View Source Zhuyin (hanyutils v0.3.0)

Utilities to deal with zhuyin syllables and groups thereof.

The main goal of this module is to provide functions to manipulate strings that contain zhuyin words, which are potentially mixed with other content. These strings are represented by the zhuyin_list/0 type. Zhuyin lists can be obtained by parsing a string with the read/2, read!/2 or sigil_z/2 functions. Afterwards, these lists can be converted into astring representation by using to_string/1n.

A zhuyin_list/0 is a list which contains strings and zhuyin structs (t/0). These structs are used to encode zhuyin syllables; they can be created directly through the use of the from_string/1 or from_string!/1 functions. Like t:zhuyin_lists/0, t/0 structs can be converted strings through the use of the to_string/1functions.

Additionally both zhuyin_list/0 and zhuyin structs (t/0) can be created from or converted to pinyin structs (Pinyin.t:t/0) using from_pinyin/1 or to_pinyin/1 or

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List of zhuyin syllables mixed with plain strings.


Create zhuyin structs from a pinyin struct or list.

Create a single zhuyin struct (t/0) from a string.

Create a single zhuyin struct (t/0) from a string.

Read a string and convert it into a list of strings and zhuyin structs.

Identical to read/2, but returns the result or a ParseError

Sigil to create a zhuyin list or struct.

Create pinyin structs from a zhuyin struct or list.

Link to this section Types

@type t() :: %Zhuyin{final: String.t(), initial: String.t(), tone: 0..4}
@type zhuyin_list() :: [t() | String.t()]

List of zhuyin syllables mixed with plain strings.

Link to this section Functions

@spec from_pinyin(Pinyin.t() | Pinyin.pinyin_list()) :: t()

Create zhuyin structs from a pinyin struct or list.



iex> Zhuyin.from_pinyin(~p/nǐhǎo/)
[%Zhuyin{initial: "ㄋ", final: "ㄧ", tone: 3}, %Zhuyin{initial: "ㄏ", final: "ㄠ", tone: 3}]

iex> Zhuyin.from_pinyin(%Pinyin{initial: "n", final: "i", tone: 3})
%Zhuyin{initial: "ㄋ", final: "ㄧ", tone: 3}
@spec from_string(String.t()) :: {:ok, t()} | {:error, String.t()}

Create a single zhuyin struct (t/0) from a string.

This function can be used to parse a single zhuyin syllable.

If parsing fails, an {:error, <remainder of string>} is returned, <remainder of string> contains the part of the string which made parsing fail.



iex> Zhuyin.from_string("ㄋㄧˇ")
{:ok, %Zhuyin{initial: "ㄋ", final: "ㄧ", tone: 3}}

iex> Zhuyin.from_string("ㄋㄧˇㄏㄠˇ")
{:error, "ㄏㄠˇ"}

iex> Zhuyin.from_string("ㄋㄧˇhǎo")
{:error, "hǎo"}
@spec from_string!(String.t()) :: t() | no_return()

Create a single zhuyin struct (t/0) from a string.

Like from_string/1, but returns the result or raises an exception if an error occurred while parsing.



iex> Zhuyin.from_string!("ㄋㄧˇ")
%Zhuyin{initial: "ㄋ", final: "ㄧ", tone: 3}

iex> Zhuyin.from_string!("ㄋㄧˇㄏㄠˇ")
** (ParseError) Error occurred when attempting to parse: "ㄏㄠˇ"

iex> Zhuyin.from_string!("ㄋㄧˇhǎo")
** (ParseError) Error occurred when attempting to parse: "hǎo"
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read(string, mode \\ :exclusive)

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@spec read(String.t(), :exclusive | :words | :mixed) ::
  {:ok, zhuyin_list()} | {:error, String.t()}

Read a string and convert it into a list of strings and zhuyin structs.

This function reads a string containing zhuyin words mixed with normal text. The output of this function is a list of strings and zhuyin structs. White space and punctuation will be separated from other strings.


Parse Modes

By default, this function only accepts strings which consists exclusively of zhuyin, whitespace and punctuation. Parsing any text that cannot be interpreted as zhuyin will result in an error:

{:ok, [%Zhuyin{initial: "ㄋ", final: "ㄧ", tone: 3}, %Zhuyin{initial: "ㄏ", final: "ㄠ", tone: 3}, "!"]}

iex>"ㄋㄧˇㄏㄠˇ, hello!")
{:error, "hello!"}

This behaviour can be tweaked if zhuyin mixed with regular text needs to be parsed; this can be done by passing a mode to this function. There are 3 available modes:

  • :exclusive: The default. Every character (except white space and punctuation) is interpreted as zhuyin. If this is not possible, an error is returned.
  • :words: Any word (i.e. a continuous part of the string that does not contain whitespace or punctuation) is either interpreted as a sequence of zhuyin syllables or as non-pinyin text. If a word contains any characters that cannot be interpreted as zhuyin, the whole word is considered to be non-zhuyin text. This mode does not return errors.
  • :mixed: Any word can contain a mixture of zhuyin and non-zhuyin characters. The read function will interpret anything it can interpret as zhuyin as zhuyin and leaves the other text unmodified. This is mainly useful to mix characters and zhuyin. It is recommend to use the :words mode when possible instead of this mode, as this mode will often parse regular text as zhuyin text. This mode does not return errors.

The following examples show the use of all three modes:

iex>"ㄋㄧˇㄏㄠˇ!", :exclusive)
{:ok, [%Zhuyin{initial: "ㄋ", final: "ㄧ", tone: 3}, %Zhuyin{initial: "ㄏ", final: "ㄠ", tone: 3}, "!"]}

iex>"ㄋㄧˇㄏㄠˇ, hello!", :exclusive)
{:error, "hello!"}

iex>"ㄋㄧˇ好, hello!", :exclusive)
{:error, "ㄋㄧˇ好, hello!"}

iex>"ㄋㄧˇㄏㄠˇ!", :words)
{:ok, [%Zhuyin{initial: "ㄋ", final: "ㄧ", tone: 3}, %Zhuyin{initial: "ㄏ", final: "ㄠ", tone: 3}, "!"]}

iex>"ㄋㄧˇㄏㄠˇ, hello!", :words)
{:ok, [%Zhuyin{initial: "ㄋ", final: "ㄧ", tone: 3}, %Zhuyin{initial: "ㄏ", final: "ㄠ", tone: 3}, ", ", "hello", "!"]}

iex>"ㄋㄧˇ好, hello!", :words)
{:ok, ["ㄋㄧˇ好",  ", ", "hello", "!"]}

iex>"ㄋㄧˇㄏㄠˇ!", :mixed)
{:ok, [%Zhuyin{initial: "ㄋ", final: "ㄧ", tone: 3}, %Zhuyin{initial: "ㄏ", final: "ㄠ", tone: 3}, "!"]}

iex>"ㄋㄧˇㄏㄠˇ, hello!", :mixed)
{:ok, [%Zhuyin{initial: "ㄋ", final: "ㄧ", tone: 3}, %Zhuyin{initial: "ㄏ", final: "ㄠ", tone: 3}, ", ", "hello", "!"]}

iex>"ㄋㄧˇ好, hello!", :mixed)
{:ok, [%Zhuyin{initial: "ㄋ", final: "ㄧ", tone: 3}, "好", ", ", "hello", "!"]}
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read!(string, mode \\ :exclusive)

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@spec read!(String.t(), :exclusive | :words | :mixed) :: zhuyin_list() | no_return()

Identical to read/2, but returns the result or a ParseError



[%Zhuyin{initial: "ㄋ", final: "ㄧ", tone: 3}, %Zhuyin{initial: "ㄏ", final: "ㄠ", tone: 3}, "!"]

iex>!("ㄋㄧˇㄏㄠˇ, hello!")
** (ParseError) Error occurred when attempting to parse: "hello!"

iex>!("ㄋㄧˇㄏㄠˇ, hello!", :words)
[%Zhuyin{initial: "ㄋ", final: "ㄧ", tone: 3}, %Zhuyin{initial: "ㄏ", final: "ㄠ", tone: 3}, ", ", "hello", "!"]
Link to this macro

sigil_z(arg, mode)

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Sigil to create a zhuyin list or struct.

When used without any modifiers, this sigil converts its input into a zhuyin list through the use of read!/2 in :exclusive mode. The w and m modifiers can be used to use :words or :mixed mode respectively.

When this sigil is called with the s modifier, a zhuyin struct is created by calling from_string!/1.



iex> ~z/ㄋㄧˇ/
[%Zhuyin{tone: 3, initial: "ㄋ", final: "ㄧ"}]

iex> ~z/ㄋㄧˇ hello/w
[%Zhuyin{tone: 3, initial: "ㄋ", final: "ㄧ"}, " ", "hello"]

iex> ~z/ㄋㄧˇ好/m
[%Zhuyin{tone: 3, initial: "ㄋ", final: "ㄧ"}, "好"]

iex> ~z/ㄋㄧˇ/s
%Zhuyin{tone: 3, initial: "ㄋ", final: "ㄧ"}
@spec to_pinyin(t() | zhuyin_list()) :: Pinyin.t() | Pinyin.pinyin_list()

Create pinyin structs from a zhuyin struct or list.



iex> Zhuyin.to_pinyin(~z/ㄋㄧˇㄏㄠˇ/)

iex> Zhuyin.to_pinyin(%Zhuyin{initial: "ㄋ", final: "ㄧ", tone: 3})
%Pinyin{initial: "n", final: "i", tone: 3}