GrovePi v0.6.1 GrovePi.DHT.DefaultTrigger View Source
This is the default triggering mechanism for DHT events. The
event is :changed
and includes the trigger state. The trigger state
for the default trigger is a struct containing temp
and humidity
iex> GrovePi.DHT.DefaultTrigger.init([])
{:ok, %GrovePi.DHT.DefaultTrigger.State{temp: 0, humidity: 0}}
iex> GrovePi.DHT.DefaultTrigger.update({0, 0}, %{temp: 0, humidity: 0})
{:ok, %{temp: 0, humidity: 0}}
iex> GrovePi.DHT.DefaultTrigger.update({11.3, 45.5}, %{temp: 0, humidity: 0})
{:changed, %{temp: 11.3, humidity: 45.5}}
iex> GrovePi.DHT.DefaultTrigger.update({11.3, 45.5}, %{temp: 11.3, humidity: 45.5})
{:ok, %{temp: 11.3, humidity: 45.5}}
iex> GrovePi.DHT.DefaultTrigger.update({22.5, 34.5}, %{temp: 11.3, humidity: 45.5})
{:changed, %{temp: 22.5, humidity: 34.5}}
Link to this section Summary
The init callback that must return {:ok, state}
or an error tuple
The update callback receives a new value and a trigger state and returns
a tuple of {:event_name, new_state}
Link to this section Functions
The init callback that must return {:ok, state}
or an error tuple.
Callback implementation for GrovePi.Trigger.init/1
The update callback receives a new value and a trigger state and returns
a tuple of {:event_name, new_state}
If no event is needed to fire return {:ok, new_state}
Callback implementation for GrovePi.Trigger.update/2