Guardian v0.13.0 Guardian.Phoenix.Socket

Provides functions for managing authentication with sockets. Usually you’d use this on the Socket to authenticate on connection on the connect function.

There are two main ways to use this module.

  1. use Guardian.Phoenix.Socket
  2. import Guardian.Phoenix.Socket

You use this function when you want to automatically sign in a socket on connect. The case where authentication information is not provided is not handled so that you can handle it yourself.

defmodule MyApp.UserSocket do
  use Phoenix.Socket
  use Guardian.Phoenix.Socket

  # This function will be called when there was no authentication information
  def connect(_params,socket) do

If you want more control over the authentication of the connection, then you should import Guardian.Phoenix.Socket and use the sign_in function to authenticate.

defmodule MyApp.UserSocket do
  use Phoenix.Socket
  import Guardian.Phoenix.Socket

  def connect(%{"guardian_token" => jwt} = params, socket) do
    case sign_in(socket, jwt) do
      {:ok, authed_socket, guardian_params} ->
        {:ok, authed_socket}
      _ -> :error

If you want to authenticate on the join of a channel, you can import this module and use the sign_in function as normal.



Boolean if the token is present or not to indicate an authenticated socket

Fetches the claims map that was encoded into the token

Loads the resource from the serializer. The resource is not cached onto the socket so using this function will load a fresh version of the resource each time it’s called

Fetches the JWT that was provided for the initial authentication. This is provided as an encoded string

Set the current claims. Used internally and in tests. Not expected to be used inside channels or sockets

Set the current resource. Used internally and in tests. Not expected to be used inside channels or sockets

Set the current token. Used internally and in tests. Not expected to be used inside channels or sockets

Sign into a socket. Takes a JWT and verifies it. If successful it caches the JWT and decoded claims onto the socket for future use

Sign out of the socket but do not revoke. The token will still be valid for future requests

Signout of the socket and also revoke the token. Using with GuardianDB this will render the token useless for future requests


authenticated?(socket, key \\ :default)

Boolean if the token is present or not to indicate an authenticated socket

claims(socket, key \\ :default)
current_claims(socket, key \\ :default)

Fetches the claims map that was encoded into the token.

current_resource(socket, key \\ :default)

Loads the resource from the serializer. The resource is not cached onto the socket so using this function will load a fresh version of the resource each time it’s called.

current_token(socket, key \\ :default)

Fetches the JWT that was provided for the initial authentication. This is provided as an encoded string.

set_current_claims(socket, new_claims, key \\ :default)

Set the current claims. Used internally and in tests. Not expected to be used inside channels or sockets.

set_current_resource(socket, resource, key \\ :default)

Set the current resource. Used internally and in tests. Not expected to be used inside channels or sockets.

set_current_token(socket, jwt, key \\ :default)

Set the current token. Used internally and in tests. Not expected to be used inside channels or sockets.

sign_in(socket, jwt)
sign_in(socket, jwt, params, opts \\ [])

Sign into a socket. Takes a JWT and verifies it. If successful it caches the JWT and decoded claims onto the socket for future use.

sign_out(socket, key \\ :default)

Sign out of the socket but do not revoke. The token will still be valid for future requests.

sign_out!(socket, key \\ :default)

Signout of the socket and also revoke the token. Using with GuardianDB this will render the token useless for future requests.