Guardian v0.13.0 API Reference


A module that provides JWT based authentication for Elixir applications

Provides integration for channels to use Guardian tokens

Validates claims found in a JWT

This module helps to hook into the lifecycle of authentication

Default implementation of GuardianHooks

Functions for dealing with permissions sets

Provides a simple helper to provide easier access to the current user and their claims

Provides functions for managing authentication with sockets. Usually you’d use this on the Socket to authenticate on connection on the connect function

Guardian.Plug contains functions that assist with interacting with Guardian via Plugs

This plug ensures that a valid JWT was provided and has been verified on the request

This plug ensures that a invalid JWT was provided and has been verified on the request

Use this plug to ensure that there are the correct permissions set in the claims found on the connection

A default error handler that can be used for failed authentication

Fetches the resource specified in a set of claims

Use this plug to verify a token contained in the header

Use this plug to verify a token contained in a session

Guardian Serializer Behaviour