godfist v0.5.0 API Reference


Godfist is a wrapper for the League of Legends ReST API written in Elixir

Module to interact with the Champions endpoint

Module to get Champion masteries

Module to interact with the static data provided by Data Dragon instead of the default one by Riot

Interact with the data endpoints from DataDragon in English. Each function must be passed a locale as an atom, you can consult the available languages on Godfist.Static.languages/1

Module to interact with the League endpoint

Module to interact with the match endpoint

Module to interact with the Spectator endpoint

Module to interact with the Static data provided by Riot. I’m not going to provide examples in this Module unless it’s necessary. Just pass each region as an atom and id if it requires it

Status endpoint

Module to interact with the Summoner endpoint

Third Party Code module