View Source GoogleApi.DataMigration.V1.Model.MappingRule (google_api_data_migration v0.19.0)

Definition of a transformation that is to be applied to a group of entities in the source schema. Several such transformations can be applied to an entity sequentially to define the corresponding entity in the target schema.


  • conditionalColumnSetValue (type: GoogleApi.DataMigration.V1.Model.ConditionalColumnSetValue.t, default: nil) - Optional. Rule to specify how the data contained in a column should be transformed (such as trimmed, rounded, etc) provided that the data meets certain criteria.
  • convertRowidColumn (type: GoogleApi.DataMigration.V1.Model.ConvertRowIdToColumn.t, default: nil) - Optional. Rule to specify how multiple tables should be converted with an additional rowid column.
  • displayName (type: String.t, default: nil) - Optional. A human readable name
  • entityMove (type: GoogleApi.DataMigration.V1.Model.EntityMove.t, default: nil) - Optional. Rule to specify how multiple entities should be relocated into a different schema.
  • filter (type: GoogleApi.DataMigration.V1.Model.MappingRuleFilter.t, default: nil) - Required. The rule filter
  • filterTableColumns (type: GoogleApi.DataMigration.V1.Model.FilterTableColumns.t, default: nil) - Optional. Rule to specify the list of columns to include or exclude from a table.
  • multiColumnDataTypeChange (type: GoogleApi.DataMigration.V1.Model.MultiColumnDatatypeChange.t, default: nil) - Optional. Rule to specify how multiple columns should be converted to a different data type.
  • multiEntityRename (type: GoogleApi.DataMigration.V1.Model.MultiEntityRename.t, default: nil) - Optional. Rule to specify how multiple entities should be renamed.
  • name (type: String.t, default: nil) - Full name of the mapping rule resource, in the form of: projects/{project}/locations/{location}/conversionWorkspaces/{set}/mappingRule/{rule}.
  • revisionCreateTime (type: DateTime.t, default: nil) - Output only. The timestamp that the revision was created.
  • revisionId (type: String.t, default: nil) - Output only. The revision ID of the mapping rule. A new revision is committed whenever the mapping rule is changed in any way. The format is an 8-character hexadecimal string.
  • ruleOrder (type: String.t, default: nil) - Required. The order in which the rule is applied. Lower order rules are applied before higher value rules so they may end up being overridden.
  • ruleScope (type: String.t, default: nil) - Required. The rule scope
  • setTablePrimaryKey (type: GoogleApi.DataMigration.V1.Model.SetTablePrimaryKey.t, default: nil) - Optional. Rule to specify the primary key for a table
  • singleColumnChange (type: GoogleApi.DataMigration.V1.Model.SingleColumnChange.t, default: nil) - Optional. Rule to specify how a single column is converted.
  • singleEntityRename (type: GoogleApi.DataMigration.V1.Model.SingleEntityRename.t, default: nil) - Optional. Rule to specify how a single entity should be renamed.
  • singlePackageChange (type: GoogleApi.DataMigration.V1.Model.SinglePackageChange.t, default: nil) - Optional. Rule to specify how a single package is converted.
  • sourceSqlChange (type: GoogleApi.DataMigration.V1.Model.SourceSqlChange.t, default: nil) - Optional. Rule to change the sql code for an entity, for example, function, procedure.
  • state (type: String.t, default: nil) - Optional. The mapping rule state



Unwrap a decoded JSON object into its complex fields.


@type t() :: %GoogleApi.DataMigration.V1.Model.MappingRule{
    GoogleApi.DataMigration.V1.Model.ConditionalColumnSetValue.t() | nil,
    GoogleApi.DataMigration.V1.Model.ConvertRowIdToColumn.t() | nil,
  displayName: String.t() | nil,
  entityMove: GoogleApi.DataMigration.V1.Model.EntityMove.t() | nil,
  filter: GoogleApi.DataMigration.V1.Model.MappingRuleFilter.t() | nil,
    GoogleApi.DataMigration.V1.Model.FilterTableColumns.t() | nil,
    GoogleApi.DataMigration.V1.Model.MultiColumnDatatypeChange.t() | nil,
    GoogleApi.DataMigration.V1.Model.MultiEntityRename.t() | nil,
  name: String.t() | nil,
  revisionCreateTime: DateTime.t() | nil,
  revisionId: String.t() | nil,
  ruleOrder: String.t() | nil,
  ruleScope: String.t() | nil,
    GoogleApi.DataMigration.V1.Model.SetTablePrimaryKey.t() | nil,
    GoogleApi.DataMigration.V1.Model.SingleColumnChange.t() | nil,
    GoogleApi.DataMigration.V1.Model.SingleEntityRename.t() | nil,
    GoogleApi.DataMigration.V1.Model.SinglePackageChange.t() | nil,
  sourceSqlChange: GoogleApi.DataMigration.V1.Model.SourceSqlChange.t() | nil,
  state: String.t() | nil


@spec decode(struct(), keyword()) :: struct()

Unwrap a decoded JSON object into its complex fields.