Gogs (gogs v0.9.0)

Documentation for the main Gogs functions.
This package is an Elixir interface to our Gogs Server. It contains all functions we need to create repositories, clone, add data to files, commit, push and diff. Some of these functions use Git and others use the REST API. We would obviously prefer if everything was one or the other, but sadly, some things cannot be done via Git or REST so we have adopted a "hybrid" approach.

If anything is unclear, please open an issue: github.com/dwyl/gogs/issues

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clone/1 clones a remote git repository based on git_repo_url returns the path of the local copy of the repository.

commit/3 commits the latest changes on the local branch. Accepts the repo_name and a Map of params: params.message: the commit message you want in the log params.full_name: the name of the person making the commit params.email: email address of the person committing.

inject_git/0 injects a Git TestDouble in Tests & CI so we don't have duplicate mocks in the downstream app.

local_branch_create/3 creates a branch with the specified name or defaults to "draft".

local_file_read/3 reads the raw text from the file_name, params: org_name, repo_name & file_name

local_file_write_text/3 writes the desired text, to the file_name in the repo_name. Touches the file in case it doesn't already exist.

push/2 pushes the org_name/repo_name (current active branch) to the remote repository URL. Mocked during test/CI.

remote_read_file/3 reads a file from the remote repo. Accepts 4 arguments: org_name, repo_name, file_name and branch_name. The 4<sup>th</sup> argument is optional and defaults to "master" (the default branch for a repo hosted on Gogs). Makes a GET request to the remote Gogs instance as defined by the environment variable GOGS_URL. Returns {:ok, %HTTPoison.Response{ body: response_body}} Uses REST API Endpoint

remote_repo_create/3 accepts 3 arguments: org_name, repo_name & private. It creates a repo on the remote Gogs instance as defined by the environment variable GOGS_URL. For convenience it assumes that you only have one Gogs instance. If you have more or different requirements, please share!

remote_repo_delete/2 accepts two arguments: org_name and repo_name. It deletes the repo on the remote Gogs instance as defined by the environment variable GOGS_URL.

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@spec clone(String.t()) :: {:ok, any()} | {:error, any()}

clone/1 clones a remote git repository based on git_repo_url returns the path of the local copy of the repository.

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commit(org_name, repo_name, params)

@spec commit(String.t(), String.t(), map()) :: {:ok, any()} | {:error, any()}

commit/3 commits the latest changes on the local branch. Accepts the repo_name and a Map of params: params.message: the commit message you want in the log params.full_name: the name of the person making the commit params.email: email address of the person committing.

inject_git/0 injects a Git TestDouble in Tests & CI so we don't have duplicate mocks in the downstream app.

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local_branch_create(org_name, repo_name, branch_name \\ "draft")

local_branch_create/3 creates a branch with the specified name or defaults to "draft".

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local_file_read(org_name, repo_name, file_name)

@spec local_file_read(String.t(), String.t(), String.t()) :: String.t()

local_file_read/3 reads the raw text from the file_name, params: org_name, repo_name & file_name

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local_file_write_text(org_name, repo_name, file_name, text)

@spec local_file_write_text(String.t(), String.t(), String.t(), String.t()) ::
  :ok | {:error, any()}

local_file_write_text/3 writes the desired text, to the file_name in the repo_name. Touches the file in case it doesn't already exist.

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push(org_name, repo_name)

@spec push(String.t(), String.t()) :: {:ok, any()} | {:error, any()}

push/2 pushes the org_name/repo_name (current active branch) to the remote repository URL. Mocked during test/CI.

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remote_read_raw(org_name, repo_name, file_name, branch_name \\ "master")

@spec remote_read_raw(String.t(), String.t(), String.t(), String.t()) ::
  {:ok, map()} | {:error, any()}

remote_read_file/3 reads a file from the remote repo. Accepts 4 arguments: org_name, repo_name, file_name and branch_name. The 4<sup>th</sup> argument is optional and defaults to "master" (the default branch for a repo hosted on Gogs). Makes a GET request to the remote Gogs instance as defined by the environment variable GOGS_URL. Returns {:ok, %HTTPoison.Response{ body: response_body}} Uses REST API Endpoint:

GET /repos/:username/:reponame/raw/:branchname/:path

Ref: https://github.com/gogs/docs-api/blob/master/Repositories/Contents.md#get-contents

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remote_repo_create(org_name, repo_name, private \\ false)

@spec remote_repo_create(String.t(), String.t(), boolean()) ::
  {:ok, map()} | {:error, any()}

remote_repo_create/3 accepts 3 arguments: org_name, repo_name & private. It creates a repo on the remote Gogs instance as defined by the environment variable GOGS_URL. For convenience it assumes that you only have one Gogs instance. If you have more or different requirements, please share!

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remote_repo_delete(org_name, repo_name)

@spec remote_repo_delete(String.t(), String.t()) :: {:ok, map()} | {:error, any()}

remote_repo_delete/2 accepts two arguments: org_name and repo_name. It deletes the repo on the remote Gogs instance as defined by the environment variable GOGS_URL.