Graphvix.Record (graphvix v1.1.0)

Models a graph vertex that has a shape of record.

A record's label can be a single string, a single row or column, or a nested alternation of rows and columns.

Once a record is created by it can be added to a graph using Graphvix.Graph.add_record/2.

See new/2 for more complete usage examples.



iex> import Record, only: [column: 1]
iex> graph =
iex> record =["a", "B", column(["c", "D"])], color: "blue")
iex> {graph, _rid} = Graph.add_record(graph, record)
iex> Graph.to_dot(graph)
~s(digraph G {\n\n  v0 [label="a | B | { c | D }",shape="record",color="blue"]\n\n})

Link to this section Summary


A helper method that takes a list of cells and returns them as a column inside a Graphvix.Record struct.

Returns a new Graphvix.Record struct that can be added to a graph as a vertex.

A helper method that takes a list of cells and returns them as a row inside a Graphvix.Record struct.

Link to this section Types

@type body() :: String.t() | [any()] | Graphvix.RecordSubset.t()
@type t() :: %Graphvix.Record{body: t(), properties: keyword()}

Link to this section Functions

A helper method that takes a list of cells and returns them as a column inside a Graphvix.Record struct.

The list can consist of a mix of string labels or tuples of cell labels + port names.

This function provides little functionality on its own. See the documentation for for usage examples in context.

Link to this function

new(body, properties \\ [])

Returns a new Graphvix.Record struct that can be added to a graph as a vertex.



A record's can be a simple text label

iex> record ="just a plain text record")
iex> Record.to_label(record)
"just a plain text record"

or it can be a single row or column of strings

iex> import Record, only: [row: 1]
iex> record =["a", "b", "c"]))
iex> Record.to_label(record)
"a | b | c"

iex> import Record, only: [column: 1]
iex> record =["a", "b", "c"]))
iex> Record.to_label(record)
"{ a | b | c }"

or it can be a series of nested rows and columns

iex> import Record, only: [row: 1, column: 1]
iex> record =
...>   row([
...>     "a",
...>     column([
...>       "b", "c", "d"
...>     ]),
...>     column([
...>       "e",
...>       "f",
...>       row([
...>         "g", "h", "i"
...>       ])
...>     ])
...>   ])
...> )
iex> Record.to_label(record)
"a | { b | c | d } | { e | f | { g | h | i } }"

passing a plain list defaults to a row

iex> record =["a", "b", "c"])
iex> Record.to_label(record)
"a | b | c"

Each cell can contain a plain string, or a string with a port attached, allowing edges to be drawn directly to and from that cell, rather than the vertex. Ports are created by passing a tuple of the form {port_name, label}

iex> record =["a", {"port_b", "b"}])
iex> Record.to_label(record)
"a | <port_b> b"

A second, optional argument can be passed specifying other formatting and styling properties for the vertex.

iex> record =["a", {"port_b", "b"}, "c"], color: "blue")
iex> graph =
iex> {graph, _record_id} = Graph.add_record(graph, record)
iex> Graph.to_dot(graph)
~s(digraph G {\n\n  v0 [label="a | <port_b> b | c",shape="record",color="blue"]\n\n})

A helper method that takes a list of cells and returns them as a row inside a Graphvix.Record struct.

The list can consist of a mix of string labels or tuples of cell labels + port names.

This function provides little functionality on its own. See the documentation for for usage examples in context.