View Source GoogleApi.DiscoveryEngine.V1beta.Model.GoogleTypeDate (google_api_discovery_engine v0.18.1)
Represents a whole or partial calendar date, such as a birthday. The time of day and time zone are either specified elsewhere or are insignificant. The date is relative to the Gregorian Calendar. This can represent one of the following: A full date, with non-zero year, month, and day values. A month and day, with a zero year (for example, an anniversary). A year on its own, with a zero month and a zero day. A year and month, with a zero day (for example, a credit card expiration date). Related types: google.type.TimeOfDay google.type.DateTime * google.protobuf.Timestamp
, default:nil
) - Day of a month. Must be from 1 to 31 and valid for the year and month, or 0 to specify a year by itself or a year and month where the day isn't significant. -
, default:nil
) - Month of a year. Must be from 1 to 12, or 0 to specify a year without a month and day. -
, default:nil
) - Year of the date. Must be from 1 to 9999, or 0 to specify a date without a year.
Unwrap a decoded JSON object into its complex fields.
Unwrap a decoded JSON object into its complex fields.