API Reference Guardian v2.2.4
Guardian provides a singular interface for authentication in Elixir applications
that is token
Working with configuration for guardian.
An optional plugin to Guardian to provide permissions for your tokens.
Atom encoding for permissions.
Bitwise encoding for permissions.
Behavior for the permission encoding.
Text encoding for permissions.
Provides functions for the implementation module for dealing with Guardian in a Plug environment.
This plug ensures that a valid token was provided and has been verified on the request.
This plug ensures that a resource is not logged in.
Optional Behaviour for creating error handlers for Guardian.Plug.Pipeline
Calculates keys for use with plug.
This plug loads the resource associated with a previously
validated token. Tokens are found and validated using the Verify*
Helps to build plug pipelines for use with Guardian and associated plugs.
WARNING! Use of this plug MAY allow a session to be maintained
indefinitely without primary authentication by issuing new refresh
tokens off the back of previous (still valid) tokens. Especially if your
implementation does not check resource validity (in
a user database or whatever), you SHOULD then at least make such checks
in the sliding_cookie/3
implementation to make sure the resource still
exists, is valid and permitted.
Looks for and validates a token found in the request cookies.
Looks for and validates a token found in the Authorization
Looks for and validates a token found in the session.
The behaviour module for all token modules.
Deals with things JWT. This module should not be used directly.
Provides a behaviour that specifies how to fetch the secret for the token.
Verifies standard jwt fields
Interface for verifying tokens.
Mix Tasks
Generates a secret and prints it to the terminal.