View Source TwitchAPI.AuthStore (hello_twitch_api v0.5.1)

Storage for Twitch Auth.

The callback options

These can be useful for things like loading and saving the auth tokens to a more persisten store (or file) between app restarts or deploys.

The callback options accept either a module that implements the TwitchAPI.AuthCallbacks behaviour, a function, or a tuple in the standard format of {Module, :function, [args]} (MFA).

If you use an MFA the first two args passed to you function will still always be name and auth, and the rest will be the ones you pass in [args].

They default to TwitchAPI.AuthNoop unless you supply the :callback_module option, this will be used instead.

  • :on_load - Called after auth store init and before token is validated.
  • :on_put - Called when TwitchAPI.Auth.t/0 is added to auth store or token is refreshed.
  • :on_terminate - Called when the TwitchAPI.AuthStore terminates.



See the TwitchAPI.AuthStore module docs for an explanation.

The name argument is the name used to register the auth store in the Registry, and is useful for distinguishing between different auth stores if you have many.


Returns a specification to start this module under a supervisor.

Get the auth from the auth store.

Put the auth in the auth store.

Start the auth store.


@type auth_store_callback() ::
  {module(), function :: atom(), args :: [term()]}
  | (name(), TwitchAPI.Auth.t() -> TwitchAPI.Auth.t())
  | module()

See the TwitchAPI.AuthStore module docs for an explanation.

@type name() :: term()

The name argument is the name used to register the auth store in the Registry, and is useful for distinguishing between different auth stores if you have many.

@type option() ::
  {:auth, TwitchAPI.Auth.t() | nil}
  | {:name, name()}
  | {:callback_module, module() | nil}
  | {:on_load, auth_store_callback() | nil}
  | {:on_put, auth_store_callback() | nil}
  | {:on_terminate, auth_store_callback() | nil}
@opaque state()


Returns a specification to start this module under a supervisor.

See Supervisor.

@spec get(name() | pid()) :: TwitchAPI.Auth.t()

Get the auth from the auth store.

@spec put(name() | pid(), TwitchAPI.Auth.t()) :: :ok

Put the auth in the auth store.

@spec start_link([option()]) :: GenServer.on_start()

Start the auth store.