View Source GoogleApi.Container.V1.Model.NetworkConfig (google_api_container v0.45.0)

NetworkConfig reports the relative names of network & subnetwork.


  • datapathProvider (type: String.t, default: nil) - The desired datapath provider for this cluster. By default, uses the IPTables-based kube-proxy implementation.
  • defaultSnatStatus (type: GoogleApi.Container.V1.Model.DefaultSnatStatus.t, default: nil) - Whether the cluster disables default in-node sNAT rules. In-node sNAT rules will be disabled when default_snat_status is disabled. When disabled is set to false, default IP masquerade rules will be applied to the nodes to prevent sNAT on cluster internal traffic.
  • dnsConfig (type: GoogleApi.Container.V1.Model.DNSConfig.t, default: nil) - DNSConfig contains clusterDNS config for this cluster.
  • enableCiliumClusterwideNetworkPolicy (type: boolean(), default: nil) - Whether CiliumClusterwideNetworkPolicy is enabled on this cluster.
  • enableFqdnNetworkPolicy (type: boolean(), default: nil) - Whether FQDN Network Policy is enabled on this cluster.
  • enableIntraNodeVisibility (type: boolean(), default: nil) - Whether Intra-node visibility is enabled for this cluster. This makes same node pod to pod traffic visible for VPC network.
  • enableL4ilbSubsetting (type: boolean(), default: nil) - Whether L4ILB Subsetting is enabled for this cluster.
  • enableMultiNetworking (type: boolean(), default: nil) - Whether multi-networking is enabled for this cluster.
  • gatewayApiConfig (type: GoogleApi.Container.V1.Model.GatewayAPIConfig.t, default: nil) - GatewayAPIConfig contains the desired config of Gateway API on this cluster.
  • inTransitEncryptionConfig (type: String.t, default: nil) - Specify the details of in-transit encryption.
  • network (type: String.t, default: nil) - Output only. The relative name of the Google Compute Engine network( to which the cluster is connected. Example: projects/my-project/global/networks/my-network
  • networkPerformanceConfig (type: GoogleApi.Container.V1.Model.ClusterNetworkPerformanceConfig.t, default: nil) - Network bandwidth tier configuration.
  • privateIpv6GoogleAccess (type: String.t, default: nil) - The desired state of IPv6 connectivity to Google Services. By default, no private IPv6 access to or from Google Services (all access will be via IPv4)
  • serviceExternalIpsConfig (type: GoogleApi.Container.V1.Model.ServiceExternalIPsConfig.t, default: nil) - ServiceExternalIPsConfig specifies if services with externalIPs field are blocked or not.
  • subnetwork (type: String.t, default: nil) - Output only. The relative name of the Google Compute Engine subnetwork to which the cluster is connected. Example: projects/my-project/regions/us-central1/subnetworks/my-subnet



Unwrap a decoded JSON object into its complex fields.


@type t() :: %GoogleApi.Container.V1.Model.NetworkConfig{
  datapathProvider: String.t() | nil,
  defaultSnatStatus: GoogleApi.Container.V1.Model.DefaultSnatStatus.t() | nil,
  dnsConfig: GoogleApi.Container.V1.Model.DNSConfig.t() | nil,
  enableCiliumClusterwideNetworkPolicy: boolean() | nil,
  enableFqdnNetworkPolicy: boolean() | nil,
  enableIntraNodeVisibility: boolean() | nil,
  enableL4ilbSubsetting: boolean() | nil,
  enableMultiNetworking: boolean() | nil,
  gatewayApiConfig: GoogleApi.Container.V1.Model.GatewayAPIConfig.t() | nil,
  inTransitEncryptionConfig: String.t() | nil,
  network: String.t() | nil,
    GoogleApi.Container.V1.Model.ClusterNetworkPerformanceConfig.t() | nil,
  privateIpv6GoogleAccess: String.t() | nil,
    GoogleApi.Container.V1.Model.ServiceExternalIPsConfig.t() | nil,
  subnetwork: String.t() | nil


@spec decode(struct(), keyword()) :: struct()

Unwrap a decoded JSON object into its complex fields.