Handkit.Connect (Handkit v0.2.0) View Source

A client module for connecting and interfacing with the Handcash Connect API endpoints.

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Connect environment


Handcash Connect client


Returns the Handcash API URL for the given environment.

Returns the Handcash Client URL for the given environment.

Handles the result from a Connect request.

Initiates a new Handcash Connect client.

Link to this section Types


env() :: :prod | :beta | :iae

Connect environment


t() :: %Handkit.Connect{client: Tesla.Client.t()}

Handcash Connect client

Link to this section Functions

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api_endpoint(env \\ :prod)

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api_endpoint(env()) :: String.t()

Returns the Handcash API URL for the given environment.

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client_url(env \\ :prod)

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client_url(env()) :: String.t()

Returns the Handcash Client URL for the given environment.

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handle_result(result, key \\ nil)

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handle_result(Tesla.Env.result(), String.t() | nil) ::
  {:ok, any()} | {:error, any()}

Handles the result from a Connect request.

If the result is a success, the request body is returned. Where the request returns an error, a %ConnectError{} exception is returned.

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init_client(auth_token, env \\ :prod)

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init_client(String.t(), env()) :: t()

Initiates a new Handcash Connect client.

Must be passed a valid auth token.