Grains.Recipe (Grains v1.7.0)

A Recipe describes the data flow between the processes.

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Merges to recipes by combining all edges.

Returns a mermaid flowchart as a string.

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t() :: %Grains.Recipe{map: map(), name: atom()}

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merge(new_name, recipe1, recipe2)

Merges to recipes by combining all edges.

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to_mermaid(recipe, args \\ [])

Returns a mermaid flowchart as a string.


to_mermaid/2 supports an optional args argument. The following options are supported:

  • type: Graph type as string, can be either "flowchart" or "graph" (default: "graph")
  • direction: Flowchart orientation (default: "TD")
  • merge_edges: Merge multiple edges between a predecessor and a successor (default: false)