Hardhat (hardhat v1.1.0)
An opinionated, production-ready HTTP client for Elixir services. 👷🌐
What's included
- Connection pooling per-client module
- Integration with
instrumentation - Circuit breaking for repeatedly failed requests
- Automatic retries for failed requests
- Timeout and
Why Hardhat?
In 2021, my employer was in the process of refactoring its monolithic Phoenix application into a small number of decoupled services, so we needed better reliability and observability at the boundaries of our services. We had experienced multiple production incidents related to exhaustion of a single, shared connection pool for outgoing HTTP requests. Additionally, we had built a number of custom clients for external SaaS APIs but had no consistency between them.
I set out to address these problems by creating a standard HTTP client library, upon which individual teams could build clients for internal and external APIs and get reliability and observability, relatively for-free. Hardhat
was born (its name comes from "hardened HTTP client", and that you should wear a hardhat to protect your head in dangerous construction areas).
attempts to walk the line of baking-in sensible defaults so the upfront effort is minimal, but also allowing you to customize and extend almost every part of the built-in functionality. It is not a low-level HTTP client, but adds functionality on top of Tesla
and Finch
, and draws upon well-crafted libraries like :opentelemetry
, :telemetry
, :fuse
, Regulator
, and Deadline
Regrettably, my employer did not see fit to release Hardhat
as open-source software, so this library recreates it from scratch, built only from my own recollections and the help of the community.
Add hardhat
to the dependencies in your mix.exs
def deps do
{:hardhat, "~> 1.0.0"}
Getting started
is designed to be easy for creating quick wrappers around HTTP APIs,
but includes many options for customization. To define a simple client, do something like the following:
# Define a client module:
defmodule SocialMediaAPI do
use Hardhat
# Add it to your supervisor (required):
defmodule MyApp.Sup do
use Supervisor
def start_link(init_arg) do
Supervisor.start_link(__MODULE__, init_arg, name: __MODULE__)
@impl true
def init(_init_arg) do
children = [
Supervisor.init(children, strategy: :one_for_one)
# Use your client to make requests:
As mentioned in the example above, it is imperative for you to supervise the client module that includes the use Hardhat
macro. Without starting the client under supervision, you will not be able to make requests. See Connection pools below for more information.
General behavior
is built on top of Tesla
, and uses Finch
as the adapter. Because
is the foundation, you are welcome to use publicly available
modules in your Hardhat
-based client (with the exception
that we recommend you use
instead of Tesla.Middleware.Timeout
defmodule SomeJSONAPI do
use Hardhat
plug Tesla.Middleware.BaseUrl, "https://my-json.api/"
plug Tesla.Middleware.JSON
In addition to the adapter selection and default Tesla
use Hardhat
will inject the common functionality listed above after any middleware that you supply via plug
. The current list is as follows:
(see below)Tesla.Middleware.Retry
(see below)- Either
(see below) Tesla.Middleware.Telemetry
(see below)Tesla.Middleware.OpenTelemetry
(see below)Hardhat.Middleware.PathParams
Each of the included middlewares that have configuration have defaults defined by functions in Hardhat.Defaults
and can be customized by defining a function of the same name in your client module. Inside those functions you can set your own static defaults or get runtime configuration using Application.get_env/3
. The options you return will be merged with the defaults when the middleware is invoked. Examples of this pattern are in each of the sections below.
Connection pools
As mentioned above, Hardhat
uses Finch
as the adapter. By default, Hardhat
specifies a connection pool of size 10
but sets no other options on the adapter. The name of the Finch
process is proscribed by the use Hardhat
macro, but you can set any other options for the pool that you like, including creating more than one pool or setting the HTTP protocol or TLS options by overriding the pool_configuration/1
defmodule H2Client do
use Hardhat
# This function overrides the configuration coming from `Hardhat.Defaults`.
# The `overrides` will be passed from your process supervision initial
# arguments.
def pool_configuration(_overrides \\ %{}) do
# By default we'll use HTTP/2, with 3 pools of one connection each
:default => [
protocols: [:http2],
count: 3
# For this host only, we're using HTTP/1.1 and a single pool of 20
# connections
"https://some-http1-only-host.com/" => [
size: 20
Telemetry and tracing
includes the stock Tesla.Middleware.Telemetry
for injecting your own metrics and monitoring systems into its operation. The events emitted by this middleware are:
[:tesla, :request, :start]
- at the beginning of the request[:tesla, :request, :stop]
- at the completion of the request[:tesla, :request, :exception]
- when a non-HTTP-status exception occurs
defmodule TelemetryClient do
use Hardhat
"my handler",
[:tesla, :request, :stop],
fn _event, measures, _metadata, _config ->
# Don't do this, attach to your metrics system instead
IO.puts("Made a request in #{measures.duration}")
wraps each request in an OpenTelemetry span and propagates the trace context to the destination host. It will observe any path parameters you interpolate into the URL so that similar spans can be easily aggregated. To disable propagation or change other behavior of the tracing, override the opentelemetry_opts/0
defmodule NoPropagationClient do
use Hardhat
def opentelemety_opts do
# Disable trace propagation for talking to a third-party API
propagator: :none
For more information about the options available to tracing, see Hardhat.Defaults.opentelemetry_opts/0
or Tesla.Middleware.OpenTelemetry
Failure detection
provides two different failure detection and backoff strategies:
- Static circuit breaking with
) - Dynamic request rate regulation (AIMD) with
These strategies cannot be used together safely, so you must choose one when defining your client. If your needs are simple and hard failures are relatively rare, :fuse
is an easier strategy to comprehend and implement because it uses a straightforward failure-counting algorithm, and completely turns off requests when the configured threshold is reached. If you have a more complicated setup or high traffic, and do not want to spend as much time tuning your failure behavior, the :regulator
strategy might be for you. Regulator
allows your client to adapt to rapidly changing conditions by reducing the amount of concurrent work in the presence of failure, without causing a hard stop to activity. On the other hand, if your concurrent utilization is low, it might also bound your maximum concurrency even when requests are not failing.
The Fuse strategy
The :fuse
failure detection strategy is configured with two functions in your client which have default implementations that are injected at compile-time:
- configuration for the middlewareshould_melt(result)
- whether the result of the request is considered a failure
You can override their default behavior by redefining the functions:
# This module uses `:fuse` for failure detection and backoff.
defmodule HardCutoffClient do
use Hardhat # defaults to `:fuse`
# This is also valid:
# use Hardhat, strategy: :fuse
# Customize fuse's circuit-breaking behavior
def fuse_opts do
# 10 failed requests in 0.5sec flips the breaker, which resets after 1sec
opts: {{:standard, 10, 500}, {:reset, 1_000}}
# Customize how responses are determined to be failures,
# in this case only TCP/adapter-type errors are considered
# failures, any valid response is fine.
def should_melt(result) do
case result do
{:error, _} -> true
{:ok, %Tesla.Env{}} -> false
The Regulator strategy
The :regulator
failure detection strategy is configured with two functions in your client which have default implementations that are injected at compile-time:
- configuration for the middlewareshould_regulate(result)
- whether the result of the request is considered a failure
You can override their default behavior by redefining the functions:
# This module uses `Regulator` for failure detection and backoff
defmodule DynamicRegulationClient do
use Hardhat, strategy: :regulator # overrides default of `:fuse`
# Customize Regulator's ramp-up and backoff strategy
def regulator_opts do
# Backoff on failure by half instead of 90%
backoff_ratio: 0.5
# Customize how responses are determined to be failures,
# in this case TCP/adapter-level errors are considered failures,
# as well as HTTP `429 Too Many Requests` responses.
def should_regulate(result) do
case result do
{:error, _} -> true
{:ok, %Tesla.Env{status: 429}} -> true
{:ok, %Tesla.Env{}} -> false
Disabling failure detection
We do not recommend disabling failure detection and backoff strategies because they expose you to encountering cascading failure and slowdown when the target service or network is encountering issues.
If you want to disable failure detection, set the strategy to :none
defmodule WildAndFree do
use Hardhat, strategy: :none
injects automatic retries on your requests using Tesla.Middleware.Retry
. Retries are configured with two functions in your client which have default implementations that are injected at compile-time:
- configuration for the middlewareshould_retry(result)
- whether the result of the request can be retried
You can override their default behavior by redefining the functions:
# This client retries requests
defmodule SomeRetriesClient do
use Hardhat
def retry_opts do
# Retry up to 5 times
max_retries: 5,
# Delay at least 75ms between attempts
delay: 75,
# Delay at most 500ms between any attempts
max_delay: 500
# This client disables retries entirely!
defmodule NoRetriesClient do
use Hardhat
# Override should_retry to disable retries
def should_retry(_), do: false
Interaction with failure detection
Retries can interact very negatively with failure detection, potentially triggering backoff behavior too quickly. Be sure to avoid retrying when the failure detector returns
{:error, :unavailable}
, which indicates that the circuit breaker has blown in the:fuse
strategy, or the limiter is out of capacity in the:regulator
strategy.The default implementation of
implements this behavior.
Timeouts and deadlines
Timeouts are an essential liveness technique that help prevent your application from waiting a long time for a slow response to come back from a request. Deadlines extend the timeout pattern to cover entire workflows spanning multiple services, and ensure responsiveness for requests at the edge of your infrastructure while avoiding doing work that will not complete in a timely fashion.
Hardhat supports both individual timeouts and global deadlines via its custom Hardhat.Middleware.Timeout
middleware, but it is not included in the default middleware stack.
When a timeout value is specified in the middleware options, the lesser of that value and any active deadline will be used for the timeout duration. If the configured timeout is shorter than the active deadline, the deadline propagated downstream will be set to the shorter timeout value.
defmodule TimeoutClient do
use Hardhat
# Requests will time out after 100ms
plug Hardhat.Middleware.Timeout, timeout: 100
# Set a deadline of 50ms
# This will timeout after 50ms instead of the configured 100ms
# Set a deadline of 500ms
# This will timeout after 100ms (not 500ms), propagating a deadline of 100ms
When a timeout occurs, a :timeout_exceeded
event will be added to the current OpenTelemetry
insteadBecause implementing timeouts requires spawning a process that carries out the rest of the request, we recommend using
's bundled timeout middleware. If you use the standard middleware bundled withTesla
, you must propagateOpenTelemetry
context andDeadline
information yourself.
Deadline propagation
The default middleware stack will propagate any Deadline
you have set for the current process, regardless of whether you are using the Hardhat.Middleware.Timeout
middleware in your client. The propagation consists of a request header (default "deadline"
) whose value is the current deadline as an integer in milliseconds. To change the header name, override the deadline_propagation_opts
defmodule CustomPropagationClient do
use Hardhat
def deadline_propagation_opts do
header: "countdown-expires-in"
Testing HTTP clients can be tricky, partly because they are software designed to interact with the outside world. Here are the primary strategies that one can take when testing Hardhat
, which can generate a mockTesla.Adapter
, which runs aPlug
web server to handle requests from your client.ExVCR
, which replaces the adapter-level library with a double that records and replays responses.
We do not recommend using Tesla.Mock
for testing. Any of the three options above have superior behavior under complicated testing conditions, including spawning child processes via timeouts.
allows us to define a custom Tesla.Adapter
for use only in tests. First, we need to generate the mock adapter (put this in test_helper.exs
Mox.defmock(MockAdapter, for: Tesla.Adapter)
Then configure your Hardhat
-based client to use this adapter in config/test.exs
import Config
config :tesla, MyHardhatClient, adapter: MockAdapter
Then in your tests, set expectations on the adapter:
defmodule MyHardhatClient.Test do
use ExUnit.Case, async: true
import Mox
# Checks your mock expectations on each test
setup :verify_on_exit!
test "it works" do
expect(MockAdapter, :call, fn env, opts -> {:ok, %{env | status: 204}} end)
assert {:ok, %Tesla.Env{status: 204}} = MyHardhatClient.get("https://foo.bar/")
This setup will work even if you are using Hardhat.Middleware.Timeout
in your middleware, as child processes automatically inherit expectations and stubs defined by Mox
starts a web server in a new process that handles requests from your client. In order to use it effectively in tests, you will need to be able to set the hostname for each request (or for the current process), which might be challenging if you are already using Tesla.Middleware.BaseUrl
in your client. One strategy using the process dictionary is shown below:
defmodule ClientWithBypassUrl do
use Hardhat
plug Tesla.Middleware.BaseUrl, base_url()
def base_url do
Process.get(:bypass_url) ||
Application.get_env(:my_app, __MODULE__, [])[:base_url]
And then in the test:
defmodule ClientWithBypassUrl.Test do
use ExUnit.Case, async: true
setup do
bypass = Bypass.open()
Process.put(:bypass_url, "http://localhost:#{bypass.port}")
{:ok, %{bypass: bypass}}
test "works with bypass", %{bypass: bypass} do
Bypass.expect(bypass, fn conn -> Plug.Conn.resp(conn, 204, "") end)
assert {:ok, %Tesla.Env{status: 204}} = ClientWithBypassUrl.get("/test")
intercepts calls into specific HTTP client libraries (like Finch
) and returns pre-determined responses. Developers can execute tests in a recording mode, which will initialize the "cassettes" by executing real requests and recording the real responses into JSON files on disk. Once recorded, a call to use_cassette
inside the test selects a particular session for replay.
defmodule PreRecordedClient.Test do
use ExUnit.Case, async: true
# Be sure to set Finch as the adapter in this call, or whatever you configured
# your Hardhat client to use
use ExVCR.Mock, adapter: ExVCR.Adapter.Finch
test "returns a recorded response" do
use_cassette "example" do
assert {:ok, %Tesla.Env{status: 204}} = PreRecordedClient.get("/")