Handkit (Handkit v0.2.0) View Source



Handkit is an Elixir client for the Handcash Connect API.

Handkit offers 100% coverage of the Handcash Connect APIs, so you can build blazing fast Bitcoin apps with Elixir in hours.


The package can be installed by adding handkit to your list of dependencies in mix.exs.

def deps do
    {:handkit, "~> 0.2.0"}

You will need to register your application using the Handcash developer dashboard and make a note of your app's app ID.

User authorization

Familiarize yourself with the Handcash Connect user authorization flow.

Within your Elixir app, use Handkit to generate a redirection URL and present a button in your app's UI for users to click and grant your app's permissions.

iex> redirect_url = Handkit.get_redirection_url("123456789")

When a user grants your app's permissions, they will be redirected back to the URL configured in the developer dashboard. You app must handle that request and capture the authToken parameter. For example, a Phoenix action to capture the authToken and store it in a session may look like this:

def auth(conn, %{"authToken" => auth_token}) do
  |> put_session(:auth_token, auth_token)
  |> put_flash(:info, "Successfully authenticated with Handcash")
  |> redirect(to: "/app")


Once a user is connected, the Handcash Connect APIs are interfaced with by creating a Connect Client struct and passing that to all subsequent API calls.

# Create the client
iex> client = Handkit.create_connect_client(auth_token)

# Get the full profile of the currently connected user
iex> Handkit.Profile.get_current_profile(client)
{:ok, %{
  "private_profile" => %{
    "email" => "StevenUrban1234@gmail.com",
    "phone_number" => "+11234567891"
  "public_profile" => %{
    "avatar_url" => "https://handcash.io/avatar/7d399a0c-22cf-40cf-b162-f5511a4645db",
    "bitcoin_unit" => "DUR",
    "display_name" => "Steven Urban K.",
    "handle" => "stuk_91",
    "id" => "5f15c31c3c177d003028eb97",
    "local_currency_code" => "USD",
    "paymail" => "BrandonC@handcash.io"

# Create a payment
iex> payment_params = %{
...>   app_action: "test",
...>   description: "testing testing...",
...>   payments: [%{to: "Libs", amount: 5, currency_code: "DUR"}]
...> }
iex> Handkit.Wallet.pay(client, payment_params)
{:ok, %{
  "app_action" => "test",
  "attachments" => [],
  "fiat_currency_code" => "GBP",
  "fiat_exchange_rate" => 115.93006376003423,
  "note" => "testing testing...",
  "participants" => [
      "alias" => "Libs",
      "amount" => 2500,
      "display_name" => "Libitx",
      "profile_picture_url" => "https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/8c69771156957d453f9b74f9d57a523c?d=identicon",
      "response_note" => "",
      "type" => "user"
  "raw_transaction_hex" => "0100000001019bab35b4d62fceaa6953c6b95ecf9e3c25e40836fc055d7b47addd9ce687a5010000006a4730440220221b6c59751de9576efd9e60cb7c648141e5331602656c97dc8722b740502287022025d9868894f72b4b0bcc70e95dc4820a9cbd79721974d95b184b72933af6cec4412102ed3547b19ce413e2e36c6182737d4d05b0e27022886bec96a7f7f2ea89f8cb78ffffffff03c4090000000000001976a914715779ac130d8ef5668425ce6e8f68ebd6c4596688acc4090000000000001976a914b0e9e9fa4ec584f76e4564d3f646151ce201920e88ac5c040000000000001976a914da5d00c49e00b27d5dbc59204230afa3f059b16888ac00000000",
  "satoshi_amount" => 2500,
  "satoshi_fees" => 128,
  "time" => 1624025595,
  "transaction_id" => "5a139f3f475f48001d733c8c767fa7124bb2835d927e01dd2782effd22f7081b",
  "type" => "send"

Refer to the following modules for details of all the available API calls.

Link to this section Summary


Creates a Handcash Connect Client from the given auth token.

Returns a redirection URL for the given app ID.

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function

create_connect_client(auth_token, env \\ :prod)

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create_connect_client(String.t(), Handkit.Connect.env()) :: Handkit.Connect.t()

Creates a Handcash Connect Client from the given auth token.

The client can then passed to all subsequent API functions.


iex> client = Handkit.create_connect_client(auth_token)
Link to this function

get_redirection_url(app_id, query \\ %{}, env \\ :prod)

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get_redirection_url(String.t(), map(), Handkit.Connect.env()) :: String.t()

Returns a redirection URL for the given app ID.

Your app should redirect the user and they will be asked to grant your app permissions.

Once the user selects accept or decline, they will be redirected back your app's Authorization Success URL or Authorization Failed URL.

You app must handle that request and capture the authToken parameter.


iex> redirect_url = Handkit.get_redirection_url("123456789")