View Source API Reference google_api_android_enterprise v0.26.0


API client metadata for GoogleApi.AndroidEnterprise.V1.

API calls for all endpoints tagged Devices.

API calls for all endpoints tagged Enterprises.

API calls for all endpoints tagged Entitlements.

API calls for all endpoints tagged Grouplicenses.

API calls for all endpoints tagged Grouplicenseusers.

API calls for all endpoints tagged Installs.

API calls for all endpoints tagged Managedconfigurationsfordevice.

API calls for all endpoints tagged Managedconfigurationsforuser.

API calls for all endpoints tagged Managedconfigurationssettings.

API calls for all endpoints tagged Permissions.

API calls for all endpoints tagged Products.

API calls for all endpoints tagged Serviceaccountkeys.

API calls for all endpoints tagged Storelayoutclusters.

API calls for all endpoints tagged Storelayoutpages.

API calls for all endpoints tagged Users.

API calls for all endpoints tagged Webapps.

Handle Tesla connections for GoogleApi.AndroidEnterprise.V1.

This represents an enterprise admin who can manage the enterprise in the managed Google Play store.

A token authorizing an admin to access an iframe.

Specification for a token used to generate iframes. The token specifies what data the admin is allowed to modify and the URI the iframe is allowed to communiate with.


  • enabled (type: boolean(), default: nil) - Whether the Managed Configuration page is displayed. Default is true.


  • approveApps (type: boolean(), default: nil) - Allow access to the iframe in approve mode. Default is false.
  • enabled (type: boolean(), default: nil) - Whether the managed Play Search apps page is displayed. Default is true.


  • enabled (type: boolean(), default: nil) - Whether the Private Apps page is displayed. Default is true.


  • enabled (type: boolean(), default: nil) - Whether the Organize apps page is displayed. Default is true.


  • enabled (type: boolean(), default: nil) - Whether the Web Apps page is displayed. Default is true.


  • enabled (type: boolean(), default: nil) - Whether zero-touch embedded UI is usable with this token. If enabled, the admin can link zero-touch customers to this enterprise.

Represents the list of app restrictions available to be pre-configured for the product.

An event generated when a new app version is uploaded to Google Play and its app restrictions schema changed. To fetch the app restrictions schema for an app, use Products.getAppRestrictionsSchema on the EMM API.

A restriction in the App Restriction Schema represents a piece of configuration that may be pre-applied.

List of states set by the app.

An event generated when a new version of an app is uploaded to Google Play. Notifications are sent for new public versions only: alpha, beta, or canary versions do not generate this event. To fetch up-to-date version history for an app, use Products.Get on the EMM API.

This represents a single version of the app.

An AuthenticationToken is used by the EMM's device policy client on a device to provision the given EMM-managed user on that device.

The auto-install constraint. Defines a set of restrictions for installation. At least one of the fields must be set.


  • autoInstallConstraint (type: list(GoogleApi.AndroidEnterprise.V1.Model.AutoInstallConstraint.t), default: nil) - The constraints for auto-installing the app. You can specify a maximum of one constraint.
  • autoInstallMode (type: String.t, default: nil) - The auto-install mode. If unset, defaults to "doNotAutoInstall". An app is automatically installed regardless of a set maintenance window.
  • autoInstallPriority (type: integer(), default: nil) - The priority of the install, as an unsigned integer. A lower number means higher priority.
  • minimumVersionCode (type: integer(), default: nil) - The minimum version of the app. If a lower version of the app is installed, then the app will be auto-updated according to the auto-install constraints, instead of waiting for the regular auto-update. You can set a minimum version code for at most 20 apps per device.

A configuration variables resource contains the managed configuration settings ID to be applied to a single user, as well as the variable set that is attributed to the user. The variable set will be used to replace placeholders in the managed configuration settings.

Response message for create enrollment token.

A Devices resource represents a mobile device managed by the EMM and belonging to a specific enterprise user.

Device report updated with the latest app states for managed apps on the device.

An event generated when an updated device report is available.

The state of a user's device, as accessed by the getState and setState methods on device resources.


  • device (type: list(GoogleApi.AndroidEnterprise.V1.Model.Device.t), default: nil) - A managed device.

An Enterprises resource represents the binding between an EMM and a specific organization. That binding can be instantiated in one of two different ways using this API as follows: - For Google managed domain customers, the process involves using Enterprises.enroll and Enterprises.setAccount (in conjunction with artifacts obtained from the Admin console and the Google API Console) and submitted to the EMM through a more-or-less manual process. - For managed Google Play Accounts customers, the process involves using Enterprises.generateSignupUrl and Enterprises.completeSignup in conjunction with the managed Google Play sign-up UI (Google-provided mechanism) to create the binding without manual steps. As an EMM, you can support either or both approaches in your EMM console. See Create an Enterprise for details.

A service account that can be used to authenticate as the enterprise to API calls that require such authentication.

An authentication URL configuration for the authenticator app of an identity provider.


  • enterprise (type: list(GoogleApi.AndroidEnterprise.V1.Model.Enterprise.t), default: nil) - An enterprise.


  • messageId (type: String.t, default: nil) - The message ID of the test push notification that was sent.
  • topicName (type: String.t, default: nil) - The name of the Cloud Pub/Sub topic to which notifications for this enterprise's enrolled account will be sent.

The presence of an Entitlements resource indicates that a user has the right to use a particular app. Entitlements are user specific, not device specific. This allows a user with an entitlement to an app to install the app on all their devices. It's also possible for a user to hold an entitlement to an app without installing the app on any device. The API can be used to create an entitlement. As an option, you can also use the API to trigger the installation of an app on all a user's managed devices at the same time the entitlement is created. If the app is free, creating the entitlement also creates a group license for that app. For paid apps, creating the entitlement consumes one license, and that license remains consumed until the entitlement is removed. If the enterprise hasn't purchased enough licenses, then no entitlement is created and the installation fails. An entitlement is also not created for an app if the app requires permissions that the enterprise hasn't accepted. If an entitlement is deleted, the app may be uninstalled from a user's device. As a best practice, uninstall the app by calling Installs.delete() before deleting the entitlement. Entitlements for apps that a user pays for on an unmanaged profile have "userPurchase" as the entitlement reason. These entitlements cannot be removed via the API.


  • entitlement (type: list(GoogleApi.AndroidEnterprise.V1.Model.Entitlement.t), default: nil) - An entitlement of a user to a product (e.g. an app). For example, a free app that they have installed, or a paid app that they have been allocated a license to.

Contains settings for Google-provided user authentication.

Group license objects allow you to keep track of licenses (called entitlements) for both free and paid apps. For a free app, a group license is created when an enterprise admin first approves the product in Google Play or when the first entitlement for the product is created for a user via the API. For a paid app, a group license object is only created when an enterprise admin purchases the product in Google Play for the first time. Use the API to query group licenses. A Grouplicenses resource includes the total number of licenses purchased (paid apps only) and the total number of licenses currently in use. In other words, the total number of Entitlements that exist for the product. Only one group license object is created per product and group license objects are never deleted. If a product is unapproved, its group license remains. This allows enterprise admins to keep track of any remaining entitlements for the product.


  • user (type: list(GoogleApi.AndroidEnterprise.V1.Model.User.t), default: nil) - A user of an enterprise.


  • groupLicense (type: list(GoogleApi.AndroidEnterprise.V1.Model.GroupLicense.t), default: nil) - A group license for a product approved for use in the enterprise.

The existence of an Installs resource indicates that an app is installed on a particular device (or that an install is pending). The API can be used to create an install resource using the update method. This triggers the actual install of the app on the device. If the user does not already have an entitlement for the app, then an attempt is made to create one. If this fails (for example, because the app is not free and there is no available license), then the creation of the install fails. The API can also be used to update an installed app. If the update method is used on an existing install, then the app will be updated to the latest available version. Note that it is not possible to force the installation of a specific version of an app: the version code is read-only. If a user installs an app themselves (as permitted by the enterprise), then again an install resource and possibly an entitlement resource are automatically created. The API can also be used to delete an install resource, which triggers the removal of the app from the device. Note that deleting an install does not automatically remove the corresponding entitlement, even if there are no remaining installs. The install resource will also be deleted if the user uninstalls the app themselves.

An event generated when an app installation failed on a device


  • install (type: list(GoogleApi.AndroidEnterprise.V1.Model.Install.t), default: nil) - An installation of an app for a user on a specific device. The existence of an install implies that the user must have an entitlement to the app.

Represents a keyed app state containing a key, timestamp, severity level, optional description, and optional data.

A localized string with its locale.

Maintenance window for managed Google Play Accounts. This allows Play store to update the apps on the foreground in the designated window.

A managed configuration resource contains the set of managed properties defined by the app developer in the app's managed configurations schema, as well as any configuration variables defined for the user.


  • managedConfigurationForDevice (type: list(GoogleApi.AndroidEnterprise.V1.Model.ManagedConfiguration.t), default: nil) - A managed configuration for an app on a specific device.


  • managedConfigurationForUser (type: list(GoogleApi.AndroidEnterprise.V1.Model.ManagedConfiguration.t), default: nil) - A managed configuration for an app for a specific user.

A managed configurations settings resource contains the set of managed properties that have been configured for an Android app to be applied to a set of users. The app's developer would have defined configurable properties in the managed configurations schema.


  • managedConfigurationsSettings (type: list(GoogleApi.AndroidEnterprise.V1.Model.ManagedConfigurationsSettings.t), default: nil) - A managed configurations settings for an app that may be assigned to a group of users in an enterprise.

A managed property of a managed configuration. The property must match one of the properties in the app restrictions schema of the product. Exactly one of the value fields must be populated, and it must match the property's type in the app restrictions schema.

An event generated when a new device is ready to be managed.

An event generated when new permissions are added to an app.

A notification of one event relating to an enterprise.

A resource returned by the PullNotificationSet API, which contains a collection of notifications for enterprises associated with the service account authenticated for the request.

Information about the current page. List operations that supports paging return only one "page" of results. This protocol buffer message describes the page that has been returned.

A Permissions resource represents some extra capability, to be granted to an Android app, which requires explicit consent. An enterprise admin must consent to these permissions on behalf of their users before an entitlement for the app can be created. The permissions collection is read-only. The information provided for each permission (localized name and description) is intended to be used in the MDM user interface when obtaining consent from the enterprise.

The device policy for a given managed device.

A Products resource represents an app in the Google Play store that is available to at least some users in the enterprise. (Some apps are restricted to a single enterprise, and no information about them is made available outside that enterprise.) The information provided for each product (localized name, icon, link to the full Google Play details page) is intended to allow a basic representation of the product within an EMM user interface.

An event generated when a product's approval status is changed.

An event generated whenever a product's availability changes.

A product permissions resource represents the set of permissions required by a specific app and whether or not they have been accepted by an enterprise admin. The API can be used to read the set of permissions, and also to update the set to indicate that permissions have been accepted.

Information about the permissions required by a specific app and whether they have been accepted by the enterprise.


  • certificateHashSha1 (type: String.t, default: nil) - The base64 urlsafe encoded SHA1 hash of the certificate. (This field is deprecated in favor of SHA2-256. It should not be used and may be removed at any time.)
  • certificateHashSha256 (type: String.t, default: nil) - The base64 urlsafe encoded SHA2-256 hash of the certificate.

A product to be made visible to a user.


  • approvalUrlInfo (type: GoogleApi.AndroidEnterprise.V1.Model.ApprovalUrlInfo.t, default: nil) - The approval URL that was shown to the user. Only the permissions shown to the user with that URL will be accepted, which may not be the product's entire set of permissions. For example, the URL may only display new permissions from an update after the product was approved, or not include new permissions if the product was updated since the URL was generated.
  • approvedPermissions (type: String.t, default: nil) - Sets how new permission requests for the product are handled. "allPermissions" automatically approves all current and future permissions for the product. "currentPermissionsOnly" approves the current set of permissions for the product, but any future permissions added through updates will require manual reapproval. If not specified, only the current set of permissions will be approved.


  • url (type: String.t, default: nil) - A URL that can be rendered in an iframe to display the permissions (if any) of a product. This URL can be used to approve the product only once and only within 24 hours of being generated, using the Products.approve call. If the product is currently unapproved and has no permissions, this URL will point to an empty page. If the product is currently approved, a URL will only be generated if that product has added permissions since it was last approved, and the URL will only display those new permissions that have not yet been accepted.


  • pageInfo (type: GoogleApi.AndroidEnterprise.V1.Model.PageInfo.t, default: nil) - General pagination information.
  • product (type: list(GoogleApi.AndroidEnterprise.V1.Model.Product.t), default: nil) - Information about a product (e.g. an app) in the Google Play store, for display to an enterprise admin.
  • tokenPagination (type: GoogleApi.AndroidEnterprise.V1.Model.TokenPagination.t, default: nil) - Pagination information for token pagination.

A service account identity, including the name and credentials that can be used to authenticate as the service account.

Credentials that can be used to authenticate as a service account.


  • serviceAccountKey (type: list(GoogleApi.AndroidEnterprise.V1.Model.ServiceAccountKey.t), default: nil) - The service account credentials.

A resource returned by the GenerateSignupUrl API, which contains the Signup URL and Completion Token.

Definition of a managed Google Play store cluster, a list of products displayed as part of a store page.

General setting for the managed Google Play store layout, currently only specifying the page to display the first time the store is opened.


  • cluster (type: list(GoogleApi.AndroidEnterprise.V1.Model.StoreCluster.t), default: nil) - A store cluster of an enterprise.


  • page (type: list(GoogleApi.AndroidEnterprise.V1.Model.StorePage.t), default: nil) - A store page of an enterprise.

Definition of a managed Google Play store page, made of a localized name and links to other pages. A page also contains clusters defined as a subcollection.

Pagination information returned by a List operation when token pagination is enabled. List operations that supports paging return only one "page" of results. This protocol buffer message describes the page that has been returned. When using token pagination, clients should use the next/previous token to get another page of the result. The presence or absence of next/previous token indicates whether a next/previous page is available and provides a mean of accessing this page. ListRequest.page_token should be set to either next_page_token or previous_page_token to access another page.

Id to name association of a track.

A Users resource represents an account associated with an enterprise. The account may be specific to a device or to an individual user (who can then use the account across multiple devices). The account may provide access to managed Google Play only, or to other Google services, depending on the identity model: - The Google managed domain identity model requires synchronization to Google account sources (via primaryEmail). - The managed Google Play Accounts identity model provides a dynamic means for enterprises to create user or device accounts as needed. These accounts provide access to managed Google Play.


  • user (type: list(GoogleApi.AndroidEnterprise.V1.Model.User.t), default: nil) - A user of an enterprise.

A variable set is a key-value pair of EMM-provided placeholders and its corresponding value, which is attributed to a user. For example, $FIRSTNAME could be a placeholder, and its value could be Alice. Placeholders should start with a '$' sign and should be alphanumeric only.

A WebApps resource represents a web app created for an enterprise. Web apps are published to managed Google Play and can be distributed like other Android apps. On a user's device, a web app opens its specified URL.


  • webApp (type: list(GoogleApi.AndroidEnterprise.V1.Model.WebApp.t), default: nil) - The manifest describing a web app.