
Functions to access the outer environment.


pub fn current_system() -> Result(System, Nil)

Accesses the current system, if available. It won’t be available in pure evaluation mode, so it is not recommended to depend on this function.


// -> Ok(X8664Linux)
pub fn current_time() -> Result(Int, Nil)

Accesses the current Unix time in seconds since the epoch (January 1, 1970), if available. It won’t be available in pure evaluation mode, so it is not recommended to depend on this function.

Repeated calls to this function will return the same value as the first.


// -> Ok(1683705525)
pub fn get_env(named name: String) -> Result(String, Nil)

Gets the value of an environment variable at evaluation time, if the variable was specified with a non-empty value. It is not recommended to depend on this function, in order to avoid creating dependencies on the environment.


get_env(named: "PATH")
// -> Ok("/usr/bin:/some/folder")

get_env(named: "VERY_MUCH_UNKNOWN")
// -> Error(Nil)
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