View Source GoogleApi.Apigee.V1.Model.GoogleCloudApigeeV1SecurityActionsConfig (google_api_apigee v0.46.0)

SecurityActionsConfig reflects the current state of the SecurityActions feature. This is a singleton resource:


  • enabled (type: boolean(), default: nil) - The flag that controls whether this feature is enabled. This is unset by default. When this flag is false, even if individual rules are enabled, no SecurityActions will be enforced.
  • name (type: String.t, default: nil) - This is a singleton resource, the name will always be set by SecurityActions and any user input will be ignored. The name is always: organizations/{org}/environments/{env}/security_actions_config
  • updateTime (type: DateTime.t, default: nil) - Output only. The update time for configuration.



Unwrap a decoded JSON object into its complex fields.


@type t() :: %GoogleApi.Apigee.V1.Model.GoogleCloudApigeeV1SecurityActionsConfig{
  enabled: boolean() | nil,
  name: String.t() | nil,
  updateTime: DateTime.t() | nil


@spec decode(struct(), keyword()) :: struct()

Unwrap a decoded JSON object into its complex fields.