View Source Hashids (hashids v2.1.0)

Hashids lets you obfuscate numerical identifiers via reversible mapping.



h = "my salt")
encoded = Hashids.encode(h, [1,2,3])
{:ok, [1,2,3]} = Hashids.decode(h, encoded)

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Decode the given iodata back into a list of numbers.

Decode the given iodata back into a list of numbers.

Encode the given number or a list of numbers.

Create a struct containing the configuration options for Hashids. It should be passed to encode/2 and decode/2.

Link to this section Functions

@spec decode(t(), iodata()) ::
  {:ok, [non_neg_integer()]} | {:error, :invalid_input_data}

Decode the given iodata back into a list of numbers.

@spec decode!(t(), iodata()) :: [non_neg_integer()] | no_return()

Decode the given iodata back into a list of numbers.

Will raise a Hashids.DecodingError if the provided data is not a valid hash value or a Hashids struct with incompatible alphabet.

@spec encode(t(), non_neg_integer()) :: iodata()
@spec encode(t(), [non_neg_integer()]) :: iodata()

Encode the given number or a list of numbers.

Only non-negative integers are supported.

@spec new(alphabet: binary(), salt: binary(), min_len: non_neg_integer()) :: t()

Create a struct containing the configuration options for Hashids. It should be passed to encode/2 and decode/2.

Raises Hashids.Error if it encounters an invalid option.



  • :alphabet – a string of characters to be used in the resulting hash value. By default, characters from the Latin alphabet and digits are used.
  • :salt – a string that will be used to permute the hash value and make it decodable only by using the same salt that was provided during encoding. Default: empty string.
  • :min_len – the minimum length of the resulting hash. Default: 0.