gollum v0.3.3 Gollum.Host

Represents one host's robots.txt files.

Link to this section Summary


Returns whether a specified path is crawlable by the specified user agent, based on the rules defined in the specified host struct

Creates a new Gollum.Host struct, passing in the host and rules. The rules usually are the output of the parser

Link to this section Types

Link to this type

t() :: %Gollum.Host{host: binary(), rules: map()}

Link to this section Functions

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crawlable?(host, user_agent, path)
crawlable?(Gollum.Host.t(), binary(), binary()) ::
  :crawlable | :uncrawlable | :undefined

Returns whether a specified path is crawlable by the specified user agent, based on the rules defined in the specified host struct.

Checks are done based on the specification defined by Google, which can be found here.


iex> alias Gollum.Host
iex> rules = %{
...>   "hello" => %{
...>     allowed: ["/p"],
...>     disallowed: ["/"],
...>   },
...>   "otherhello" => %{
...>     allowed: ["/$"],
...>     disallowed: ["/"],
...>   },
...>   "*" => %{
...>     allowed: ["/page"],
...>     disallowed: ["/*.htm"],
...>   },
...> }
iex> host = Host.new("hello.net", rules)
iex> Host.crawlable?(host, "Hello", "/page")
iex> Host.crawlable?(host, "OtherHello", "/page.htm")
iex> Host.crawlable?(host, "NotHello", "/page.htm")
Link to this function

new(host, rules)
new(binary(), map()) :: Gollum.Host.t()

Creates a new Gollum.Host struct, passing in the host and rules. The rules usually are the output of the parser.


iex> alias Gollum.Host
iex> rules = %{"Hello" => %{allowed: [], disallowed: []}}
iex> Host.new("hello.net", rules)
%Gollum.Host{host: "hello.net", rules: %{"Hello" => %{allowed: [], disallowed: []}}}