View Source HNSWLib.BFIndex (hnswlib v0.1.5)

Documentation for HNSWLib.BFIndex.



Add items to the index.

Delete vectors with the given labels from the index.

Get the current number of elements in the index.

Get the maximum number of elements the index can hold.

Get the current number of threads to use in the index.

Query the index with a single vector or a list of vectors.

Construct a new BFIndex

Save current index to disk.

Get the current number of threads to use in the index.


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add_items(self, data, opts \\ [])

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@spec add_items(
  %HNSWLib.BFIndex{dim: term(), reference: term(), space: term()},
    {:ids, Nx.Tensor.t() | [non_neg_integer()] | nil}
) :: :ok | {:error, String.t()}

Add items to the index.

Positional Parameters
  • data: Nx.Tensor.t().

    Data to add to the index.

Keyword Parameters
  • ids: Nx.Tensor.t() | [non_neg_integer()] | nil.

    IDs to assign to the data.

    If nil, IDs will be assigned sequentially starting from 0.

    Defaults to nil.

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delete_vector(self, label)

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Delete vectors with the given labels from the index.

@spec get_current_count(%HNSWLib.BFIndex{
  dim: term(),
  reference: term(),
  space: term()
}) ::
  {:ok, integer()} | {:error, String.t()}

Get the current number of elements in the index.

@spec get_max_elements(%HNSWLib.BFIndex{dim: term(), reference: term(), space: term()}) ::
  {:ok, integer()} | {:error, String.t()}

Get the maximum number of elements the index can hold.

@spec get_num_threads(%HNSWLib.BFIndex{dim: term(), reference: term(), space: term()}) ::
  {:ok, integer()} | {:error, String.t()}

Get the current number of threads to use in the index.

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knn_query(self, query, opts \\ [])

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@spec knn_query(
  %HNSWLib.BFIndex{dim: term(), reference: term(), space: term()},
  Nx.Tensor.t() | binary() | [binary()],
  [{:k, pos_integer()}]
) :: :ok | {:error, String.t()}

Query the index with a single vector or a list of vectors.

Positional Parameters
  • query: Nx.Tensor.t() | binary() | [binary()].

    A vector or a list of vectors to query.

    If query is a list of vectors, the vectors must be of the same dimension.

Keyword Paramters
  • k: pos_integer().

    Number of nearest neighbors to return.

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load_index(space, dim, path, opts \\ [])

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@spec load_index(:cosine | :ip | :l2, non_neg_integer(), Path.t(), [
  {:max_elements, non_neg_integer()}
]) ::
  {:ok, %HNSWLib.BFIndex{dim: term(), reference: term(), space: term()}}
  | {:error, String.t()}

Load index from disk.

Positional Parameters
  • space: :cosine | :ip | :l2.

    An atom that indicates the vector space. Valid values are

    • :cosine, cosine space
    • :ip, inner product space
    • :l2, L2 space
  • dim: non_neg_integer().

    Number of dimensions for each vector.

  • path: Path.t().

    Path to load the index from.

Keyword Parameters
  • max_elements: non_neg_integer().

    Maximum number of elements to load from the index.

    If set to 0, all elements will be loaded.

    Defaults to 0.

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new(space, dim, max_elements)

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@spec new(:cosine | :ip | :l2, non_neg_integer(), non_neg_integer()) ::
  {:ok, %HNSWLib.BFIndex{dim: term(), reference: term(), space: term()}}
  | {:error, String.t()}

Construct a new BFIndex

Positional Parameters
  • space: :cosine | :ip | :l2.

    An atom that indicates the vector space. Valid values are

    • :cosine, cosine space
    • :ip, inner product space
    • :l2, L2 space
  • dim: non_neg_integer().

    Number of dimensions for each vector.

  • max_elements: non_neg_integer().

    Number of maximum elements.

@spec save_index(
  %HNSWLib.BFIndex{dim: term(), reference: term(), space: term()},
) ::
  {:ok, integer()} | {:error, String.t()}

Save current index to disk.

Positional Parameters
  • path: Path.t().

    Path to save the index to.

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set_num_threads(self, num_threads)

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@spec set_num_threads(
  %HNSWLib.BFIndex{dim: term(), reference: term(), space: term()},
) ::
  {:ok, integer()} | {:error, String.t()}

Get the current number of threads to use in the index.