Guardian v0.13.0 Guardian

A module that provides JWT based authentication for Elixir applications.

Guardian provides the framework for using JWT in any Elixir application, web based or otherwise, where authentication is required.

The base unit of authentication currency is implemented using JWTs.


config :guardian, Guardian,
  allowed_algos: ["HS512", "HS384"],
  issuer: "MyApp",
  ttl: { 30, :days },
  serializer: MyApp.GuardianSerializer,
  secret_key: "lksjdlkjsdflkjsdf"



Verify the given JWT. This will decode_and_verify via decode_and_verify/2

Verify the given JWT

If successfully verified, returns the claims encoded into the JWT. Raises otherwise

If successfully verified, returns the claims encoded into the JWT. Raises otherwise

Returns the current default token type

Encode and sign a JWT from a resource. The resource will be run through the configured serializer to obtain a value suitable for storage inside a JWT

Like encode_and_sign/1 but also accepts the type (encoded to the typ key) for the JWT

Like encode_and_sign/2 but also encode anything found inside the claims map into the JWT

The configured issuer. If not configured, defaults to the node that issued

Read the claims of the token. This is not a verified read, it does not check the signature

Read the header of the token. This is not a verified read, it does not check the signature

Refresh the token. The token will be renewed and receive a new

As refresh!/1 but allows the claims to be updated. Specifically useful is the ability to set the ttl of the token

Revokes the current token. This provides a hook to revoke. The logic for revocation of belongs in a Guardian.Hook.on_revoke This function is less efficient that revoke!/2. If you have claims, you should use that

Revokes the current token. This provides a hook to revoke. The logic for revocation of belongs in a Guardian.Hook.on_revoke

Fetch the configured serializer module




decode_and_verify(String.t) ::
  {:ok, map} |
  {:error, atom} |
  {:error, String.t}

Verify the given JWT. This will decode_and_verify via decode_and_verify/2

decode_and_verify(jwt, params)


decode_and_verify(String.t, map) ::
  {:ok, map} |
  {:error, atom | String.t}

Verify the given JWT.



decode_and_verify!(String.t) :: map

If successfully verified, returns the claims encoded into the JWT. Raises otherwise

decode_and_verify!(jwt, params)


decode_and_verify!(String.t, map) :: map

If successfully verified, returns the claims encoded into the JWT. Raises otherwise


Returns the current default token type.



encode_and_sign(any) ::
  {:ok, String.t, map} |
  {:error, atom} |
  {:error, String.t}

Encode and sign a JWT from a resource. The resource will be run through the configured serializer to obtain a value suitable for storage inside a JWT.

encode_and_sign(object, type)


encode_and_sign(any, atom | String.t) ::
  {:ok, String.t, map} |
  {:error, atom} |
  {:error, String.t}

Like encode_and_sign/1 but also accepts the type (encoded to the typ key) for the JWT

The type can be anything but suggested is “access”.

encode_and_sign(object, type, claims)


encode_and_sign(any, atom | String.t, map) ::
  {:ok, String.t, map} |
  {:error, atom} |
  {:error, String.t}

Like encode_and_sign/2 but also encode anything found inside the claims map into the JWT.

To encode permissions into the token, use the :perms key and pass it a map with the relevant permissions (must be configured)


  perms: %{ default: [:read, :write] }


issuer :: String.t

The configured issuer. If not configured, defaults to the node that issued.


Read the claims of the token. This is not a verified read, it does not check the signature.


Read the header of the token. This is not a verified read, it does not check the signature.



refresh!(String.t) ::
  {:ok, String.t, map} |
  {:error, any}

Refresh the token. The token will be renewed and receive a new:

  • jti - JWT id
  • iat - Issued at
  • exp - Expiry time.
  • nbf - Not valid before time

The current token will be revoked when the new token is successfully created.

Note: A valid token must be used in order to be refreshed.

refresh!(jwt, claims, params \\ %{})


refresh!(String.t, map, map) ::
  {:ok, String.t, map} |
  {:error, any}

As refresh!/1 but allows the claims to be updated. Specifically useful is the ability to set the ttl of the token.

Guardian.refresh(existing_jwt, existing_claims, %{ttl: { 5, :minutes}})

Once the new token is created, the old one will be revoked.

revoke!(jwt, params \\ %{})

Revokes the current token. This provides a hook to revoke. The logic for revocation of belongs in a Guardian.Hook.on_revoke This function is less efficient that revoke!/2. If you have claims, you should use that.

revoke!(jwt, claims, params)

Revokes the current token. This provides a hook to revoke. The logic for revocation of belongs in a Guardian.Hook.on_revoke



serializer :: atom

Fetch the configured serializer module

set_aud_if_nil(claims, value)
verify_claims(claims, params)