.with_close(fn(sender) {
    process.send(connections, Disconnected(sender))

  |> serve(8080, _)
  |> { erlang.sleep_forever() })

But you can also drop down to the lower level listen/accept flow if you’d prefer to manage connections yourself, or only handle a small number at a time.

pub fn main() {
  try listener = tcp.listen(8000, [ActiveMode(Passive)])
  try socket = tcp.accept(listener)
  try msg = tcp.receive(socket, 0)
  io.println("got a msg")


See mist for HTTP support built on top of this library.