API Reference honeydew v1.5.0


A pluggable job queue + worker pool for Elixir.

The following arguments can be provided when selecting the Ecto Poll Queue module

Behaviour module for implementing a job failure mechanism in Honeydew.

Instructs Honeydew to abandon a job on failure.

Instructs Honeydew to retry a job a number of times on failure, waiting an exponentially growing number of seconds between retry attempts. You may specify the base of exponential delay with the :base argument, it defaults to 2.

Instructs Honeydew to move a job to another queue on failure.

Instructs Honeydew to retry a job a number of times on failure.

A Honeydew job.

An in-memory queue implementation.

A mnesia-based queue implementation.

Behaviour module for implementing a job success mode.

Instructs Honeydew to log the job when it succeeds.

A Honeydew Worker, how you specify your jobs.