View Source API Reference google_api_container v0.45.0


API client metadata for GoogleApi.Container.V1.

API calls for all endpoints tagged Projects.

Handle Tesla connections for GoogleApi.Container.V1.

AcceleratorConfig represents a Hardware Accelerator request.

AdditionalNodeNetworkConfig is the configuration for additional node networks within the NodeNetworkConfig message

AdditionalPodNetworkConfig is the configuration for additional pod networks within the NodeNetworkConfig message

AdditionalPodRangesConfig is the configuration for additional pod secondary ranges supporting the ClusterUpdate message.

Configuration for the addons that can be automatically spun up in the cluster, enabling additional functionality.

AdvancedDatapathObservabilityConfig specifies configuration of observability features of advanced datapath.

Specifies options for controlling advanced machine features.

Configuration for returning group information from authenticators.

AutoUpgradeOptions defines the set of options for the user to control how the Auto Upgrades will proceed.

Autopilot is the configuration for Autopilot settings on the cluster.

AutopilotCompatibilityIssue contains information about a specific compatibility issue with Autopilot mode.

AutoprovisioningNodePoolDefaults contains defaults for a node pool created by NAP.

Parameters for using BigQuery as the destination of resource usage export.

Configuration for Binary Authorization.

Information relevant to blue-green upgrade.

Settings for blue-green upgrade.

CancelOperationRequest cancels a single operation.

CheckAutopilotCompatibilityResponse has a list of compatibility issues.

CidrBlock contains an optional name and one CIDR block.

Configuration for client certificates on the cluster.

Configuration options for the Cloud Run feature.

A Google Kubernetes Engine cluster.

ClusterAutoscaling contains global, per-cluster information required by Cluster Autoscaler to automatically adjust the size of the cluster and create/delete node pools based on the current needs.

Configuration of network bandwidth tiers

ClusterUpdate describes an update to the cluster. Exactly one update can be applied to a cluster with each request, so at most one field can be provided.

CompleteIPRotationRequest moves the cluster master back into single-IP mode.

CompleteNodePoolUpgradeRequest sets the name of target node pool to complete upgrade.

ConfidentialNodes is configuration for the confidential nodes feature, which makes nodes run on confidential VMs.

Configuration options for the Config Connector add-on.

Parameters for controlling consumption metering.

Configuration for fine-grained cost management feature.

CreateClusterRequest creates a cluster.

CreateNodePoolRequest creates a node pool for a cluster.

DNSConfig contains the desired set of options for configuring clusterDNS.

Time window specified for daily maintenance operations.

Configuration of etcd encryption.

DefaultSnatStatus contains the desired state of whether default sNAT should be disabled on the cluster.

Configuration for NodeLocal DNSCache

A generic empty message that you can re-use to avoid defining duplicated empty messages in your APIs. A typical example is to use it as the request or the response type of an API method. For instance: service Foo { rpc Bar(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (google.protobuf.Empty); }

EnterpriseConfig is the cluster enterprise configuration.

EphemeralStorageLocalSsdConfig contains configuration for the node ephemeral storage using Local SSDs.

Configuration of Fast Socket feature.

Allows filtering to one or more specific event types. If event types are present, those and only those event types will be transmitted to the cluster. Other types will be skipped. If no filter is specified, or no event types are present, all event types will be sent

Fleet is the fleet configuration for the cluster.

GPUDriverInstallationConfig specifies the version of GPU driver to be auto installed.

GPUSharingConfig represents the GPU sharing configuration for Hardware Accelerators.

GatewayAPIConfig contains the desired config of Gateway API on this cluster.

Configuration for the Compute Engine PD CSI driver.

GcfsConfig contains configurations of Google Container File System (image streaming).

Configuration for the GCP Filestore CSI driver.

Configuration for the Cloud Storage Fuse CSI driver.

GetJSONWebKeysResponse is a valid JSON Web Key Set as specififed in rfc 7517

GetOpenIDConfigResponse is an OIDC discovery document for the cluster. See the OpenID Connect Discovery 1.0 specification for details.

Configuration for the Backup for GKE Agent.

Configuration options for the horizontal pod autoscaling feature, which increases or decreases the number of replica pods a replication controller has based on the resource usage of the existing pods.

Configuration options for the HTTP (L7) load balancing controller addon, which makes it easy to set up HTTP load balancers for services in a cluster.

ILBSubsettingConfig contains the desired config of L4 Internal LoadBalancer subsetting on this cluster.

Configuration for controlling how IPs are allocated in the cluster.

IdentityServiceConfig is configuration for Identity Service which allows customers to use external identity providers with the K8S API

IntraNodeVisibilityConfig contains the desired config of the intra-node visibility on this cluster.

Jwk is a JSON Web Key as specified in RFC 7517

K8sBetaAPIConfig , configuration for beta APIs

Configuration for the Kubernetes Dashboard.

Configuration for the legacy Attribute Based Access Control authorization mode.

Parameters that can be configured on Linux nodes.

ListClustersResponse is the result of ListClustersRequest.

ListNodePoolsResponse is the result of ListNodePoolsRequest.

ListOperationsResponse is the result of ListOperationsRequest.

ListUsableSubnetworksResponse is the response of ListUsableSubnetworksRequest.

LocalNvmeSsdBlockConfig contains configuration for using raw-block local NVMe SSDs

LoggingComponentConfig is cluster logging component configuration.

LoggingConfig is cluster logging configuration.

LoggingVariantConfig specifies the behaviour of the logging component.

Represents the Maintenance exclusion option.

MaintenancePolicy defines the maintenance policy to be used for the cluster.

MaintenanceWindow defines the maintenance window to be used for the cluster.

ManagedPrometheusConfig defines the configuration for Google Cloud Managed Service for Prometheus.

The authentication information for accessing the master endpoint. Authentication can be done using HTTP basic auth or using client certificates.

Configuration options for the master authorized networks feature. Enabled master authorized networks will disallow all external traffic to access Kubernetes master through HTTPS except traffic from the given CIDR blocks, Google Compute Engine Public IPs and Google Prod IPs.

Constraints applied to pods.

Configuration for issuance of mTLS keys and certificates to Kubernetes pods.

Progress metric is (string, int|float|string) pair.

MonitoringComponentConfig is cluster monitoring component configuration.

MonitoringConfig is cluster monitoring configuration.

NetworkConfig reports the relative names of network & subnetwork.

Configuration of all network bandwidth tiers

Configuration for NetworkPolicy. This only tracks whether the addon is enabled or not on the Master, it does not track whether network policy is enabled for the nodes.

Collection of Compute Engine network tags that can be applied to a node's underlying VM instance.

Specifies the NodeAffinity key, values, and affinity operator according to shared sole tenant node group affinities.

Parameters that describe the nodes in a cluster. GKE Autopilot clusters do not recognize parameters in NodeConfig. Use AutoprovisioningNodePoolDefaults instead.

Subset of NodeConfig message that has defaults.

NodeManagement defines the set of node management services turned on for the node pool.

Parameters for node pool-level network config.

NodePool contains the name and configuration for a cluster's node pool. Node pools are a set of nodes (i.e. VM's), with a common configuration and specification, under the control of the cluster master. They may have a set of Kubernetes labels applied to them, which may be used to reference them during pod scheduling. They may also be resized up or down, to accommodate the workload.

Node pool configs that apply to all auto-provisioned node pools in autopilot clusters and node auto-provisioning enabled clusters.

NodePoolAutoscaling contains information required by cluster autoscaler to adjust the size of the node pool to the current cluster usage.

Subset of Nodepool message that has defaults.

NodePoolLoggingConfig specifies logging configuration for nodepools.

Kubernetes taint is composed of three fields: key, value, and effect. Effect can only be one of three types: NoSchedule, PreferNoSchedule or NoExecute. See here for more information, including usage and the valid values.

NotificationConfig is the configuration of notifications.

This operation resource represents operations that may have happened or are happening on the cluster. All fields are output only.

OperationError records errors seen from CloudKMS keys encountered during updates to DatabaseEncryption configuration.

Information about operation (or operation stage) progress.

ParentProductConfig is the configuration of the parent product of the cluster. This field is used by Google internal products that are built on top of a GKE cluster and take the ownership of the cluster.

PlacementPolicy defines the placement policy used by the node pool.

[PRIVATE FIELD] Config for pod CIDR size overprovisioning.

Configuration options for private clusters.

Configuration for controlling master global access settings.

Pub/Sub specific notification config.

QueuedProvisioning defines the queued provisioning used by the node pool.

RangeInfo contains the range name and the range utilization by this cluster.

Represents an arbitrary window of time that recurs.

ReleaseChannel indicates which release channel a cluster is subscribed to. Release channels are arranged in order of risk. When a cluster is subscribed to a release channel, Google maintains both the master version and the node version. Node auto-upgrade defaults to true and cannot be disabled.

ReleaseChannelConfig exposes configuration for a release channel.

ReservationAffinity is the configuration of desired reservation which instances could take capacity from.

Contains information about amount of some resource in the cluster. For memory, value should be in GB.

A map of resource manager tag keys and values to be attached to the nodes for managing Compute Engine firewalls using Network Firewall Policies. Tags must be according to specifications in A maximum of 5 tag key-value pairs can be specified. Existing tags will be replaced with new values.

Configuration for exporting cluster resource usages.

RollbackNodePoolUpgradeRequest rollbacks the previously Aborted or Failed NodePool upgrade. This will be an no-op if the last upgrade successfully completed.

SandboxConfig contains configurations of the sandbox to use for the node.

SecondaryBootDisk represents a persistent disk attached to a node with special configurations based on its mode.

SecondaryBootDiskUpdateStrategy is a placeholder which will be extended in the future to define different options for updating secondary boot disks.

SecurityBulletinEvent is a notification sent to customers when a security bulletin has been posted that they are vulnerable to.

SecurityPostureConfig defines the flags needed to enable/disable features for the Security Posture API.

Kubernetes Engine service configuration.

Config to block services with externalIPs field.

SetAddonsConfigRequest sets the addons associated with the cluster.

SetLabelsRequest sets the Google Cloud Platform labels on a Google Container Engine cluster, which will in turn set them for Google Compute Engine resources used by that cluster

SetLegacyAbacRequest enables or disables the ABAC authorization mechanism for a cluster.

SetLocationsRequest sets the locations of the cluster.

SetLoggingServiceRequest sets the logging service of a cluster.

SetMaintenancePolicyRequest sets the maintenance policy for a cluster.

SetMasterAuthRequest updates the admin password of a cluster.

SetMonitoringServiceRequest sets the monitoring service of a cluster.

SetNetworkPolicyRequest enables/disables network policy for a cluster.

SetNodePoolAutoscalingRequest sets the autoscaler settings of a node pool.

SetNodePoolManagementRequest sets the node management properties of a node pool.

SetNodePoolSizeRequest sets the size of a node pool.

A set of Shielded Instance options.

Configuration of Shielded Nodes feature.

SoleTenantConfig contains the NodeAffinities to specify what shared sole tenant node groups should back the node pool.

Standard rollout policy is the default policy for blue-green.

StartIPRotationRequest creates a new IP for the cluster and then performs a node upgrade on each node pool to point to the new IP.

Configuration for the Stateful HA add-on.

The Status type defines a logical error model that is suitable for different programming environments, including REST APIs and RPC APIs. It is used by gRPC. Each Status message contains three pieces of data: error code, error message, and error details. You can find out more about this error model and how to work with it in the API Design Guide.

StatusCondition describes why a cluster or a node pool has a certain status (e.g., ERROR or DEGRADED).

Represents an arbitrary window of time.

UpdateClusterRequest updates the settings of a cluster.

UpdateInfo contains resource (instance groups, etc), status and other intermediate information relevant to a node pool upgrade.

UpdateMasterRequest updates the master of the cluster.

UpdateNodePoolRequests update a node pool's image and/or version.

UpgradeAvailableEvent is a notification sent to customers when a new available version is released.

UpgradeEvent is a notification sent to customers by the cluster server when a resource is upgrading.

These upgrade settings control the level of parallelism and the level of disruption caused by an upgrade. maxUnavailable controls the number of nodes that can be simultaneously unavailable. maxSurge controls the number of additional nodes that can be added to the node pool temporarily for the time of the upgrade to increase the number of available nodes. (maxUnavailable + maxSurge) determines the level of parallelism (how many nodes are being upgraded at the same time). Note: upgrades inevitably introduce some disruption since workloads need to be moved from old nodes to new, upgraded ones. Even if maxUnavailable=0, this holds true. (Disruption stays within the limits of PodDisruptionBudget, if it is configured.) Consider a hypothetical node pool with 5 nodes having maxSurge=2, maxUnavailable=1. This means the upgrade process upgrades 3 nodes simultaneously. It creates 2 additional (upgraded) nodes, then it brings down 3 old (not yet upgraded) nodes at the same time. This ensures that there are always at least 4 nodes available. These upgrade settings configure the upgrade strategy for the node pool. Use strategy to switch between the strategies applied to the node pool. If the strategy is ROLLING, use max_surge and max_unavailable to control the level of parallelism and the level of disruption caused by upgrade. 1. maxSurge controls the number of additional nodes that can be added to the node pool temporarily for the time of the upgrade to increase the number of available nodes. 2. maxUnavailable controls the number of nodes that can be simultaneously unavailable. 3. (maxUnavailable + maxSurge) determines the level of parallelism (how many nodes are being upgraded at the same time). If the strategy is BLUE_GREEN, use blue_green_settings to configure the blue-green upgrade related settings. 1. standard_rollout_policy is the default policy. The policy is used to control the way blue pool gets drained. The draining is executed in the batch mode. The batch size could be specified as either percentage of the node pool size or the number of nodes. batch_soak_duration is the soak time after each batch gets drained. 2. node_pool_soak_duration is the soak time after all blue nodes are drained. After this period, the blue pool nodes will be deleted.

UsableSubnetwork resource returns the subnetwork name, its associated network and the primary CIDR range.

Secondary IP range of a usable subnetwork.

VerticalPodAutoscaling contains global, per-cluster information required by Vertical Pod Autoscaler to automatically adjust the resources of pods controlled by it.

Configuration of gVNIC feature.

Parameters that can be configured on Windows nodes. Windows Node Config that define the parameters that will be used to configure the Windows node pool settings

Configuration for the use of Kubernetes Service Accounts in GCP IAM policies.

WorkloadMetadataConfig defines the metadata configuration to expose to workloads on the node pool.

WorkloadPolicyConfig is the configuration of workload policy for autopilot clusters.