Guardian v0.13.0 Guardian.Plug.VerifyHeader

Use this plug to verify a token contained in the header.

You should set the value of the Authorization header to:

Authorization: <jwt>


plug Guardian.Plug.VerifyHeader


plug Guardian.Plug.VerifyHeader, key: :secret

Verifying the session will update the claims on the request, available with

In the case of an error, the claims will be set to { :error, reason }

A “realm” can be specified when using the plug. Realms are like the name of the token and allow many tokens to be sent with a single request.

plug Guardian.Plug.VerifyHeader, realm: "Bearer"

When a realm is not specified, the first authorization header found is used, and assumed to be a raw token


plug Guardian.Plug.VerifyHeader

# will take the first auth header
# Authorization: <jwt>



call(conn, opts)
init(opts \\ %{})