

Option for using “\n = LF = Unix” or “\r\n = CRLF = Windows” line endings. Use with the from_lists function when writing to a csv string.

pub type LineEnding {


  • Windows
  • Unix


pub fn from_lists(
  input: List(List(String)),
  separator separator: String,
  line_ending line_ending: LineEnding,
) -> String

Takes a list of lists of strings and writes it to a csv string. Will automatically escape strings that contain double quotes or line endings with double quotes (in csv, double quotes get escaped by doing a double doublequote) The string he"llo\n becomes "he""llo\n"

pub fn to_lists(input: String) -> Result(List(List(String)), Nil)

Parses a csv string to a list of lists of strings. Automatically handles Windows and Unix line endings.

pub fn to_lists_or_panic(input: String) -> List(List(String))

Parses a csv string to a list of lists of strings. Automatically handles Windows and Unix line endings. Panics with an error msg if the string is not valid csv.

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