View Source Horizon.Project (horizon v0.2.7)

Project configuration for web based projects.

  • server_names - List of recognized host names that can be received by nginx.
  • certificate - The certificate to use for the project. Can be nil, :self, or :letsencrypt.
  • authenticator - The authenticator to use for the project. Can be nil or a string, e.g. "webroot".
  • cert_path - Overrides the path to the certificate file.
  • cert_key_path - Overrides the path to the certificate key file.
  • letsencrypt_domain - The domain to use for the letsencrypt certificate.
  • acme_challenge_path - The root path to the acme challenge directory.
  • http_only - If true, only the http clause will be defined.
  • servers - List of servers to proxy to.
  • static_index - The index file to use for the project when serving a static file from the nginx server.
  • static_index_root - The root path for the project. Only used with index. Defaults to /usr/local/<project_name>.

## Examples

  #iex> projects = [
      name: "my_app1",
      server_names: ["http-demo"],
      http_only: true,
      # certificate: :letsencrypt,
      # letsencrypt_domain: "my_app",
      servers: [
        # Verify PORT is same as in runtime.exs or
        %Horizon.Server{internal_ip: "", port: 4000},
        %Horizon.Server{internal_ip: "", port: 4000}
      name: "my_app2",
      server_names: ["https-demo"],
      certificate: :self,
      servers: [
        # Verify PORT is same as in runtime.exs or
        %Horizon.Server{internal_ip: "", port: 5000},
        %Horizon.Server{internal_ip: "", port: 5000}



Create a new project configuration.



@type cert() :: nil | :self | :letsencrypt


@type t() :: %Horizon.Project{
  acme_challenge_path: String.t() | nil,
  authenticator: String.t() | nil,
  cert_key_path: String.t() | nil,
  cert_path: String.t() | nil,
  certificate: cert(),
  http_only: boolean(),
  letsencrypt_domain: String.t() | nil,
  name: String.t(),
  server_names: [String.t()],
  servers: [Horizon.Server.t()],
  static_index: String.t() | nil,
  static_index_root: String.t() | nil


new(opts \\ [])

@spec new(list()) :: t()

Create a new project configuration.


iex> "my_project", server_names: ["", ""])
  name: "my_project",
  server_names: ["", ""],
  certificate: nil,
  acme_challenge_path: nil,
  http_only: false,
  servers: []