
helps for Gleams http response type


pub fn of_bit_string(content: BitString) -> Response(BitBuilder)

Returns a status 200 response with the body of BitString

pub fn of_empty() -> Response(String)

Returns a 200 response with empty body contents

pub fn of_interal_error(text: String) -> Response(a)

Returns an internal error (status 500) with string content for the body

pub fn of_json(json: Json) -> Response(BitBuilder)

Returns json with the status code 200

pub fn of_not_found(text: String) -> Response(a)

Returns a not found response (404) with response text

pub fn of_string(text: String) -> Response(BitBuilder)

Returns a 200 response with the body from the string type

pub fn with_accepted(response: Response(BitBuilder)) -> Response(

Sets the resonse status code to 202

pub fn with_content_type(response: Response(BitBuilder), content_type: String) -> Response(

Sets the content type of the response

pub fn with_created(response: Response(BitBuilder)) -> Response(

Sets the resonse status code to 201

pub fn with_header(response: Response(BitBuilder), key: String, value: String) -> Response(

Appends the response headers with a key and value

pub fn with_status(response: Response(a), status: Int) -> Response(

Overides the status code of the response