
A builder to generate an Authorization Uri.

The client directs the resource owner to the constructed URI using an HTTP redirection response, or by other means available to it via the user-agent.

In Authorization Code flow, they’ll be redirected with a “code” in the uri, which is short lived (10 minutes expiry recommended) that must be exchanged for an Access Token separately.

In Implicit flow, they’ll be redirected with a access token details directly encoded in the uri.

In both cases, you can send over a state which will be sent back to you on the redirect.

Failure is represented by the fields:

The exception is if there is a problem with the Redirect Uri, like not set, or not registered in the Authorization provider, in which case the redirect back will just not occur.

Some requirements:

Note that when redirected, the response:


Represents the details needed to build an authorization Uri.

Use build, set_scope, set_state to build up one of these, then to_code_authorization_uri or to_implicit_authorization_uri to convert to a Uri.

pub type AuthUriSpec(body) {
    client: Client(body),
    authorize_uri: UriAppendage,
    redirect_uri: Uri,
    scope: Option(String),
    state: Option(String),


  • AuthUriSpec(
      client: Client(body),
      authorize_uri: UriAppendage,
      redirect_uri: Uri,
      scope: Option(String),
      state: Option(String),


pub fn build(client: Client(a), authorize_uri: UriAppendage, redirect_uri: Uri) -> AuthUriSpec(

Build a AuthUriSpec for an AuthCode authorize_uri.

Important things to note:

  • The exact redirect_uri specified in this uri must also be provided when requesting an access token.
pub fn set_redirect_uri(spec: AuthUriSpec(a), redirect_uri: Uri) -> AuthUriSpec(

Set the Redirect uri in the AuthUriSpec

pub fn set_scope(spec: AuthUriSpec(a), scope: String) -> AuthUriSpec(

Set the scope in the AuthUriSpec

pub fn set_state(spec: AuthUriSpec(a), state: String) -> AuthUriSpec(

Set the state in the AuthUriSpec

This can be useful as it will be included on the redirect back.

pub fn to_code_authorization_uri(spec: AuthUriSpec(a)) -> Uri

Convert an AuthUriSpec to an Authorization Uri for code flow.

pub fn to_implicit_authorization_uri(spec: AuthUriSpec(a)) -> Uri

Convert an AuthUriSpec to an Authorization Uri for implicit flow.