Guardian v0.14.5 Guardian.Plug

Guardian.Plug contains functions that assist with interacting with Guardian via Plugs.

Guardian.Plug is not itself a plug.


Guardian.Plug.sign_in(conn, user)
Guardian.Plug.sign_in(conn, user, :access)

# stores this JWT in a different location (keyed by :secret)
  %{ claims: "i", make: true, key: :secret }


Guardian.Plug.sign_out(conn) # sign out all sessions
Guardian.Plug.sign_out(conn, :secret) # sign out only the :secret session

To sign in to an api action (i.e. not store the jwt in the session, just on the conn)


Guardian.Plug.api_sign_in(conn, user)
Guardian.Plug.api_sign_in(conn, user, :access)

# Store the JWT on the conn
    claims: "i",
    make: true,
    key: :secret

Then use the Guardian.Plug helpers to look up current_token, claims and current_resource.





Sign in a resource for API requests

Sign in a resource for API requests

Same as api_sign_in/3 but also encodes all claims into the JWT

A simple check to see if a request is authenticated

A simple check to see if a request is authenticated

Fetch the currently verified claims from the current request

Fetch the currently authenticated resource if loaded, optionally located at a location (key)

Fetch the currently verified token from the request. Optionally located at a location (key)

Sign in a resource (that your configured serializer knows about) into the current web session

Sign in a resource (that your configured serializer knows about) into the current web session

Same as sign_in/3 but also encodes all claims into the JWT

Sign out of a session


api_sign_in(conn, object)
api_sign_in(Plug.Conn.t, any) :: Plug.Conn.t

Sign in a resource for API requests.

This function does not store the resource in the session. Instead the resource is stored in the Plug.Conn and is designed to be accessed with Guardian.Plug.current_resource/2.

api_sign_in(conn, object, type)
api_sign_in(Plug.Conn.t, any, atom | String.t) :: Plug.Conn.t

Sign in a resource for API requests.

This function does not store the resource in the session. Instead the resource is stored in the Plug.Conn and is designed to be accessed with Guardian.Plug.current_resource/2.

By specifying the ‘type’ of the token, you’re setting the typ field in the JWT.

api_sign_in(conn, object, type, new_claims)
api_sign_in(Plug.Conn.t, any, atom | String.t, map) :: Plug.Conn.t

Same as api_sign_in/3 but also encodes all claims into the JWT.

The :key key in the claims map is special. In that it sets the location of the storage.

The :perms key will provide the ability to encode permissions into the token. The value at :perms should be a map


  perms: %{default: [:read, :write]}
authenticated?(Plug.Conn.t) :: atom

A simple check to see if a request is authenticated

authenticated?(conn, type)
authenticated?(Plug.Conn.t, atom) :: atom

A simple check to see if a request is authenticated

claims(conn, the_key \\ :default)
claims(Plug.Conn.t, atom) ::
  {:ok, map} |
  {:error, atom | String.t}

Fetch the currently verified claims from the current request

current_resource(conn, the_key \\ :default)
current_resource(Plug.Conn.t, atom) :: any | nil

Fetch the currently authenticated resource if loaded, optionally located at a location (key)

current_token(conn, the_key \\ :default)
current_token(Plug.Conn.t, atom) :: String.t | nil

Fetch the currently verified token from the request. Optionally located at a location (key)

sign_in(conn, object)
sign_in(Plug.Conn.t, any) :: Plug.Conn.t

Sign in a resource (that your configured serializer knows about) into the current web session.

sign_in(conn, object, type)
sign_in(Plug.Conn.t, any, atom | String.t) :: Plug.Conn.t

Sign in a resource (that your configured serializer knows about) into the current web session.

By specifying the ‘type’ of the token, you’re setting the typ field in the JWT.

sign_in(conn, object, type, new_claims)
sign_in(Plug.Conn.t, any, atom | String.t, map) :: Plug.Conn.t

Same as sign_in/3 but also encodes all claims into the JWT.

The :key key in the claims map is special in that it sets the location of the storage.

The :perms key will provide the ability to encode permissions into the token. The value at :perms should be a map


Guardian.sign_in(conn, user, :access, perms: %{default: [:read, :write]})
sign_out(conn, the_key \\ :all)

Sign out of a session.

If no key is specified, the entire session is cleared. Otherwise, only the location specified is cleared