
A builder to generate an Authorization Uri.

In Authorization Code flow, they’ll be redirected with a “code” in the uri, which is short lived (10 minutes expiry recommended) that must be exchanged for an Access Token separately.

In Implicit flow, they’ll be redirected with a access token details directly encoded in the uri.

In both cases, you can send over a state which will be sent back to you on the redirect.

Failure is represented by the fields:

The exception is if there is a problem with the Redirect Uri, like not set, or not registered in the Authorization provider, in which case the redirect back will just not occur.

Some requirements:

Note that when redirected, the response:


Represents the details needed to build an authorization Uri.

Use build, set_scope, set_state to build up one of these, then to_code_authorization_uri or to_implicit_authorization_uri to convert to a Uri.

pub type AuthUriSpec(body) {
    client: Client(body),
    authorize_uri: UriAppendage,
    redirect_uri: Uri,
    scope: Option(String),
    state: Option(String),


  • AuthUriSpec(
      client: Client(body),
      authorize_uri: UriAppendage,
      redirect_uri: Uri,
      scope: Option(String),
      state: Option(String),


pub fn build(
  client: Client(a),
  authorize_uri: UriAppendage,
  redirect_uri: Uri,
) -> AuthUriSpec(a)

Build a AuthUriSpec for an AuthCode authorize_uri.

Important things to note:

  • The exact redirect_uri specified in this uri must also be provided when requesting an access token.
pub fn set_redirect_uri(
  spec: AuthUriSpec(a),
  redirect_uri: Uri,
) -> AuthUriSpec(a)

Set the Redirect uri in the AuthUriSpec

pub fn set_scope(
  spec: AuthUriSpec(a),
  scope: String,
) -> AuthUriSpec(a)

Set the scope in the AuthUriSpec

pub fn set_state(
  spec: AuthUriSpec(a),
  state: String,
) -> AuthUriSpec(a)

Set the state in the AuthUriSpec

This can be useful as it will be included on the redirect back.

pub fn to_code_authorization_uri(spec: AuthUriSpec(a)) -> Uri

Convert an AuthUriSpec to an Authorization Uri for code flow.

pub fn to_implicit_authorization_uri(spec: AuthUriSpec(a)) -> Uri

Convert an AuthUriSpec to an Authorization Uri for implicit flow.

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