View Source API Reference google_api_discovery_engine v0.27.0
API client metadata for GoogleApi.DiscoveryEngine.V1.
API calls for all endpoints tagged Projects
Handle Tesla connections for GoogleApi.DiscoveryEngine.V1.
contains summary statistics for a population of values. It optionally contains a histogram representing the distribution of those values across a set of buckets. The summary statistics are the count, mean, sum of the squared deviation from the mean, the minimum, and the maximum of the set of population of values. The histogram is based on a sequence of buckets and gives a count of values that fall into each bucket. The boundaries of the buckets are given either explicitly or by formulas for buckets of fixed or exponentially increasing widths. Although it is not forbidden, it is generally a bad idea to include non-finite values (infinities or NaNs) in the population of values, as this will render the mean
and sum_of_squared_deviation
fields meaningless.
describes the bucket boundaries used to create a histogram for the distribution. The buckets can be in a linear sequence, an exponential sequence, or each bucket can be specified explicitly. BucketOptions
does not include the number of values in each bucket. A bucket has an inclusive lower bound and exclusive upper bound for the values that are counted for that bucket. The upper bound of a bucket must be strictly greater than the lower bound. The sequence of N buckets for a distribution consists of an underflow bucket (number 0), zero or more finite buckets (number 1 through N - 2) and an overflow bucket (number N - 1). The buckets are contiguous: the lower bound of bucket i (i > 0) is the same as the upper bound of bucket i - 1. The buckets span the whole range of finite values: lower bound of the underflow bucket is -infinity and the upper bound of the overflow bucket is +infinity. The finite buckets are so-called because both bounds are finite.
Specifies a set of buckets with arbitrary widths. There are size(bounds) + 1
(= N) buckets. Bucket i
has the following boundaries: Upper bound (0 <= i < N-1): bounds[i] Lower bound (1 <= i < N); bounds[i - 1] The bounds
field must contain at least one element. If bounds
has only one element, then there are no finite buckets, and that single element is the common boundary of the overflow and underflow buckets.
Specifies an exponential sequence of buckets that have a width that is proportional to the value of the lower bound. Each bucket represents a constant relative uncertainty on a specific value in the bucket. There are num_finite_buckets + 2
(= N) buckets. Bucket i
has the following boundaries: Upper bound (0 <= i < N-1): scale (growth_factor ^ i). Lower bound (1 <= i < N): scale (growth_factor ^ (i - 1)).
Specifies a linear sequence of buckets that all have the same width (except overflow and underflow). Each bucket represents a constant absolute uncertainty on the specific value in the bucket. There are num_finite_buckets + 2
(= N) buckets. Bucket i
has the following boundaries: Upper bound (0 <= i < N-1): offset + (width i). Lower bound (1 <= i < N): offset + (width (i - 1)).
Exemplars are example points that may be used to annotate aggregated distribution values. They are metadata that gives information about a particular value added to a Distribution bucket, such as a trace ID that was active when a value was added. They may contain further information, such as a example values and timestamps, origin, etc.
The range of the population values.
Message that represents an arbitrary HTTP body. It should only be used for payload formats that can't be represented as JSON, such as raw binary or an HTML page. This message can be used both in streaming and non-streaming API methods in the request as well as the response. It can be used as a top-level request field, which is convenient if one wants to extract parameters from either the URL or HTTP template into the request fields and also want access to the raw HTTP body. Example: message GetResourceRequest { // A unique request id. string request_id = 1; // The raw HTTP body is bound to this field. google.api.HttpBody http_body = 2; } service ResourceService { rpc GetResource(GetResourceRequest) returns (google.api.HttpBody); rpc UpdateResource(google.api.HttpBody) returns (google.protobuf.Empty); } Example with streaming methods: service CaldavService { rpc GetCalendar(stream google.api.HttpBody) returns (stream google.api.HttpBody); rpc UpdateCalendar(stream google.api.HttpBody) returns (stream google.api.HttpBody); } Use of this type only changes how the request and response bodies are handled, all other features will continue to work unchanged.
A specific metric, identified by specifying values for all of the labels of a MetricDescriptor
An object representing a resource that can be used for monitoring, logging, billing, or other purposes. Examples include virtual machine instances, databases, and storage devices such as disks. The type
field identifies a MonitoredResourceDescriptor object that describes the resource's schema. Information in the labels
field identifies the actual resource and its attributes according to the schema. For example, a particular Compute Engine VM instance could be represented by the following object, because the MonitoredResourceDescriptor for "gce_instance"
has labels "project_id"
, "instance_id"
and "zone"
: { "type": "gce_instance", "labels": { "project_id": "my-project", "instance_id": "12345678901234", "zone": "us-central1-a" }}
Auxiliary metadata for a MonitoredResource object. MonitoredResource objects contain the minimum set of information to uniquely identify a monitored resource instance. There is some other useful auxiliary metadata. Monitoring and Logging use an ingestion pipeline to extract metadata for cloud resources of all types, and store the metadata in this message.
A description of the context in which an error occurred.
An error log which is reported to the Error Reporting system.
HTTP request data that is related to a reported error.
The error payload that is populated on LRO import APIs, including the following:
Describes a running service that sends errors.
Indicates a location in the source code of the service for which errors are reported.
Configuration data for advance site search.
AlloyDB source import data from.
Defines an answer.
Citation info for a segment.
Citation source.
Grounding support for a claim in answer_text
Request message for ConversationalSearchService.AnswerQuery method.
Answer generation specification.
Answer Generation Model specification.
Answer generation prompt specification.
Grounding specification.
Query understanding specification.
Query classification specification.
Query rephraser specification.
Query Rephraser Model specification.
Related questions specification.
Safety specification. There are two use cases: 1. when only safety_spec.enable is set, the BLOCK_LOW_AND_ABOVE threshold will be applied for all categories. 2. when safety_spec.enable is set and some safety_settings are set, only specified safety_settings are applied.
Search specification.
Search parameters.
Search result list.
Search result.
Chunk information.
Document metadata contains the information of the document of the current chunk.
Unstructured document information.
Document context.
Extractive answer. Guide
Extractive segment. Guide Answer generation will only use it if document_contexts is empty. This is supposed to be shorter snippets.
Response message for ConversationalSearchService.AnswerQuery method.
Query understanding information.
Query classification information.
Chunk information.
Document metadata.
Structured search information.
Unstructured document information.
Chunk content.
, default:nil
) - If citation_type is CHUNK_LEVEL_CITATION and chunk mode is on, populate chunk info. -
, default:nil
) - Document resource name. -
, default:nil
) - If citation_type is DOCUMENT_LEVEL_CITATION, populate document level snippets. -
, default:nil
) - Data representation. The structured JSON data for the document. It's populated from the struct data from the Document, or the Chunk in search result. -
, default:nil
) - Title. -
, default:nil
) - URI for the document.
Chunk information.
Snippet information.
Search action.
Metadata related to the progress of the SiteSearchEngineService.BatchCreateTargetSites operation. This will be returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Request message for SiteSearchEngineService.BatchCreateTargetSites method.
Response message for SiteSearchEngineService.BatchCreateTargetSites method.
Response message for DocumentService.BatchGetDocumentsMetadata method.
The metadata of a Document.
The value of the matcher that was used to match the Document.
Request message for SiteSearchEngineService.BatchVerifyTargetSites method.
BigQuery source import data from.
The Bigtable Options object that contains information to support the import.
The column of the Bigtable.
The column family of the Bigtable.
The Cloud Bigtable source for importing data.
Request message for GroundedGenerationService.CheckGrounding method.
Response message for the GroundedGenerationService.CheckGrounding method.
Fact chunk for grounding check.
Text and citation info for a claim in the answer candidate.
Specification for the grounding check.
Chunk captures all raw metadata information of items to be recommended or searched in the chunk mode.
Metadata of the current chunk. This field is only populated on SearchService.Search API.
Document metadata contains the information of the document of the current chunk.
Page span of the chunk.
Cloud SQL source import data from.
Configurations used to enable CMEK data encryption with Cloud KMS keys.
Response message for CompletionService.CompleteQuery method.
Suggestions as search queries.
Detailed completion information including completion attribution token and clicked completion info.
Autocomplete suggestions that are imported from Customer.
Defines circumstances to be checked before allowing a behavior
Matcher for search request query
Used for time-dependent conditions.
Defines a conditioned behavior to employ during serving. Must be attached to a ServingConfig to be considered at serving time. Permitted actions dependent on SolutionType
Adjusts order of products in returned list.
Specified which products may be included in results. Uses same filter as boost.
Promote certain links based on some trigger queries. Example: Promote shoe store link when searching for shoe
keyword. The link can be outside of associated data store.
Redirects a shopper to the provided URI.
Creates a set of terms that will act as synonyms of one another. Example: "happy" will also be considered as "glad", "glad" will also be considered as "happy".
External conversation proto definition.
Defines context of the conversation
Defines a conversation message.
Request message for ConversationalSearchService.ConverseConversation method.
Response message for ConversationalSearchService.ConverseConversation method.
Metadata related to the progress of the DataStoreService.CreateDataStore operation. This will be returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Metadata related to the progress of the EngineService.CreateEngine operation. This will be returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Metadata for Create Schema LRO.
Metadata related to the progress of the SiteSearchEngineService.CreateTargetSite operation. This will be returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Request message for SiteSearchEngineService.CreateTargetSite method.
A custom attribute that is not explicitly modeled in a resource, e.g. UserEvent.
Metadata that describes a custom tuned model.
DataStore captures global settings and configs at the DataStore level.
Estimation of data size per data store.
Stores information regarding the serving configurations at DataStore level.
Metadata related to the progress of the DataStoreService.DeleteDataStore operation. This will be returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Metadata related to the progress of the EngineService.DeleteEngine operation. This will be returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Metadata for DeleteSchema LRO.
Metadata related to the progress of the SiteSearchEngineService.DeleteTargetSite operation. This will be returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Metadata related to the progress of the SiteSearchEngineService.DisableAdvancedSiteSearch operation. This will be returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Request message for SiteSearchEngineService.DisableAdvancedSiteSearch method.
Response message for SiteSearchEngineService.DisableAdvancedSiteSearch method.
Document captures all raw metadata information of items to be recommended or searched.
Unstructured data linked to this document.
Index status of the document.
Detailed document information associated with a user event.
A singleton resource of DataStore. If it's empty when DataStore is created and DataStore is set to DataStore.ContentConfig.CONTENT_REQUIRED, the default parser will default to digital parser.
Configuration for chunking config.
Configuration for the layout based chunking.
Related configurations applied to a specific type of document parser.
The digital parsing configurations for documents.
The layout parsing configurations for documents.
The OCR parsing configurations for documents.
Metadata related to the progress of the SiteSearchEngineService.EnableAdvancedSiteSearch operation. This will be returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Request message for SiteSearchEngineService.EnableAdvancedSiteSearch method.
Response message for SiteSearchEngineService.EnableAdvancedSiteSearch method.
Metadata that describes the training and serving parameters of an Engine.
Configurations for a Chat Engine.
Configurations for generating a Dialogflow agent. Note that these configurations are one-time consumed by and passed to Dialogflow service. It means they cannot be retrieved using EngineService.GetEngine or EngineService.ListEngines API after engine creation.
Additional information of a Chat Engine. Fields in this message are output only.
Common configurations for an Engine.
Configurations for a Search Engine.
Response message for SiteSearchEngineService.FetchDomainVerificationStatus method.
Cloud FhirStore source import data from.
Firestore source import data from.
Cloud Storage location for input content.
Metadata related to the progress of the ImportCompletionSuggestions operation. This will be returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Request message for CompletionService.ImportCompletionSuggestions method.
The inline source for CompletionSuggestions.
Response of the CompletionService.ImportCompletionSuggestions method. If the long running operation is done, this message is returned by the google.longrunning.Operations.response field if the operation is successful.
Metadata related to the progress of the ImportDocuments operation. This is returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Request message for Import methods.
The inline source for the input config for ImportDocuments method.
Response of the ImportDocumentsRequest. If the long running operation is done, then this message is returned by the google.longrunning.Operations.response field if the operation was successful.
Configuration of destination for Import related errors.
Metadata related to the progress of the ImportSuggestionDenyListEntries operation. This is returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Request message for CompletionService.ImportSuggestionDenyListEntries method.
The inline source for SuggestionDenyListEntry.
Response message for CompletionService.ImportSuggestionDenyListEntries method.
Metadata related to the progress of the Import operation. This is returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Request message for the ImportUserEvents request.
The inline source for the input config for ImportUserEvents method.
Response of the ImportUserEventsRequest. If the long running operation was successful, then this message is returned by the google.longrunning.Operations.response field if the operation was successful.
A floating point interval.
Response for ListControls method.
Response for ListConversations method.
Response message for SearchTuningService.ListCustomModels method.
Response message for DataStoreService.ListDataStores method.
Response message for DocumentService.ListDocuments method.
Response message for EngineService.ListEngines method.
Response message for SchemaService.ListSchemas method.
Response for ListSessions method.
Response message for SiteSearchEngineService.ListTargetSites method.
Media-specific user event information.
Detailed page information.
Detailed panel information associated with a user event.
Metadata and configurations for a Google Cloud project in the service.
Metadata about the terms of service.
Metadata associated with a project provision operation.
Request for ProjectService.ProvisionProject method.
Metadata related to the progress of the PurgeCompletionSuggestions operation. This is returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Request message for CompletionService.PurgeCompletionSuggestions method.
Response message for CompletionService.PurgeCompletionSuggestions method.
Metadata related to the progress of the PurgeDocuments operation. This will be returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Request message for DocumentService.PurgeDocuments method.
The inline source for the input config for DocumentService.PurgeDocuments method.
Response message for DocumentService.PurgeDocuments method. If the long running operation is successfully done, then this message is returned by the google.longrunning.Operations.response field.
Configuration of destination for Purge related errors.
Metadata related to the progress of the PurgeSuggestionDenyListEntries operation. This is returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Request message for CompletionService.PurgeSuggestionDenyListEntries method.
Response message for CompletionService.PurgeSuggestionDenyListEntries method.
Request message for PurgeUserEvents method.
Defines a user inputed query.
Request message for RankService.Rank method.
Response message for RankService.Rank method.
Record message for RankService.Rank method.
Request message for Recommend method.
Response message for Recommend method.
RecommendationResult represents a generic recommendation result with associated metadata.
Request message for SiteSearchEngineService.RecrawlUris method.
Defines a reply message to user.
Defines the structure and layout of a type of document data.
Detailed search information.
Promotion proto includes uri and other helping information to display the promotion.
Request message for SearchService.Search method.
Boost specification to boost certain documents.
Boost applies to documents which match a condition.
Specification for custom ranking based on customer specified attribute value. It provides more controls for customized ranking than the simple (condition, boost) combination above.
The control points used to define the curve. The curve defined through these control points can only be monotonically increasing or decreasing(constant values are acceptable).
A specification for configuring the behavior of content search.
Specifies the chunk spec to be returned from the search response. Only available if the SearchRequest.ContentSearchSpec.search_result_mode is set to CHUNKS
A specification for configuring the extractive content in a search response.
A specification for configuring snippets in a search response.
A specification for configuring a summary returned in a search response.
Specification of the prompt to use with the model.
Specification of the model.
A struct to define data stores to filter on in a search call and configurations for those data stores. Otherwise, an INVALID_ARGUMENT
error is returned.
A facet specification to perform faceted search.
Specifies how a facet is computed.
Specifies the image query input.
Specification to determine under which conditions query expansion should occur.
Specification for search as you type in search requests.
Session specification. Multi-turn Search feature is currently at private GA stage. Please use v1alpha or v1beta version instead before we launch this feature to public GA. Or ask for allowlisting through Google Support team.
The specification for query spell correction.
Response message for SearchService.Search method.
A facet value which contains value names and their count.
Information describing query expansion including whether expansion has occurred.
Represents the search results.
Information about the session.
Summary of the top N search results specified by the summary spec.
Citation info for a segment.
Citation metadata.
Citation source.
Document reference.
Chunk content.
Safety Attribute categories and their associated confidence scores.
Summary with metadata information.
Configures metadata that is used to generate serving time results (e.g. search results or recommendation predictions). The ServingConfig is passed in the search and predict request and generates results.
Specifies the configurations needed for Generic Discovery.Currently we support: * content_search_spec
: configuration for generic content search.
Specifies the configurations needed for Media Discovery. Currently we support: demote_content_watched
: Threshold for watched content demotion. Customers can specify if using watched content demotion or use viewed detail page. Using the content watched demotion, customers need to specify the watched minutes or percentage exceeds the threshold, the content will be demoted in the recommendation result. promote_fresh_content
: cutoff days for fresh content promotion. Customers can specify if using content freshness promotion. If the content was published within the cutoff days, the content will be promoted in the recommendation result. Can only be set if SolutionType is SOLUTION_TYPE_RECOMMENDATION.
External session proto definition.
Represents a turn, including a query from the user and a answer from service.
SiteSearchEngine captures DataStore level site search persisting configurations. It is a singleton value per data store.
Verification information for target sites in advanced site search.
The Spanner source for importing data
Suggestion deny list entry identifying the phrase to block from suggestions and the applied operation for the phrase.
A target site for the SiteSearchEngine.
Site search indexing failure reasons.
Failed due to insufficient quota.
Defines text input.
Metadata related to the progress of the TrainCustomModel operation. This is returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Request message for SearchTuningService.TrainCustomModel method.
Cloud Storage training data input.
Response of the TrainCustomModelRequest. This message is returned by the google.longrunning.Operations.response field.
A transaction represents the entire purchase transaction.
Metadata related to the progress of the CmekConfigService.UpdateCmekConfig operation. This will be returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Metadata for UpdateSchema LRO.
Metadata related to the progress of the SiteSearchEngineService.UpdateTargetSite operation. This will be returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
UserEvent captures all metadata information Discovery Engine API needs to know about how end users interact with your website.
Information of an end user.
Config to store data store type configuration for workspace data
Access Control Configuration.
Configuration data for advance site search.
Defines an answer.
Citation info for a segment.
Citation source.
Grounding support for a claim in answer_text
Query understanding information.
Query classification information.
Chunk information.
Document metadata.
Structured search information.
Unstructured document information.
Chunk content.
, default:nil
) - If citation_type is CHUNK_LEVEL_CITATION and chunk mode is on, populate chunk info. -
, default:nil
) - Document resource name. -
, default:nil
) - If citation_type is DOCUMENT_LEVEL_CITATION, populate document level snippets. -
, default:nil
) - Data representation. The structured JSON data for the document. It's populated from the struct data from the Document, or the Chunk in search result. -
, default:nil
) - Title. -
, default:nil
) - URI for the document.
Chunk information.
Snippet information.
Search action.
Metadata related to the progress of the SiteSearchEngineService.BatchCreateTargetSites operation. This will be returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Response message for SiteSearchEngineService.BatchCreateTargetSites method.
Configurations used to enable CMEK data encryption with Cloud KMS keys.
Defines circumstances to be checked before allowing a behavior
Matcher for search request query
Used for time-dependent conditions.
Defines a conditioned behavior to employ during serving. Must be attached to a ServingConfig to be considered at serving time. Permitted actions dependent on SolutionType
Adjusts order of products in returned list.
Specified which products may be included in results. Uses same filter as boost.
Promote certain links based on some trigger queries. Example: Promote shoe store link when searching for shoe
keyword. The link can be outside of associated data store.
Redirects a shopper to the provided URI.
Creates a set of terms that will act as synonyms of one another. Example: "happy" will also be considered as "glad", "glad" will also be considered as "happy".
The historical crawl rate timeseries data, used for monitoring.
Metadata related to the progress of the DataStoreService.CreateDataStore operation. This will be returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Metadata related to the progress of the EngineService.CreateEngine operation. This will be returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Metadata for EvaluationService.CreateEvaluation method.
Metadata for Create Schema LRO.
Metadata related to the progress of the SiteSearchEngineService.CreateSitemap operation. This will be returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Metadata related to the progress of the SiteSearchEngineService.CreateTargetSite operation. This will be returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Defines custom fine tuning spec.
DataStore captures global settings and configs at the DataStore level.
Estimation of data size per data store.
Stores information regarding the serving configurations at DataStore level.
The historical dedicated crawl rate timeseries data, used for monitoring. Dedicated crawl is used by Vertex AI to crawl the user's website when dedicate crawl is set.
Metadata related to the progress of the DataStoreService.DeleteDataStore operation. This will be returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Metadata related to the progress of the EngineService.DeleteEngine operation. This will be returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Metadata for DeleteSchema LRO.
Request for DeleteSession method.
Metadata related to the progress of the SiteSearchEngineService.DeleteSitemap operation. This will be returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Metadata related to the progress of the SiteSearchEngineService.DeleteTargetSite operation. This will be returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Metadata related to the progress of the SiteSearchEngineService.DisableAdvancedSiteSearch operation. This will be returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Response message for SiteSearchEngineService.DisableAdvancedSiteSearch method.
A singleton resource of DataStore. If it's empty when DataStore is created and DataStore is set to DataStore.ContentConfig.CONTENT_REQUIRED, the default parser will default to digital parser.
Configuration for chunking config.
Configuration for the layout based chunking.
Related configurations applied to a specific type of document parser.
The digital parsing configurations for documents.
The layout parsing configurations for documents.
The OCR parsing configurations for documents.
Metadata related to the progress of the SiteSearchEngineService.EnableAdvancedSiteSearch operation. This will be returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Response message for SiteSearchEngineService.EnableAdvancedSiteSearch method.
Metadata that describes the training and serving parameters of an Engine.
Configurations for a Chat Engine.
Configurations for generating a Dialogflow agent. Note that these configurations are one-time consumed by and passed to Dialogflow service. It means they cannot be retrieved using EngineService.GetEngine or EngineService.ListEngines API after engine creation.
Additional information of a Chat Engine. Fields in this message are output only.
Common configurations for an Engine.
Additional config specs for a Media Recommendation engine.
Custom threshold for cvr
Additional information of a recommendation engine.
Configurations for a Search Engine.
Additional config specs for a similar-items
Metadata related to the progress of the EstimateDataSize operation. This is returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Response of the EstimateDataSize request. If the long running operation was successful, then this message is returned by the google.longrunning.Operations.response field if the operation was successful.
An evaluation is a single execution (or run) of an evaluation process. It encapsulates the state of the evaluation and the resulting data.
Describes the specification of the evaluation.
Describes the specification of the query set.
Response message for SiteSearchEngineService.FetchSitemaps method.
Contains a Sitemap and its metadata.
Configurations for fields of a schema. For example, configuring a field is indexable, or searchable.
Request for GetSession method.
Response message for SiteSearchEngineService.GetUriPatternDocumentData method.
Identity Provider Config.
Third party IDP Config.
Metadata related to the progress of the ImportCompletionSuggestions operation. This will be returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Response of the CompletionService.ImportCompletionSuggestions method. If the long running operation is done, this message is returned by the google.longrunning.Operations.response field if the operation is successful.
Metadata related to the progress of the ImportDocuments operation. This is returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Response of the ImportDocumentsRequest. If the long running operation is done, then this message is returned by the google.longrunning.Operations.response field if the operation was successful.
Configuration of destination for Import related errors.
Metadata related to the progress of the ImportSampleQueries operation. This will be returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Response of the SampleQueryService.ImportSampleQueries method. If the long running operation is done, this message is returned by the google.longrunning.Operations.response field if the operation is successful.
Metadata related to the progress of the ImportSuggestionDenyListEntries operation. This is returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Response message for CompletionService.ImportSuggestionDenyListEntries method.
Metadata related to the progress of the Import operation. This is returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Response of the ImportUserEventsRequest. If the long running operation was successful, then this message is returned by the google.longrunning.Operations.response field if the operation was successful.
A floating point interval.
Language info for DataStore.
Request for ListSessions method.
Response for ListSessions method.
Configuration for Natural Language Query Understanding.
Response message for CrawlRateManagementService.ObtainCrawlRate method. The response contains organcic or dedicated crawl rate time series data for monitoring, depending on whether dedicated crawl rate is set.
The historical organic crawl rate timeseries data, used for monitoring. Organic crawl is auto-determined by Google to crawl the user's website when dedicate crawl is not set. Crawl rate is the QPS of crawl request Google sends to the user's website.
Metadata and configurations for a Google Cloud project in the service.
Metadata about the terms of service.
Metadata associated with a project provision operation.
Metadata related to the progress of the PurgeCompletionSuggestions operation. This is returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Response message for CompletionService.PurgeCompletionSuggestions method.
Metadata related to the progress of the PurgeDocuments operation. This will be returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Response message for DocumentService.PurgeDocuments method. If the long running operation is successfully done, then this message is returned by the google.longrunning.Operations.response field.
Metadata related to the progress of the PurgeSuggestionDenyListEntries operation. This is returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Response message for CompletionService.PurgeSuggestionDenyListEntries method.
Metadata related to the progress of the PurgeUserEvents operation. This will be returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Response of the PurgeUserEventsRequest. If the long running operation is successfully done, then this message is returned by the google.longrunning.Operations.response field.
Describes the metrics produced by the evaluation.
Stores the metric values at specific top-k levels.
Defines a user inputed query.
Metadata related to the progress of the SiteSearchEngineService.RecrawlUris operation. This will be returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Response message for SiteSearchEngineService.RecrawlUris method.
Details about why a particular URI failed to be crawled. Each FailureInfo contains one FailureReason per CorpusType.
Details about why crawling failed for a particular CorpusType, e.g., DESKTOP and MOBILE crawling may fail for different reasons.
Defines the structure and layout of a type of document data.
Promotion proto includes uri and other helping information to display the promotion.
Request message for SearchService.Search method.
Boost specification to boost certain documents.
Boost applies to documents which match a condition.
Specification for custom ranking based on customer specified attribute value. It provides more controls for customized ranking than the simple (condition, boost) combination above.
The control points used to define the curve. The curve defined through these control points can only be monotonically increasing or decreasing(constant values are acceptable).
A specification for configuring the behavior of content search.
Specifies the chunk spec to be returned from the search response. Only available if the SearchRequest.ContentSearchSpec.search_result_mode is set to CHUNKS
A specification for configuring the extractive content in a search response.
A specification for configuring snippets in a search response.
A specification for configuring a summary returned in a search response.
Specification of the prompt to use with the model.
Specification of the model.
A struct to define data stores to filter on in a search call and configurations for those data stores. Otherwise, an INVALID_ARGUMENT
error is returned.
The specification that uses customized query embedding vector to do semantic document retrieval.
Embedding vector.
A facet specification to perform faceted search.
Specifies how a facet is computed.
Specifies the image query input.
Specification to enable natural language understanding capabilities for search requests.
The specification for personalization.
Specification to determine under which conditions query expansion should occur.
Specification for search as you type in search requests.
Session specification. Multi-turn Search feature is currently at private GA stage. Please use v1alpha or v1beta version instead before we launch this feature to public GA. Or ask for allowlisting through Google Support team.
The specification for query spell correction.
External session proto definition.
Represents a turn, including a query from the user and a answer from service.
Metadata related to the progress of the SiteSearchEngineService.SetUriPatternDocumentData operation. This will be returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Response message for SiteSearchEngineService.SetUriPatternDocumentData method.
Verification information for target sites in advanced site search.
A sitemap for the SiteSearchEngine.
A target site for the SiteSearchEngine.
Site search indexing failure reasons.
Failed due to insufficient quota.
Metadata related to the progress of the TrainCustomModel operation. This is returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Response of the TrainCustomModelRequest. This message is returned by the google.longrunning.Operations.response field.
Metadata associated with a tune operation.
Response associated with a tune operation.
Metadata related to the progress of the CmekConfigService.UpdateCmekConfig operation. This will be returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Metadata for UpdateSchema LRO.
Request for UpdateSession method.
Metadata related to the progress of the SiteSearchEngineService.UpdateTargetSite operation. This will be returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Information of an end user.
Config to store data store type configuration for workspace data
Configuration data for advance site search.
Metadata related to the progress of the SiteSearchEngineService.BatchCreateTargetSites operation. This will be returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Response message for SiteSearchEngineService.BatchCreateTargetSites method.
Configurations used to enable CMEK data encryption with Cloud KMS keys.
Defines circumstances to be checked before allowing a behavior
Matcher for search request query
Used for time-dependent conditions.
Defines a conditioned behavior to employ during serving. Must be attached to a ServingConfig to be considered at serving time. Permitted actions dependent on SolutionType
Adjusts order of products in returned list.
Specified which products may be included in results. Uses same filter as boost.
Promote certain links based on some trigger queries. Example: Promote shoe store link when searching for shoe
keyword. The link can be outside of associated data store.
Redirects a shopper to the provided URI.
Creates a set of terms that will act as synonyms of one another. Example: "happy" will also be considered as "glad", "glad" will also be considered as "happy".
Metadata related to the progress of the DataStoreService.CreateDataStore operation. This will be returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Metadata related to the progress of the EngineService.CreateEngine operation. This will be returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Metadata for EvaluationService.CreateEvaluation method.
Metadata for Create Schema LRO.
Metadata related to the progress of the SiteSearchEngineService.CreateSitemap operation. This will be returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Metadata related to the progress of the SiteSearchEngineService.CreateTargetSite operation. This will be returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
DataStore captures global settings and configs at the DataStore level.
Estimation of data size per data store.
Stores information regarding the serving configurations at DataStore level.
Metadata related to the progress of the DataStoreService.DeleteDataStore operation. This will be returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Metadata related to the progress of the EngineService.DeleteEngine operation. This will be returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Metadata for DeleteSchema LRO.
Metadata related to the progress of the SiteSearchEngineService.DeleteSitemap operation. This will be returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Metadata related to the progress of the SiteSearchEngineService.DeleteTargetSite operation. This will be returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Metadata related to the progress of the SiteSearchEngineService.DisableAdvancedSiteSearch operation. This will be returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Response message for SiteSearchEngineService.DisableAdvancedSiteSearch method.
A singleton resource of DataStore. If it's empty when DataStore is created and DataStore is set to DataStore.ContentConfig.CONTENT_REQUIRED, the default parser will default to digital parser.
Configuration for chunking config.
Configuration for the layout based chunking.
Related configurations applied to a specific type of document parser.
The digital parsing configurations for documents.
The layout parsing configurations for documents.
The OCR parsing configurations for documents.
Metadata related to the progress of the SiteSearchEngineService.EnableAdvancedSiteSearch operation. This will be returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Response message for SiteSearchEngineService.EnableAdvancedSiteSearch method.
Metadata that describes the training and serving parameters of an Engine.
Configurations for a Chat Engine.
Configurations for generating a Dialogflow agent. Note that these configurations are one-time consumed by and passed to Dialogflow service. It means they cannot be retrieved using EngineService.GetEngine or EngineService.ListEngines API after engine creation.
Additional information of a Chat Engine. Fields in this message are output only.
Common configurations for an Engine.
Configurations for a Search Engine.
An evaluation is a single execution (or run) of an evaluation process. It encapsulates the state of the evaluation and the resulting data.
Describes the specification of the evaluation.
Describes the specification of the query set.
Response message for SiteSearchEngineService.FetchSitemaps method.
Contains a Sitemap and its metadata.
Metadata related to the progress of the ImportCompletionSuggestions operation. This will be returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Response of the CompletionService.ImportCompletionSuggestions method. If the long running operation is done, this message is returned by the google.longrunning.Operations.response field if the operation is successful.
Metadata related to the progress of the ImportDocuments operation. This is returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Response of the ImportDocumentsRequest. If the long running operation is done, then this message is returned by the google.longrunning.Operations.response field if the operation was successful.
Configuration of destination for Import related errors.
Metadata related to the progress of the ImportSampleQueries operation. This will be returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Response of the SampleQueryService.ImportSampleQueries method. If the long running operation is done, this message is returned by the google.longrunning.Operations.response field if the operation is successful.
Metadata related to the progress of the ImportSuggestionDenyListEntries operation. This is returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Response message for CompletionService.ImportSuggestionDenyListEntries method.
Metadata related to the progress of the Import operation. This is returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Response of the ImportUserEventsRequest. If the long running operation was successful, then this message is returned by the google.longrunning.Operations.response field if the operation was successful.
A floating point interval.
Language info for DataStore.
Configuration for Natural Language Query Understanding.
Metadata and configurations for a Google Cloud project in the service.
Metadata about the terms of service.
Metadata associated with a project provision operation.
Metadata related to the progress of the PurgeDocuments operation. This will be returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Response message for DocumentService.PurgeDocuments method. If the long running operation is successfully done, then this message is returned by the google.longrunning.Operations.response field.
Metadata related to the progress of the PurgeSuggestionDenyListEntries operation. This is returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Response message for CompletionService.PurgeSuggestionDenyListEntries method.
Describes the metrics produced by the evaluation.
Stores the metric values at specific top-k levels.
Defines the structure and layout of a type of document data.
Promotion proto includes uri and other helping information to display the promotion.
Request message for SearchService.Search method.
Boost specification to boost certain documents.
Boost applies to documents which match a condition.
Specification for custom ranking based on customer specified attribute value. It provides more controls for customized ranking than the simple (condition, boost) combination above.
The control points used to define the curve. The curve defined through these control points can only be monotonically increasing or decreasing(constant values are acceptable).
A specification for configuring the behavior of content search.
Specifies the chunk spec to be returned from the search response. Only available if the SearchRequest.ContentSearchSpec.search_result_mode is set to CHUNKS
A specification for configuring the extractive content in a search response.
A specification for configuring snippets in a search response.
A specification for configuring a summary returned in a search response.
Specification of the prompt to use with the model.
Specification of the model.
A struct to define data stores to filter on in a search call and configurations for those data stores. Otherwise, an INVALID_ARGUMENT
error is returned.
The specification that uses customized query embedding vector to do semantic document retrieval.
Embedding vector.
A facet specification to perform faceted search.
Specifies how a facet is computed.
Specifies the image query input.
Specification to enable natural language understanding capabilities for search requests.
The specification for personalization.
Specification to determine under which conditions query expansion should occur.
Specification for search as you type in search requests.
Session specification. Multi-turn Search feature is currently at private GA stage. Please use v1alpha or v1beta version instead before we launch this feature to public GA. Or ask for allowlisting through Google Support team.
The specification for query spell correction.
Verification information for target sites in advanced site search.
A sitemap for the SiteSearchEngine.
A target site for the SiteSearchEngine.
Site search indexing failure reasons.
Failed due to insufficient quota.
Metadata related to the progress of the TrainCustomModel operation. This is returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Response of the TrainCustomModelRequest. This message is returned by the google.longrunning.Operations.response field.
Metadata associated with a tune operation.
Response associated with a tune operation.
Metadata for UpdateSchema LRO.
Metadata related to the progress of the SiteSearchEngineService.UpdateTargetSite operation. This will be returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Information of an end user.
Config to store data store type configuration for workspace data
The request message for Operations.CancelOperation.
The response message for Operations.ListOperations.
This resource represents a long-running operation that is the result of a network API call.
A single data point in a time series.
A time interval extending just after a start time through an end time. If the start time is the same as the end time, then the interval represents a single point in time.
A collection of data points that describes the time-varying values of a metric. A time series is identified by a combination of a fully-specified monitored resource and a fully-specified metric. This type is used for both listing and creating time series.
A single strongly-typed value.
A generic empty message that you can re-use to avoid defining duplicated empty messages in your APIs. A typical example is to use it as the request or the response type of an API method. For instance: service Foo { rpc Bar(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (google.protobuf.Empty); }
The Status
type defines a logical error model that is suitable for different programming environments, including REST APIs and RPC APIs. It is used by gRPC. Each Status
message contains three pieces of data: error code, error message, and error details. You can find out more about this error model and how to work with it in the API Design Guide.
Represents a whole or partial calendar date, such as a birthday. The time of day and time zone are either specified elsewhere or are insignificant. The date is relative to the Gregorian Calendar. This can represent one of the following: A full date, with non-zero year, month, and day values. A month and day, with a zero year (for example, an anniversary). A year on its own, with a zero month and a zero day. A year and month, with a zero day (for example, a credit card expiration date). Related types: google.type.TimeOfDay google.type.DateTime * google.protobuf.Timestamp
API client metadata for GoogleApi.DiscoveryEngine.V1beta.
API calls for all endpoints tagged Projects
Handle Tesla connections for GoogleApi.DiscoveryEngine.V1beta.
contains summary statistics for a population of values. It optionally contains a histogram representing the distribution of those values across a set of buckets. The summary statistics are the count, mean, sum of the squared deviation from the mean, the minimum, and the maximum of the set of population of values. The histogram is based on a sequence of buckets and gives a count of values that fall into each bucket. The boundaries of the buckets are given either explicitly or by formulas for buckets of fixed or exponentially increasing widths. Although it is not forbidden, it is generally a bad idea to include non-finite values (infinities or NaNs) in the population of values, as this will render the mean
and sum_of_squared_deviation
fields meaningless.
describes the bucket boundaries used to create a histogram for the distribution. The buckets can be in a linear sequence, an exponential sequence, or each bucket can be specified explicitly. BucketOptions
does not include the number of values in each bucket. A bucket has an inclusive lower bound and exclusive upper bound for the values that are counted for that bucket. The upper bound of a bucket must be strictly greater than the lower bound. The sequence of N buckets for a distribution consists of an underflow bucket (number 0), zero or more finite buckets (number 1 through N - 2) and an overflow bucket (number N - 1). The buckets are contiguous: the lower bound of bucket i (i > 0) is the same as the upper bound of bucket i - 1. The buckets span the whole range of finite values: lower bound of the underflow bucket is -infinity and the upper bound of the overflow bucket is +infinity. The finite buckets are so-called because both bounds are finite.
Specifies a set of buckets with arbitrary widths. There are size(bounds) + 1
(= N) buckets. Bucket i
has the following boundaries: Upper bound (0 <= i < N-1): bounds[i] Lower bound (1 <= i < N); bounds[i - 1] The bounds
field must contain at least one element. If bounds
has only one element, then there are no finite buckets, and that single element is the common boundary of the overflow and underflow buckets.
Specifies an exponential sequence of buckets that have a width that is proportional to the value of the lower bound. Each bucket represents a constant relative uncertainty on a specific value in the bucket. There are num_finite_buckets + 2
(= N) buckets. Bucket i
has the following boundaries: Upper bound (0 <= i < N-1): scale (growth_factor ^ i). Lower bound (1 <= i < N): scale (growth_factor ^ (i - 1)).
Specifies a linear sequence of buckets that all have the same width (except overflow and underflow). Each bucket represents a constant absolute uncertainty on the specific value in the bucket. There are num_finite_buckets + 2
(= N) buckets. Bucket i
has the following boundaries: Upper bound (0 <= i < N-1): offset + (width i). Lower bound (1 <= i < N): offset + (width (i - 1)).
Exemplars are example points that may be used to annotate aggregated distribution values. They are metadata that gives information about a particular value added to a Distribution bucket, such as a trace ID that was active when a value was added. They may contain further information, such as a example values and timestamps, origin, etc.
The range of the population values.
Message that represents an arbitrary HTTP body. It should only be used for payload formats that can't be represented as JSON, such as raw binary or an HTML page. This message can be used both in streaming and non-streaming API methods in the request as well as the response. It can be used as a top-level request field, which is convenient if one wants to extract parameters from either the URL or HTTP template into the request fields and also want access to the raw HTTP body. Example: message GetResourceRequest { // A unique request id. string request_id = 1; // The raw HTTP body is bound to this field. google.api.HttpBody http_body = 2; } service ResourceService { rpc GetResource(GetResourceRequest) returns (google.api.HttpBody); rpc UpdateResource(google.api.HttpBody) returns (google.protobuf.Empty); } Example with streaming methods: service CaldavService { rpc GetCalendar(stream google.api.HttpBody) returns (stream google.api.HttpBody); rpc UpdateCalendar(stream google.api.HttpBody) returns (stream google.api.HttpBody); } Use of this type only changes how the request and response bodies are handled, all other features will continue to work unchanged.
A specific metric, identified by specifying values for all of the labels of a MetricDescriptor
An object representing a resource that can be used for monitoring, logging, billing, or other purposes. Examples include virtual machine instances, databases, and storage devices such as disks. The type
field identifies a MonitoredResourceDescriptor object that describes the resource's schema. Information in the labels
field identifies the actual resource and its attributes according to the schema. For example, a particular Compute Engine VM instance could be represented by the following object, because the MonitoredResourceDescriptor for "gce_instance"
has labels "project_id"
, "instance_id"
and "zone"
: { "type": "gce_instance", "labels": { "project_id": "my-project", "instance_id": "12345678901234", "zone": "us-central1-a" }}
Auxiliary metadata for a MonitoredResource object. MonitoredResource objects contain the minimum set of information to uniquely identify a monitored resource instance. There is some other useful auxiliary metadata. Monitoring and Logging use an ingestion pipeline to extract metadata for cloud resources of all types, and store the metadata in this message.
A description of the context in which an error occurred.
An error log which is reported to the Error Reporting system.
HTTP request data that is related to a reported error.
The error payload that is populated on LRO import APIs, including the following:
Describes a running service that sends errors.
Indicates a location in the source code of the service for which errors are reported.
Configuration data for advance site search.
Metadata related to the progress of the SiteSearchEngineService.BatchCreateTargetSites operation. This will be returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Response message for SiteSearchEngineService.BatchCreateTargetSites method.
Configurations used to enable CMEK data encryption with Cloud KMS keys.
Defines circumstances to be checked before allowing a behavior
Matcher for search request query
Used for time-dependent conditions.
Defines a conditioned behavior to employ during serving. Must be attached to a ServingConfig to be considered at serving time. Permitted actions dependent on SolutionType
Adjusts order of products in returned list.
Specified which products may be included in results. Uses same filter as boost.
Promote certain links based on some trigger queries. Example: Promote shoe store link when searching for shoe
keyword. The link can be outside of associated data store.
Redirects a shopper to the provided URI.
Creates a set of terms that will act as synonyms of one another. Example: "happy" will also be considered as "glad", "glad" will also be considered as "happy".
Metadata related to the progress of the DataStoreService.CreateDataStore operation. This will be returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Metadata related to the progress of the EngineService.CreateEngine operation. This will be returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Metadata for Create Schema LRO.
Metadata related to the progress of the SiteSearchEngineService.CreateTargetSite operation. This will be returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
DataStore captures global settings and configs at the DataStore level.
Estimation of data size per data store.
Stores information regarding the serving configurations at DataStore level.
Metadata related to the progress of the DataStoreService.DeleteDataStore operation. This will be returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Metadata related to the progress of the EngineService.DeleteEngine operation. This will be returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Metadata for DeleteSchema LRO.
Metadata related to the progress of the SiteSearchEngineService.DeleteTargetSite operation. This will be returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Metadata related to the progress of the SiteSearchEngineService.DisableAdvancedSiteSearch operation. This will be returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Response message for SiteSearchEngineService.DisableAdvancedSiteSearch method.
A singleton resource of DataStore. If it's empty when DataStore is created and DataStore is set to DataStore.ContentConfig.CONTENT_REQUIRED, the default parser will default to digital parser.
Configuration for chunking config.
Configuration for the layout based chunking.
Related configurations applied to a specific type of document parser.
The digital parsing configurations for documents.
The layout parsing configurations for documents.
The OCR parsing configurations for documents.
Metadata related to the progress of the SiteSearchEngineService.EnableAdvancedSiteSearch operation. This will be returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Response message for SiteSearchEngineService.EnableAdvancedSiteSearch method.
Metadata that describes the training and serving parameters of an Engine.
Configurations for a Chat Engine.
Configurations for generating a Dialogflow agent. Note that these configurations are one-time consumed by and passed to Dialogflow service. It means they cannot be retrieved using EngineService.GetEngine or EngineService.ListEngines API after engine creation.
Additional information of a Chat Engine. Fields in this message are output only.
Common configurations for an Engine.
Configurations for a Search Engine.
Metadata related to the progress of the ImportCompletionSuggestions operation. This will be returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Response of the CompletionService.ImportCompletionSuggestions method. If the long running operation is done, this message is returned by the google.longrunning.Operations.response field if the operation is successful.
Metadata related to the progress of the ImportDocuments operation. This is returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Response of the ImportDocumentsRequest. If the long running operation is done, then this message is returned by the google.longrunning.Operations.response field if the operation was successful.
Configuration of destination for Import related errors.
Metadata related to the progress of the ImportSuggestionDenyListEntries operation. This is returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Response message for CompletionService.ImportSuggestionDenyListEntries method.
Metadata related to the progress of the Import operation. This is returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Response of the ImportUserEventsRequest. If the long running operation was successful, then this message is returned by the google.longrunning.Operations.response field if the operation was successful.
Metadata and configurations for a Google Cloud project in the service.
Metadata about the terms of service.
Metadata associated with a project provision operation.
Metadata related to the progress of the PurgeCompletionSuggestions operation. This is returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Response message for CompletionService.PurgeCompletionSuggestions method.
Metadata related to the progress of the PurgeDocuments operation. This will be returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Response message for DocumentService.PurgeDocuments method. If the long running operation is successfully done, then this message is returned by the google.longrunning.Operations.response field.
Metadata related to the progress of the PurgeSuggestionDenyListEntries operation. This is returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Response message for CompletionService.PurgeSuggestionDenyListEntries method.
Defines the structure and layout of a type of document data.
Promotion proto includes uri and other helping information to display the promotion.
A specification for configuring the behavior of content search.
Specifies the chunk spec to be returned from the search response. Only available if the SearchRequest.ContentSearchSpec.search_result_mode is set to CHUNKS
A specification for configuring the extractive content in a search response.
A specification for configuring snippets in a search response.
A specification for configuring a summary returned in a search response.
Specification of the prompt to use with the model.
Specification of the model.
Configures metadata that is used to generate serving time results (e.g. search results or recommendation predictions). The ServingConfig is passed in the search and predict request and generates results.
Specifies the configurations needed for Generic Discovery.Currently we support: * content_search_spec
: configuration for generic content search.
Specifies the configurations needed for Media Discovery. Currently we support: demote_content_watched
: Threshold for watched content demotion. Customers can specify if using watched content demotion or use viewed detail page. Using the content watched demotion, customers need to specify the watched minutes or percentage exceeds the threshold, the content will be demoted in the recommendation result. promote_fresh_content
: cutoff days for fresh content promotion. Customers can specify if using content freshness promotion. If the content was published within the cutoff days, the content will be promoted in the recommendation result. Can only be set if SolutionType is SOLUTION_TYPE_RECOMMENDATION.
Verification information for target sites in advanced site search.
A target site for the SiteSearchEngine.
Site search indexing failure reasons.
Failed due to insufficient quota.
Metadata related to the progress of the TrainCustomModel operation. This is returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Response of the TrainCustomModelRequest. This message is returned by the google.longrunning.Operations.response field.
Metadata related to the progress of the CmekConfigService.UpdateCmekConfig operation. This will be returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Metadata for UpdateSchema LRO.
Metadata related to the progress of the SiteSearchEngineService.UpdateTargetSite operation. This will be returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Config to store data store type configuration for workspace data
Access Control Configuration.
Configuration data for advance site search.
Citation info for a segment.
Citation source.
Grounding support for a claim in answer_text
Query understanding information.
Query classification information.
Chunk information.
Document metadata.
Structured search information.
Unstructured document information.
Chunk content.
Step information.
, default:nil
) - If citation_type is CHUNK_LEVEL_CITATION and chunk mode is on, populate chunk info. -
, default:nil
) - Document resource name. -
, default:nil
) - If citation_type is DOCUMENT_LEVEL_CITATION, populate document level snippets. -
, default:nil
) - Data representation. The structured JSON data for the document. It's populated from the struct data from the Document, or the Chunk in search result. -
, default:nil
) - Title. -
, default:nil
) - URI for the document.
Chunk information.
Snippet information.
Search action.
Metadata related to the progress of the SiteSearchEngineService.BatchCreateTargetSites operation. This will be returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Response message for SiteSearchEngineService.BatchCreateTargetSites method.
Configurations used to enable CMEK data encryption with Cloud KMS keys.
Defines circumstances to be checked before allowing a behavior
Matcher for search request query
Used for time-dependent conditions.
Defines a conditioned behavior to employ during serving. Must be attached to a ServingConfig to be considered at serving time. Permitted actions dependent on SolutionType
Adjusts order of products in returned list.
Specified which products may be included in results. Uses same filter as boost.
Promote certain links based on some trigger queries. Example: Promote shoe store link when searching for shoe
keyword. The link can be outside of associated data store.
Redirects a shopper to the provided URI.
Creates a set of terms that will act as synonyms of one another. Example: "happy" will also be considered as "glad", "glad" will also be considered as "happy".
The historical crawl rate timeseries data, used for monitoring.
Metadata related to the progress of the DataStoreService.CreateDataStore operation. This will be returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Metadata related to the progress of the EngineService.CreateEngine operation. This will be returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Metadata for EvaluationService.CreateEvaluation method.
Metadata for Create Schema LRO.
Metadata related to the progress of the SiteSearchEngineService.CreateSitemap operation. This will be returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Metadata related to the progress of the SiteSearchEngineService.CreateTargetSite operation. This will be returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Defines custom fine tuning spec.
DataStore captures global settings and configs at the DataStore level.
Estimation of data size per data store.
Stores information regarding the serving configurations at DataStore level.
The historical dedicated crawl rate timeseries data, used for monitoring. Dedicated crawl is used by Vertex AI to crawl the user's website when dedicate crawl is set.
Metadata related to the progress of the DataStoreService.DeleteDataStore operation. This will be returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Metadata related to the progress of the EngineService.DeleteEngine operation. This will be returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Metadata for DeleteSchema LRO.
Request for DeleteSession method.
Metadata related to the progress of the SiteSearchEngineService.DeleteSitemap operation. This will be returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Metadata related to the progress of the SiteSearchEngineService.DeleteTargetSite operation. This will be returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Metadata related to the progress of the SiteSearchEngineService.DisableAdvancedSiteSearch operation. This will be returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Response message for SiteSearchEngineService.DisableAdvancedSiteSearch method.
A singleton resource of DataStore. If it's empty when DataStore is created and DataStore is set to DataStore.ContentConfig.CONTENT_REQUIRED, the default parser will default to digital parser.
Configuration for chunking config.
Configuration for the layout based chunking.
Related configurations applied to a specific type of document parser.
The digital parsing configurations for documents.
The layout parsing configurations for documents.
The OCR parsing configurations for documents.
Metadata related to the progress of the SiteSearchEngineService.EnableAdvancedSiteSearch operation. This will be returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Response message for SiteSearchEngineService.EnableAdvancedSiteSearch method.
Metadata that describes the training and serving parameters of an Engine.
Configurations for a Chat Engine.
Configurations for generating a Dialogflow agent. Note that these configurations are one-time consumed by and passed to Dialogflow service. It means they cannot be retrieved using EngineService.GetEngine or EngineService.ListEngines API after engine creation.
Additional information of a Chat Engine. Fields in this message are output only.
Common configurations for an Engine.
Additional config specs for a Media Recommendation engine.
Custom threshold for cvr
Additional information of a recommendation engine.
Configurations for a Search Engine.
Additional config specs for a similar-items
Metadata related to the progress of the EstimateDataSize operation. This is returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Response of the EstimateDataSize request. If the long running operation was successful, then this message is returned by the google.longrunning.Operations.response field if the operation was successful.
An evaluation is a single execution (or run) of an evaluation process. It encapsulates the state of the evaluation and the resulting data.
Describes the specification of the evaluation.
Describes the specification of the query set.
Response message for SiteSearchEngineService.FetchSitemaps method.
Contains a Sitemap and its metadata.
Configurations for fields of a schema. For example, configuring a field is indexable, or searchable.
Request for GetSession method.
Response message for SiteSearchEngineService.GetUriPatternDocumentData method.
Identity Provider Config.
Third party IDP Config.
Metadata related to the progress of the ImportCompletionSuggestions operation. This will be returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Response of the CompletionService.ImportCompletionSuggestions method. If the long running operation is done, this message is returned by the google.longrunning.Operations.response field if the operation is successful.
Metadata related to the progress of the ImportDocuments operation. This is returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Response of the ImportDocumentsRequest. If the long running operation is done, then this message is returned by the google.longrunning.Operations.response field if the operation was successful.
Configuration of destination for Import related errors.
Metadata related to the progress of the ImportSampleQueries operation. This will be returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Response of the SampleQueryService.ImportSampleQueries method. If the long running operation is done, this message is returned by the google.longrunning.Operations.response field if the operation is successful.
Metadata related to the progress of the ImportSuggestionDenyListEntries operation. This is returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Response message for CompletionService.ImportSuggestionDenyListEntries method.
Metadata related to the progress of the Import operation. This is returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Response of the ImportUserEventsRequest. If the long running operation was successful, then this message is returned by the google.longrunning.Operations.response field if the operation was successful.
A floating point interval.
Language info for DataStore.
Request for ListSessions method.
Response for ListSessions method.
Configuration for Natural Language Query Understanding.
Response message for CrawlRateManagementService.ObtainCrawlRate method. The response contains organcic or dedicated crawl rate time series data for monitoring, depending on whether dedicated crawl rate is set.
The historical organic crawl rate timeseries data, used for monitoring. Organic crawl is auto-determined by Google to crawl the user's website when dedicate crawl is not set. Crawl rate is the QPS of crawl request Google sends to the user's website.
Metadata and configurations for a Google Cloud project in the service.
Metadata about the terms of service.
Metadata associated with a project provision operation.
Metadata related to the progress of the PurgeCompletionSuggestions operation. This is returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Response message for CompletionService.PurgeCompletionSuggestions method.
Metadata related to the progress of the PurgeDocuments operation. This will be returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Response message for DocumentService.PurgeDocuments method. If the long running operation is successfully done, then this message is returned by the google.longrunning.Operations.response field.
Metadata related to the progress of the PurgeSuggestionDenyListEntries operation. This is returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Response message for CompletionService.PurgeSuggestionDenyListEntries method.
Metadata related to the progress of the PurgeUserEvents operation. This will be returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Response of the PurgeUserEventsRequest. If the long running operation is successfully done, then this message is returned by the google.longrunning.Operations.response field.
Describes the metrics produced by the evaluation.
Stores the metric values at specific top-k levels.
Defines a user inputed query.
Metadata related to the progress of the SiteSearchEngineService.RecrawlUris operation. This will be returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Response message for SiteSearchEngineService.RecrawlUris method.
Details about why a particular URI failed to be crawled. Each FailureInfo contains one FailureReason per CorpusType.
Details about why crawling failed for a particular CorpusType, e.g., DESKTOP and MOBILE crawling may fail for different reasons.
Defines the structure and layout of a type of document data.
Promotion proto includes uri and other helping information to display the promotion.
Request message for SearchService.Search method.
Boost specification to boost certain documents.
Boost applies to documents which match a condition.
Specification for custom ranking based on customer specified attribute value. It provides more controls for customized ranking than the simple (condition, boost) combination above.
The control points used to define the curve. The curve defined through these control points can only be monotonically increasing or decreasing(constant values are acceptable).
A specification for configuring the behavior of content search.
Specifies the chunk spec to be returned from the search response. Only available if the SearchRequest.ContentSearchSpec.search_result_mode is set to CHUNKS
A specification for configuring the extractive content in a search response.
A specification for configuring snippets in a search response.
A specification for configuring a summary returned in a search response.
Specification of the prompt to use with the model.
Specification of the model.
A struct to define data stores to filter on in a search call and configurations for those data stores. Otherwise, an INVALID_ARGUMENT
error is returned.
The specification that uses customized query embedding vector to do semantic document retrieval.
Embedding vector.
A facet specification to perform faceted search.
Specifies how a facet is computed.
Specifies the image query input.
Specification to enable natural language understanding capabilities for search requests.
The specification for personalization.
Specification to determine under which conditions query expansion should occur.
Specification for search as you type in search requests.
Session specification. Multi-turn Search feature is currently at private GA stage. Please use v1alpha or v1beta version instead before we launch this feature to public GA. Or ask for allowlisting through Google Support team.
The specification for query spell correction.
External session proto definition.
Represents a turn, including a query from the user and a answer from service.
Metadata related to the progress of the SiteSearchEngineService.SetUriPatternDocumentData operation. This will be returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Response message for SiteSearchEngineService.SetUriPatternDocumentData method.
Verification information for target sites in advanced site search.
A sitemap for the SiteSearchEngine.
A target site for the SiteSearchEngine.
Site search indexing failure reasons.
Failed due to insufficient quota.
Metadata related to the progress of the TrainCustomModel operation. This is returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Response of the TrainCustomModelRequest. This message is returned by the google.longrunning.Operations.response field.
Metadata associated with a tune operation.
Response associated with a tune operation.
Metadata related to the progress of the CmekConfigService.UpdateCmekConfig operation. This will be returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Metadata for UpdateSchema LRO.
Request for UpdateSession method.
Metadata related to the progress of the SiteSearchEngineService.UpdateTargetSite operation. This will be returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Information of an end user.
Config to store data store type configuration for workspace data
Request message for CompletionService.AdvancedCompleteQuery method. .
Specification to boost suggestions based on the condtion of the suggestion.
Boost applies to suggestions which match a condition.
Response message for CompletionService.AdvancedCompleteQuery method.
Suggestions as content.
Suggestions as people.
Suggestions as search queries.
Suggestions from recent search history.
Configuration data for advance site search.
AlloyDB source import data from.
Citation info for a segment.
Citation source.
Grounding support for a claim in answer_text
Request message for ConversationalSearchService.AnswerQuery method.
Answer generation specification.
Answer Generation Model specification.
Answer generation prompt specification.
Grounding specification.
Query understanding specification.
Query classification specification.
Query rephraser specification.
Query Rephraser Model specification.
Related questions specification.
Safety specification. There are two use cases: 1. when only safety_spec.enable is set, the BLOCK_LOW_AND_ABOVE threshold will be applied for all categories. 2. when safety_spec.enable is set and some safety_settings are set, only specified safety_settings are applied.
Search specification.
Search parameters.
Search result list.
Search result.
Chunk information.
Document metadata contains the information of the document of the current chunk.
Unstructured document information.
Extractive answer. Guide
Extractive segment. Guide Answer generation will only use it if document_contexts is empty. This is supposed to be shorter snippets.
Response message for ConversationalSearchService.AnswerQuery method.
Query understanding information.
Query classification information.
Chunk information.
Document metadata.
Structured search information.
Unstructured document information.
Chunk content.
, default:nil
) - If citation_type is CHUNK_LEVEL_CITATION and chunk mode is on, populate chunk info. -
, default:nil
) - Document resource name. -
, default:nil
) - If citation_type is DOCUMENT_LEVEL_CITATION, populate document level snippets. -
, default:nil
) - Data representation. The structured JSON data for the document. It's populated from the struct data from the Document, or the Chunk in search result. -
, default:nil
) - Title. -
, default:nil
) - URI for the document.
Chunk information.
Snippet information.
Search action.
Metadata related to the progress of the SiteSearchEngineService.BatchCreateTargetSites operation. This will be returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Request message for SiteSearchEngineService.BatchCreateTargetSites method.
Response message for SiteSearchEngineService.BatchCreateTargetSites method.
Response message for DocumentService.BatchGetDocumentsMetadata method.
The metadata of a Document.
The value of the matcher that was used to match the Document.
Request message for SiteSearchEngineService.BatchVerifyTargetSites method.
BigQuery source import data from.
The Bigtable Options object that contains information to support the import.
The column of the Bigtable.
The column family of the Bigtable.
The Cloud Bigtable source for importing data.
Request message for GroundedGenerationService.CheckGrounding method.
Response message for the GroundedGenerationService.CheckGrounding method.
Fact chunk for grounding check.
Text and citation info for a claim in the answer candidate.
Specification for the grounding check.
Chunk captures all raw metadata information of items to be recommended or searched in the chunk mode.
Metadata of the current chunk. This field is only populated on SearchService.Search API.
Document metadata contains the information of the document of the current chunk.
Page span of the chunk.
Cloud SQL source import data from.
Configurations used to enable CMEK data encryption with Cloud KMS keys.
Response message for CompletionService.CompleteQuery method.
Suggestions as search queries.
Detailed completion information including completion attribution token and clicked completion info.
Autocomplete suggestions that are imported from Customer.
Defines circumstances to be checked before allowing a behavior
Matcher for search request query
Used for time-dependent conditions.
Defines a conditioned behavior to employ during serving. Must be attached to a ServingConfig to be considered at serving time. Permitted actions dependent on SolutionType
Adjusts order of products in returned list.
Specified which products may be included in results. Uses same filter as boost.
Promote certain links based on some trigger queries. Example: Promote shoe store link when searching for shoe
keyword. The link can be outside of associated data store.
Redirects a shopper to the provided URI.
Creates a set of terms that will act as synonyms of one another. Example: "happy" will also be considered as "glad", "glad" will also be considered as "happy".
External conversation proto definition.
Defines context of the conversation
Defines a conversation message.
Request message for ConversationalSearchService.ConverseConversation method.
Response message for ConversationalSearchService.ConverseConversation method.
Metadata related to the progress of the DataStoreService.CreateDataStore operation. This will be returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Metadata related to the progress of the EngineService.CreateEngine operation. This will be returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Metadata for EvaluationService.CreateEvaluation method.
Metadata for Create Schema LRO.
Metadata related to the progress of the SiteSearchEngineService.CreateSitemap operation. This will be returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Metadata related to the progress of the SiteSearchEngineService.CreateTargetSite operation. This will be returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Request message for SiteSearchEngineService.CreateTargetSite method.
A custom attribute that is not explicitly modeled in a resource, e.g. UserEvent.
Metadata that describes a custom tuned model.
DataStore captures global settings and configs at the DataStore level.
Estimation of data size per data store.
Stores information regarding the serving configurations at DataStore level.
Metadata related to the progress of the DataStoreService.DeleteDataStore operation. This will be returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Metadata related to the progress of the EngineService.DeleteEngine operation. This will be returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Metadata for DeleteSchema LRO.
Metadata related to the progress of the SiteSearchEngineService.DeleteSitemap operation. This will be returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Metadata related to the progress of the SiteSearchEngineService.DeleteTargetSite operation. This will be returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Metadata related to the progress of the SiteSearchEngineService.DisableAdvancedSiteSearch operation. This will be returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Request message for SiteSearchEngineService.DisableAdvancedSiteSearch method.
Response message for SiteSearchEngineService.DisableAdvancedSiteSearch method.
Document captures all raw metadata information of items to be recommended or searched.
Unstructured data linked to this document.
Index status of the document.
Detailed document information associated with a user event.
A singleton resource of DataStore. If it's empty when DataStore is created and DataStore is set to DataStore.ContentConfig.CONTENT_REQUIRED, the default parser will default to digital parser.
Configuration for chunking config.
Configuration for the layout based chunking.
Related configurations applied to a specific type of document parser.
The digital parsing configurations for documents.
The layout parsing configurations for documents.
The OCR parsing configurations for documents.
Defines embedding config, used for bring your own embeddings feature.
Metadata related to the progress of the SiteSearchEngineService.EnableAdvancedSiteSearch operation. This will be returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Request message for SiteSearchEngineService.EnableAdvancedSiteSearch method.
Response message for SiteSearchEngineService.EnableAdvancedSiteSearch method.
Metadata that describes the training and serving parameters of an Engine.
Configurations for a Chat Engine.
Configurations for generating a Dialogflow agent. Note that these configurations are one-time consumed by and passed to Dialogflow service. It means they cannot be retrieved using EngineService.GetEngine or EngineService.ListEngines API after engine creation.
Additional information of a Chat Engine. Fields in this message are output only.
Common configurations for an Engine.
Configurations for a Search Engine.
An evaluation is a single execution (or run) of an evaluation process. It encapsulates the state of the evaluation and the resulting data.
Describes the specification of the evaluation.
Describes the specification of the query set.
Response message for SiteSearchEngineService.FetchDomainVerificationStatus method.
Response message for SiteSearchEngineService.FetchSitemaps method.
Contains a Sitemap and its metadata.
Cloud FhirStore source import data from.
Firestore source import data from.
Cloud Storage location for input content.
Grounding Fact.
Metadata related to the progress of the ImportCompletionSuggestions operation. This will be returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Request message for CompletionService.ImportCompletionSuggestions method.
The inline source for CompletionSuggestions.
Response of the CompletionService.ImportCompletionSuggestions method. If the long running operation is done, this message is returned by the google.longrunning.Operations.response field if the operation is successful.
Metadata related to the progress of the ImportDocuments operation. This is returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Request message for Import methods.
The inline source for the input config for ImportDocuments method.
Response of the ImportDocumentsRequest. If the long running operation is done, then this message is returned by the google.longrunning.Operations.response field if the operation was successful.
Configuration of destination for Import related errors.
Metadata related to the progress of the ImportSampleQueries operation. This will be returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Request message for SampleQueryService.ImportSampleQueries method.
The inline source for SampleQuerys.
Response of the SampleQueryService.ImportSampleQueries method. If the long running operation is done, this message is returned by the google.longrunning.Operations.response field if the operation is successful.
Metadata related to the progress of the ImportSuggestionDenyListEntries operation. This is returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Request message for CompletionService.ImportSuggestionDenyListEntries method.
The inline source for SuggestionDenyListEntry.
Response message for CompletionService.ImportSuggestionDenyListEntries method.
Metadata related to the progress of the Import operation. This is returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Request message for the ImportUserEvents request.
The inline source for the input config for ImportUserEvents method.
Response of the ImportUserEventsRequest. If the long running operation was successful, then this message is returned by the google.longrunning.Operations.response field if the operation was successful.
A floating point interval.
Language info for DataStore.
Response for ListControls method.
Response for ListConversations method.
Response message for SearchTuningService.ListCustomModels method.
Response message for DataStoreService.ListDataStores method.
Response message for DocumentService.ListDocuments method.
Response message for EngineService.ListEngines method.
Response message for EvaluationService.ListEvaluationResults method.
Represents the results of an evaluation for a single SampleQuery.
Response message for EvaluationService.ListEvaluations method.
Response message for SampleQueryService.ListSampleQueries method.
Response message for SampleQuerySetService.ListSampleQuerySets method.
Response message for SchemaService.ListSchemas method.
Response for ListServingConfigs method.
Response for ListSessions method.
Response message for SiteSearchEngineService.ListTargetSites method.
Media-specific user event information.
Configuration for Natural Language Query Understanding.
Detailed page information.
Detailed panel information associated with a user event.
Request for pausing training of an engine.
Metadata and configurations for a Google Cloud project in the service.
Metadata about the terms of service.
Metadata associated with a project provision operation.
Request for ProjectService.ProvisionProject method.
Request message for CompletionService.PurgeCompletionSuggestions method.
Metadata related to the progress of the PurgeDocuments operation. This will be returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Request message for DocumentService.PurgeDocuments method.
The inline source for the input config for DocumentService.PurgeDocuments method.
Response message for DocumentService.PurgeDocuments method. If the long running operation is successfully done, then this message is returned by the google.longrunning.Operations.response field.
Configuration of destination for Purge related errors.
Metadata related to the progress of the PurgeSuggestionDenyListEntries operation. This is returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Request message for CompletionService.PurgeSuggestionDenyListEntries method.
Response message for CompletionService.PurgeSuggestionDenyListEntries method.
Request message for PurgeUserEvents method.
Describes the metrics produced by the evaluation.
Stores the metric values at specific top-k levels.
Defines a user inputed query.
Request message for RankService.Rank method.
Response message for RankService.Rank method.
Record message for RankService.Rank method.
Request message for Recommend method.
Response message for Recommend method.
RecommendationResult represents a generic recommendation result with associated metadata.
Request message for SiteSearchEngineService.RecrawlUris method.
Defines a reply message to user.
Defines reference in reply.
Request for resuming training of an engine.
Sample Query captures metadata to be used for evaluation.
Query Entry captures metadata to be used for search evaluation.
Defines the parameters of the query's expected outcome.
A SampleQuerySet is the parent resource of SampleQuery, and contains the configurations shared by all SampleQuery under it.
Defines the structure and layout of a type of document data.
Detailed search information.
Promotion proto includes uri and other helping information to display the promotion.
Request message for SearchService.Search method.
Boost specification to boost certain documents.
Boost applies to documents which match a condition.
Specification for custom ranking based on customer specified attribute value. It provides more controls for customized ranking than the simple (condition, boost) combination above.
The control points used to define the curve. The curve defined through these control points can only be monotonically increasing or decreasing(constant values are acceptable).
A specification for configuring the behavior of content search.
Specifies the chunk spec to be returned from the search response. Only available if the SearchRequest.ContentSearchSpec.search_result_mode is set to CHUNKS
A specification for configuring the extractive content in a search response.
A specification for configuring snippets in a search response.
A specification for configuring a summary returned in a search response.
Specification of the prompt to use with the model.
Specification of the model.
A struct to define data stores to filter on in a search call and configurations for those data stores. Otherwise, an INVALID_ARGUMENT
error is returned.
The specification that uses customized query embedding vector to do semantic document retrieval.
Embedding vector.
A facet specification to perform faceted search.
Specifies how a facet is computed.
Specifies the image query input.
Specification to enable natural language understanding capabilities for search requests.
The specification for personalization.
Specification to determine under which conditions query expansion should occur.
Specification for search as you type in search requests.
Session specification. Multi-turn Search feature is currently at private GA stage. Please use v1alpha or v1beta version instead before we launch this feature to public GA. Or ask for allowlisting through Google Support team.
The specification for query spell correction.
Response message for SearchService.Search method.
A facet result.
A facet value which contains value names and their count.
Debug information specifically related to forward geocoding issues arising from Geolocation Search.
Guided search result. The guided search helps user to refine the search results and narrow down to the real needs from a broaded search results.
Useful attribute for search result refinements.
Information describing what natural language understanding was done on the input query.
The filters that were extracted from the input query represented in a structured form.
Logical And
The expression denoting the filter that was extracted from the input query.
Constraint of a geolocation field. Name of the geolocation field as defined in the schema.
Constraint expression of a number field. Example: price < 100.
Logical Or
Constraint expression of a string field.
OneBoxResult is a holder for all results of specific type that we want to display in UI differently.
Information describing query expansion including whether expansion has occurred.
Represents the search results.
Information about the session.
Summary of the top N search results specified by the summary spec.
Citation info for a segment.
Citation metadata.
Citation source.
Document reference.
Chunk content.
Safety Attribute categories and their associated confidence scores.
Summary with metadata information.
Configures metadata that is used to generate serving time results (e.g. search results or recommendation predictions). The ServingConfig is passed in the search and predict request and generates results.
Specifies the configurations needed for Generic Discovery.Currently we support: * content_search_spec
: configuration for generic content search.
Specifies the configurations needed for Media Discovery. Currently we support: demote_content_watched
: Threshold for watched content demotion. Customers can specify if using watched content demotion or use viewed detail page. Using the content watched demotion, customers need to specify the watched minutes or percentage exceeds the threshold, the content will be demoted in the recommendation result. promote_fresh_content
: cutoff days for fresh content promotion. Customers can specify if using content freshness promotion. If the content was published within the cutoff days, the content will be promoted in the recommendation result. Can only be set if SolutionType is SOLUTION_TYPE_RECOMMENDATION.
External session proto definition.
Represents a turn, including a query from the user and a answer from service.
SiteSearchEngine captures DataStore level site search persisting configurations. It is a singleton value per data store.
Verification information for target sites in advanced site search.
A sitemap for the SiteSearchEngine.
The Spanner source for importing data
Suggestion deny list entry identifying the phrase to block from suggestions and the applied operation for the phrase.
A target site for the SiteSearchEngine.
Site search indexing failure reasons.
Failed due to insufficient quota.
Defines text input.
Metadata related to the progress of the TrainCustomModel operation. This is returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Request message for SearchTuningService.TrainCustomModel method.
Cloud Storage training data input.
Response of the TrainCustomModelRequest. This message is returned by the google.longrunning.Operations.response field.
A transaction represents the entire purchase transaction.
Metadata associated with a tune operation.
Request to manually start a tuning process now (instead of waiting for the periodically scheduled tuning to happen).
Response associated with a tune operation.
Metadata for UpdateSchema LRO.
Metadata related to the progress of the SiteSearchEngineService.UpdateTargetSite operation. This will be returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
UserEvent captures all metadata information Discovery Engine API needs to know about how end users interact with your website.
Information of an end user.
Config to store data store type configuration for workspace data
The request message for Operations.CancelOperation.
The response message for Operations.ListOperations.
This resource represents a long-running operation that is the result of a network API call.
A single data point in a time series.
A time interval extending just after a start time through an end time. If the start time is the same as the end time, then the interval represents a single point in time.
A collection of data points that describes the time-varying values of a metric. A time series is identified by a combination of a fully-specified monitored resource and a fully-specified metric. This type is used for both listing and creating time series.
A single strongly-typed value.
A generic empty message that you can re-use to avoid defining duplicated empty messages in your APIs. A typical example is to use it as the request or the response type of an API method. For instance: service Foo { rpc Bar(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (google.protobuf.Empty); }
The Status
type defines a logical error model that is suitable for different programming environments, including REST APIs and RPC APIs. It is used by gRPC. Each Status
message contains three pieces of data: error code, error message, and error details. You can find out more about this error model and how to work with it in the API Design Guide.
Represents a whole or partial calendar date, such as a birthday. The time of day and time zone are either specified elsewhere or are insignificant. The date is relative to the Gregorian Calendar. This can represent one of the following: A full date, with non-zero year, month, and day values. A month and day, with a zero year (for example, an anniversary). A year on its own, with a zero month and a zero day. A year and month, with a zero day (for example, a credit card expiration date). Related types: google.type.TimeOfDay google.type.DateTime * google.protobuf.Timestamp