GogsHelpers (gogs v0.9.0)

Helper functions that can be unit tested independently of the main functions. If you spot any way to make these better, please share: https://github.com/dwyl/gogs/issues

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api_base_url/0 returns the Gogs Server REST API url for API requests.

get_org_name_from_url/1 extracts the organisation name from a .git url. ssh://git@gogs-server.fly.dev:10022/theorg/myrepo.git

get_repo_name_from_url/1 extracts the repository name from a .git url. Feel free to refactor/simplify this function if you want.

local_git_repo/2 returns the %Git.Repository{} (struct) for an org and repo on the localhost. This is used by the Git module to perform operations.

local_repo_path/2 returns the full system path for the cloned repo on the localhost i.e. the Elixir/Phoenix server that cloned it.

make_url/2 constructs the URL based on the supplied git url and TCP port. If the port is set it will be a custom Gogs instance.

remote_url/3 returns the git remote url.

remote_url_ssh/2 returns the remote ssh url for cloning.

temp_dir/1 returns the Current Working Directory (CWD). Made this a function in case we want to change the location of the directory later e.g. to a temporary directory.

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@spec api_base_url() :: String.t()

api_base_url/0 returns the Gogs Server REST API url for API requests.



iex> GogsHelpers.api_base_url() "https://gogs-server.fly.dev/api/v1/"

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@spec get_org_name_from_url(String.t()) :: String.t()

get_org_name_from_url/1 extracts the organisation name from a .git url. ssh://git@gogs-server.fly.dev:10022/theorg/myrepo.git

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@spec get_repo_name_from_url(String.t()) :: String.t()

get_repo_name_from_url/1 extracts the repository name from a .git url. Feel free to refactor/simplify this function if you want.

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local_git_repo(org, repo)

@spec local_git_repo(String.t(), String.t()) :: Git.Repository.t()

local_git_repo/2 returns the %Git.Repository{} (struct) for an org and repo on the localhost. This is used by the Git module to perform operations.

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local_repo_path(org, repo)

@spec local_repo_path(String.t(), String.t()) :: binary()

local_repo_path/2 returns the full system path for the cloned repo on the localhost i.e. the Elixir/Phoenix server that cloned it.

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make_url(git_url, port \\ 0)

@spec make_url(String.t(), integer()) :: String.t()

make_url/2 constructs the URL based on the supplied git url and TCP port. If the port is set it will be a custom Gogs instance.



iex> GogsHelpers.make_url("gogs-server.fly.dev", "10022") "ssh://git@gogs-server.fly.dev:10022/"

iex> GogsHelpers.make_url("github.com") "git@github.com:"

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remote_url(base_url, org, repo)

@spec remote_url(String.t(), String.t(), String.t()) :: String.t()

remote_url/3 returns the git remote url.

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remote_url_ssh(org, repo)

@spec remote_url_ssh(String.t(), String.t()) :: String.t()

remote_url_ssh/2 returns the remote ssh url for cloning.

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temp_dir(dir \\ nil)

@spec temp_dir(String.t() | nil) :: binary()

temp_dir/1 returns the Current Working Directory (CWD). Made this a function in case we want to change the location of the directory later e.g. to a temporary directory.