Horde.DynamicSupervisor behaviour (Horde v0.8.6) View Source
A distributed supervisor.
Horde.DynamicSupervisor implements a distributed DynamicSupervisor backed by a add-wins last-write-wins δ-CRDT (provided by DeltaCrdt.AWLWWMap
). This CRDT is used for both tracking membership of the cluster and tracking supervised processes.
Using CRDTs guarantees that the distributed, shared state will eventually converge. It also means that Horde.DynamicSupervisor is eventually-consistent, and is optimized for availability and partition tolerance. This can result in temporary inconsistencies under certain conditions (when cluster membership is changing, for example).
Cluster membership is managed with Horde.Cluster
. Joining a cluster can be done with Horde.Cluster.set_members/2
. To take a node out of the cluster, call Horde.Cluster.set_members/2
without that node in the list. Alternatively, setting the members
startup option to :auto
will make Horde auto-manage cluster membership so that all (and only) visible nodes are members of the cluster.
Each Horde.DynamicSupervisor node wraps its own local instance of DynamicSupervisor
. Horde.DynamicSupervisor.start_child/2
(for example) delegates to the local instance of DynamicSupervisor to actually start and monitor the child. The child spec is also written into the processes CRDT, along with a reference to the node on which it is running. When there is an update to the processes CRDT, Horde makes a comparison and corrects any inconsistencies (for example, if a conflict has been resolved and there is a process that no longer should be running on its node, it will kill that process and remove it from the local supervisor). So while most functions map 1:1 to the equivalent DynamicSupervisor functions, the eventually consistent nature of Horde requires extra behaviour not present in DynamicSupervisor.
Divergence from standard DynamicSupervisor behaviour
While Horde wraps DynamicSupervisor, it does keep track of processes by the id
in the child specification. This is a divergence from the behaviour of DynamicSupervisor, which ignores ids altogether. Using DynamicSupervisor is useful for its shutdown behaviour (it shuts down all child processes simultaneously, unlike Supervisor
Graceful shutdown
When a node is stopped (either manually or by calling :init.stop
), Horde restarts the child processes of the stopped node on another node. The state of child processes is not preserved, they are simply restarted.
To implement graceful shutdown of worker processes, a few extra steps are necessary.
Trap exits. Running
in theinit/1
callback of anyworker
processes will convert exit signals to messages and allow runningterminate/2
callbacks. It is also important to include theshutdown
option in your child spec (the default is 5000ms).Use
to shut down your node. How you accomplish this is up to you, but by simply calling:init.stop()
somewhere, graceful shutdown will be triggered.
Module-based Supervisor
Horde supports module-based supervisors to enable dynamic runtime configuration.
defmodule MySupervisor do
use Horde.DynamicSupervisor
def start_link(init_arg, options \ []) do
Horde.DynamicSupervisor.start_link(__MODULE__, init_arg, options)
def init(init_arg) do
[strategy: :one_for_one, members: members()]
|> Keyword.merge(init_arg)
|> Horde.DynamicSupervisor.init()
defp members() do
Then you can use MySupervisor.child_spec/1
and MySupervisor.start_link/1
in the same way as you'd use Horde.DynamicSupervisor.child_spec/1
and Horde.DynamicSupervisor.start_link/1
Link to this section Summary
See start_link/2
for options.
Works like DynamicSupervisor.init/1
Works like DynamicSupervisor.start_link/1
. Extra options are documented here
Terminate a child process.
Waits for Horde.DynamicSupervisor to have quorum.
Link to this section Types
option() :: {:name, name :: atom()} | {:strategy, Supervisor.strategy()} | {:max_restarts, integer()} | {:max_seconds, integer()} | {:extra_arguments, [term()]} | {:distribution_strategy, Horde.DistributionStrategy.t()} | {:shutdown, integer()} | {:members, [Horde.Cluster.member()] | :auto} | {:delta_crdt_options, [DeltaCrdt.crdt_option()]} | {:process_redistribution, :active | :passive}
options() :: [option()]
Link to this section Callbacks
child_spec(options :: options()) :: Supervisor.child_spec()
Link to this section Functions
See start_link/2
for options.
Works like DynamicSupervisor.count_children/1
This function delegates to all supervisors in the cluster and returns the aggregated output.
Works like DynamicSupervisor.init/1
Works like DynamicSupervisor.start_child/2
Works like DynamicSupervisor.start_link/1
. Extra options are documented here:
, defaults toHorde.UniformDistribution
but can also be set toHorde.UniformQuorumDistribution
enforces a quorum and will shut down all processes on a node if it is split from the rest of the cluster.
Works like DynamicSupervisor.stop/3
terminate_child(Supervisor.supervisor(), child_pid :: pid()) :: :ok | {:error, :not_found} | {:error, {:node_dead_or_shutting_down, String.t()}}
Terminate a child process.
Works like DynamicSupervisor.terminate_child/2
wait_for_quorum(horde :: GenServer.server(), timeout :: timeout()) :: :ok
Waits for Horde.DynamicSupervisor to have quorum.
Works like DynamicSupervisor.which_children/1
This function delegates to all supervisors in the cluster and returns the aggregated output. Where memory warnings apply to DynamicSupervisor.which_children
, these count double for Horde.DynamicSupervisor.which_children