Goth (Goth v1.3.0-rc.2) View Source

Google + Auth = Goth

A simple library to generate and retrieve OAuth2 tokens for use with Google Cloud Service accounts.


Note: below are instructions for using Goth v1.3+. For more information on earlier versions of Goth, see v1.2.0 documentation on

  1. Add :goth to your list of dependencies in mix.exs. To use the built-in, Hackney-based HTTP client adapter, add :hackney too:

    def deps do
        {:goth, "~> 1.3-rc"},
        {:hackney, "~> 1.17"}
  2. Add Goth to your supervision tree:

    defmodule MyApp.Application do
      use Application
      def start(_type, _args) do
        credentials = "GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS_JSON" |> System.fetch_env!() |> Jason.decode!()
        source = {:service_account, credentials, []}
        children = [
          {Goth, name: MyApp.Goth, source: source}
        Supervisor.start_link(children, strategy: :one_for_one)
  3. Fetch the token:

     iex> {:ok, token} = Goth.fetch(MyApp.Goth)
     iex> token
       expires: 1453356568,
       token: "ya29.cALlJ4ICWRvMkYB-WsAR-CZnExE459PA7QPqKg5nei9y2T9-iqmbcgxq8XrTATNn_BPim",
       type: "Bearer",

See Goth.start_link/1 for more information about possible configuration options.

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Returns a supervision child spec.

Fetches the token.

Starts the server.

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View Source (since 1.3.0)

Returns a supervision child spec.

Accepts the same options as start_link/1.

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View Source (since 1.3.0)

Fetches the token.

If the token is not in the cache, we immediately request it.

To fetch the token bypassing the cache, see Goth.Token.fetch/1.

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View Source (since 1.3.0)

Starts the server.

When the server is started, we attempt to fetch the token and store it in internal cache. If we fail, we'll try up to 3 times with 1000ms cooldown between requests and if we couldn't retrieve it, we crash.


  • :name - the name to register the server under.

  • :source - the source to retrieve the token from.

    See documentation for the :source option in Goth.Token.fetch/1 for more information.

  • :retry_after - Time in milliseconds between retrying requests, defaults to 1000.

  • :refresh_before - Time in seconds before the token is about to expire that it is tried to be automatically refreshed. Defaults to 300 (5 minutes).

  • :http_client - a {module, opts} tuple, where module implements the Goth.HTTPClient behaviour and opts is a keywords list to initialize the client with. Defaults to {Goth.HTTPClient.Hackney, []}.


Generate a token using a service account credentials file:

iex> credentials = "credentials.json" |>!() |> Jason.decode!()
iex> Goth.start_link(name: MyApp.Goth, source: {:service_account, credentials, []})
iex> Goth.fetch(MyApp.Goth)
{:ok, %Goth.Token{...}}

Retrieve the token using a refresh token:

iex> credentials = "credentials.json" |>!() |> Jason.decode!()
iex> Goth.start_link(name: MyApp.Goth, source: {:refresh_token, credentials, []})
iex> Goth.fetch(MyApp.Goth)
{:ok, %Goth.Token{...}}

Retrieve the token using the Google metadata server:

iex> Goth.start_link(name: MyApp.Goth, source: {:metadata, []})
iex> Goth.fetch(MyApp.Goth)
{:ok, %Goth.Token{...}}