View Source Horizon.Ops.BSD.Utils (horizon v0.2.7)
Horizon.Ops is a tool for building and deploying Elixir applications to FreeBSD hosts.
Assigns the application and options to a keyword list.
Returns the options, with defaults inserted, for each release. If no releases are defined in the mix.exs file, a default release returned.
Returns a tuple with the full source path and the target file name. Files are referenced with an atom.
Validate that the assets.setup.freebsd
alias exists in the mix.exs file.
Assigns the application and options to a keyword list.
Returns the options, with defaults inserted, for each release. If no releases are defined in the mix.exs file, a default release returned.
This is the configured options for releases that you set for
each release in mix.exs
and can be inspected with Mix.Project.config()[:releases]
Not to be confused with the %Mix.Release{}
struct that is passed to each Step
The options here are stored in the Mix.Release.options
Returns a tuple with the full source path and the target file name. Files are referenced with an atom.
Note that files in the scripts
folder are expected to keep the same
name from source to target. These static scripts will only be copied
to the a bin/
folder one time.
iex> get_src_tgt(:stage, "foo")
{"/path_to_horizon/priv/templates/bin/", ""}
Validate that the assets.setup.freebsd
alias exists in the mix.exs file.